مشاهدة النتائج 1 الى 4 من 4
  1. #1

    غضب مشكلة بسيطة تعكر صفو windows XP SP3

    ii make setup for windowsXP SP3 and i found it amazing
    the proplem is nothing in arabic worked on it ,,,and when i try to add the arabic language from controlpanel
    amessage appears that says like ..... u cant change the language !please call your administrator
    can any body help my windows SP3 ? please...

  2. ...

  3. #2
    Hi bro,,

    you have to be the administrator of that PC, maybe you're limited user. so check that.

    right-click on My Computer then choose "manage" after that go to "local users and groups"
    and check your user name is added to the administrator group or not. if not that's the problem
    you have to be admin.

    other wise you have to use the setup CD to add Arabic language, and by the way some of SP3
    comes along with extra progs that don't allow multi-lang. so check that out. 'cause I don't remember
    which program excalty that stops multi-lang option.


  4. #3
    إقتباس الرسالة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Kill'em All مشاهدة المشاركة
    Hi bro,,

    you have to be the administrator of that PC, maybe you're limited user. so check that.

    right-click on My Computer then choose "manage" after that go to "local users and groups"
    and check your user name is added to the administrator group or not. if not that's the problem
    you have to be admin.

    my user is an administrator i had already checked ..so it may be the seconds solution .,but how i could know which program that doesn't allow me to add multi-lang thats the really problem
    finally great regards for u "kill'em all...

  5. #4

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