PDA المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

عرض كامل الموضوع : ....She's falling ( بقلميــ)

10-07-2011, 21:21
بســـم الله الرحمن الرحيـــــم

She's starting to fall
She's losing control
I swear , She'd lose it all
She can't show her feelings now
She's gonna fall oneday, somehow

This day comes so fast
And she's not gonna last
She's too weak to let her feelings be shown
She'd let herself to be drown

I'm watching her collapsing
everyday .. she dies
There's nothing but failure
HELP ME" she cries"
but she knows deep inside that noone would help her
nothing! but lies

She hopes to live a feeling , Yet to be felt
a dream , Yet to be dreamt
a future , Yet to be built

She's losing her mind
She just can't let go
She keeps on looking behind
She's moving so slow

Everything around her seems to be false
She wants to scream out loud
but she's surrounded by hard walls
Only one door can be found
but that door is out of reach

She can't find the salvation she's looking for
and noone can help her anymore
I just watch her through that door
collecting the pieces of her own heart
scattered on the floor

She just wants her heart to renew
She picks one piece up and lets go of two
There's too much blood in there
but her blood seems to be blue
She can't find herway
She can't solve the clue
She's now sure that her dreams're
never gonna come true

And i can't blame her
because that is the way i feel too

And that's plain that everyone can see
?you may wonder who am i
I'm everything she didn't want to be
Because her heart is mine
"And that girl "IS ME

.................................................. ......

عارفه انها طويلة بس اتمني تقرؤها و تعطوني رأيكم
في انتظاركم ...

حلويات مشكلة
11-07-2011, 03:50

ما اعرف انجليزي...

بس لو كتبتيها بالياباني اعرف:rolleyes:

أكيد خاطرة جميلة..

مادام انها طلعت من فتاة رقيقة..


11-07-2011, 14:20
حلويات مشكله
شكرا على مرورك حبيبتي و على كلامك الحلو زيك ::سعادة::
ولا يهمك راح اكتب ياباني بالكلمتيمن اللى اعرفهم ههههه:d
داسكي دايووو

ظلال الشآم
11-07-2011, 18:13
What a magnificent poetry !
is it really written by you ?

I really liked your words
You have a good future


I asked my self
does she mean her friend or what
I read the last part of your poem to relize that you meant your self::جيد::
Do you study English language ?
I mean in a university ?

I like writing in English but I prefer writing in Arabic

نصيـــــــحة لك أختي
استخدمي الإنجليزية الفصحى ولا تكتبي gonna وهذه الكلمات العامّية ...
ما تعجّبت منه أنّك تكتبين بقافية موزونة !
نتطلّع لكتاباتك باللغة العربية ...
لمن تقرئين ؟؟
أنا أقرأ لجين أوستين وأنت ؟؟

11-07-2011, 18:28
I don't read elongated subjects but u made me read this and to tell the truth it was outstanding poem

thank u :d

12-07-2011, 20:40
What a magnificent poetry !
is it really written by you ?

Thanksssss alot
yes i wrote it

I really liked your words
You have a good future

Thank you:)

I asked my self
does she mean her friend or what
I read the last part of your poem to relize that you meant your self::جيد::
Do you study English language ?
I mean in a university ?

Actually i only study English at school
next year i'm going to be a University student inshaa Allah:رامبو:

I like writing in English but I prefer writing in Arabic

I like writing in Arabic too

نصيـــــــحة لك أختي
استخدمي الإنجليزية الفصحى ولا تكتبي gonna وهذه الكلمات العامّية ...
ما تعجّبت منه أنّك تكتبين بقافية موزونة !
نتطلّع لكتاباتك باللغة العربية ...

kسأحاول العمل بنصيحتك اختي برغم ان الكلمات العاميه تساعد في اعطاء الوزن للقصيده احيانا لكنى سأحاول

انشاء الله بنزل قصيده بالعربيه قريبا
شكرا على نصيحتك اختي,,

لمن تقرئين ؟؟
أنا أقرأ لجين أوستين وأنت ؟؟

بصراحه انا لا أقرأ لأحد:rolleyes:
لكني احب قراءه القصص الانجليزيه عامه

شكرا على مرورك الطيب اختي أسعدتيني كثيرا

12-07-2011, 20:44
I don't read elongated subjects but u made me read this and to tell the truth it was outstanding poem

thank u :d

Thank you so much
it's my pleasure that you liked it:)