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المواضيع: رمضان الخير..

  1. #1

    رمضان الخير..

    اسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    بمــناسبة قرب رمضان

    احب اقدم لكم، تصميمي

    انشـاء لله يعجبكم


    في انتظر الانتقادات

  2. ...

  3. #2
    و عليكم السلام و الرحمة
    التصميمـ رائع أخي لأنه يتكلم عن أحد الأشهر الفضيلة
    شهرُ رمضانَ المباركـ ..
    ^^ و حقيقةً لا أجد أي
    انتقاد لأنه جميل كفايةً
    دمـت في حفظ الرحمن

  4. #3

    نقاش World of Warcraft Mining Guide

    Mining is one of the most useful World of Warcraft skills because ores and the jewels mining uncovers are used for so many crafting professions and therefore sell very well on the Auction House. Here are some WoW mining tips and tricks to find rare nodes, learn rare smelting skills, and make wow gold as you level your mining skill. One of the worst parts about leveling mining is when you are getting out of the Tin phase before the Iron phase. It's hard to find a large quantity of Tin, and it becomes tedious farming it. The easiest way to level up to 125 is to go to the Wetlands and find Thelgan Rock; it's near the entrance to Dun Algaz, the location is 53,64. The cave there is full of spiders and Incendicite Ore that's used for a quest, but only Alliance. Unfortunately, the ore itself is worthless and only used to complete the quest but you can mine it from skill 65 until about 125. The nodes respawn quickly and you can level up your mining in less than an hour if you're the only one in the cave. You can also sell the Incendicite Ore on the Auction House to make a little extra world of warcraft gold in the process - get the quest from Pilot Longbeard in The Military Ward in Ironforge.

  5. #4
    مآ شآء الله شكله حلـو ...

    بس كلمة مكسآت ... جآية خطأ ..

    لو كآنت في الزآويــة اليمنى و بلون آخـر ، أظنهآ ستصبح أجمل ،,,....!!

    شكرآ .... على الرغم من ذلك فهي رآئعة ..

  6. #5
    شكرا لك اخي على التصميم ومبروك عليك قدوم شهر رمضان
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