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  1. #1

    Thumbs up a conquestador's tale .. بلييييز اقروها و قولولي رأيكم بصراحة

    هذي أول قصة أكتبها و أبي رايكم بصراحة ( مع شوية مجاملة طبعا )


    I can still remember when my foot hit the shore of the new land for the first time. Haunted, I was with the thoughts of my time, the lust for gold and glory. I chased away the memories of my lonely childhood, and craved for a better future. I arrived there as a highly rated soldier and our mission was to protect the cities that were under the Spanish influence from the aggression of the natives.
    As I walked through the port, I saw one of these natives. He was a strange creature that seemed to have just arrived from the dark ages. I could not relieve my self from the thought that I was fiercely followed by his alarming eyes. So demonic and evil this creature seemed, that I strongly believed in our cause at that time. I walked with my life-long friend Oriana and the rest of our troops to the city assigned to us. There, we were met by a man named Marco – a young joyful man - who told us about the nature of our task. “This was the centre of one of the last kings of these lands, King Marchyana” said Marco “he and many of his supporters fled to the nearby high lands when we arrived. Our scouts spotted them around some of the minor surrounding cities. It appears that he is trying to strike a treaty with them which – at any case – will not prove to be so difficult, therefore we are expecting an assault on our camp at any moment and that’s why we need support urgently. A rotation watching system was created in order to keep us prepared at all time” Marco paused for instance and kept observing, smiled in a boyish way, and then continued “so, who will volunteer for the first watch? I understand that you have just arrived, but our soldiers are weary and they ought to get a rest if we are to have any hope in victory”
    No one moved! We did not even dare to make a sound worrying it would be interpreted the wrong way.
    “I won’t lie to you, it would be a very dangerous task to take” said Marco smiling in the same manner as before.
    From the corner of my eye, I saw that alarming glow in Oriana’s eyes at the mention of danger “of course we will take the first watch, right Victor?”
    “Yes” I murmur displeased “of course”
    Marco turned sharply toward me. I tried to appear pleased and honored by the ‘privilege’ of the task but my face failed me, I was not at an ease at all. Alarmed by the native I saw at the port, I wanted to avoid any possible encounters with them, at least for the present time.
    “Well, I surly hope you prove to be useful for both your comrades and your queen” said Marco in a surprisingly cold and formal manner before walking away to meet another group that arrived to the camp.
    The city was full with soldiers. Tired and weary they seemed, but the morals were very high. Further to the south, the Spaniards were able to win a crucial battle and gain control over the Mayans and the Aztecs and returned with an enormous amount of gold and silver.
    Since the southern front was now secure and the eastern was already under Spanish control, we only had two fronts to cover, the northern front where some rebel tribes exist, and the eastern front - the most dangerous front - were the jungles stretch throughout the horizon and allying cities were gaining support from the furthest kingdoms.
    We teamed up with two other soldiers. They seemed to be a bizarre contrast in shape and size. The first soldier was Alfonso, a huge and vicious looking bull-like man. The other one was a short, sharp and dark eyed creepy creature that went by the name Julio Amadera. Even though he was no match for his friend considering his physical shape, but he surly seemed more dangerous. They took the eastern front, while Oriana and I took the northern front.
    It was a cold and harsh night. Our clothes were soaked with water. The wild cries echoed in the jungles around us. It seemed that the seconds were hours in these remote land. Whenever I tried to break the silence of the jungle by talking to Oriana, he would furiously hush me saying that I should concentrate on my mission instead.
    Suddenly a sharp sound broke the silence of the jungle. At first, I thought it was a cry from a wild beast. But for Oriana’s experienced ear, it was something else. He told me to run for the camp and tell them that an assault has occurred on the borders, while he tries to delay the attack. I memorized what he said literally and ran toward the camp. My heart raced and my breaths quickened. The way to the camp seemed endless. When I finally arrived to the sleepy camp, I shouted as loud as I could “assault ... assault”. In an instance, the soldiers started rushing throughout the camp. Emotions were mixed between fear and anger, hatred and anxiousness. Hundreds of cries broke the night’s calmness, hundreds of feet rushed their way to the jungle. The ground was shaking. I stopped for an instance catching my breath. Only then I came to realize what happened. The sound was a native’s cry. The battle has started. In the south the Aztecs were diseased and divided therefore easy to defeat. But those tribes were not the Aztec. We did not know what we were facing. I stood as I was struck by lightning when I remembered Oriana. I rushed back to the borders. The scene seemed like an epic battle from Greek mythologies. Sparks were flying at the clash of weapons and swords and bodies were pouring on the ground. Our more advanced weapons gave us a big advantage, but we still had to swim through rivers of vicious fighters. I jumped in the stream and fought as I could while examining the faces looking for my friend.
    When the dust of the battle finally rested, we were able to evaluate our victory. We captured 200 natives, the rest were either slain or badly wounded. 32 of our soldiers were killed – including Alfonso-. Luckily, Oriana was not among them. He proved him a fierce and brutal warrior. The morning came and the camp returned to working in the usual pace, except for the general mourning state. We planned to teach the natives to be translators.

  2. ...

  3. #2
    حبيبتي مشكوره

    بس ممكن عربي لاني انا زين اني اعرف اقرا عربي عشان اقرا انجليزي

    وش السالفه اليوم كل الدنيا قالبه انجليزي

    على العمووم اي شي تكتبينه يطلع حلووووووووووو

  4. #3

  5. #4
    والله اذا كنت انتي فعلا كاتبه الي قريته فاحب اهنيك على الاتقان التام للغه و الاكثر على جو التشويق الي نقلتيه!


    شكلها سلسة وش صار بعد كذا؟

  6. #5

    ماشاء الله عليج وصفج رهيب بالقصه وتعجبني هالنوع من القصص ^^

    وانا بانتظار قصه أخرى منكِ أخيتي

  7. #6

  8. #7
    قصــــــــــه رائـــــعه ومشوقه .. لأنك جندي ! خهخهخهه

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