مشاهدة النتائج 1 الى 7 من 7
  1. #1

    إلى كل من يعتبر نفسه خبير في مجال الكمبيوتر

    إلى كل من يعتبر نفسه خبير في مجال الكمبيوتر
    أقدم هذا الاستبيان وأرجو الإجابة علية بأسرع ما يمكن
    وذلك لرسم إحصائية عن مستخدمي الكمبيوتر
    الأسئلة سهلة وواضحة
    ويستطيع أي شخص مبتدئ في إستخدام الكمبيوتر الاجابة عليها
    فأرجو المشاركة


    1-What is the best way to avoid being attacked?
    a. Not putting the important things like the credit card number in the computer.
    b. Using security programs to protect your computer
    c. Always, change the password regularly.
    d. Do not boast about your protection for your computer because they’re always someone who will consider this as a challenge for him.

    2- What is the worst thing the hacker will do to the computer?
    a. Steal information and the credit cards number.
    b. Delete files
    c. Destroy the working system.
    d. Joke with the person who has the attacked computer.

    3. What is the most common way to be attacked by a virus?
    a. Not having programs protect from virus.
    b. Not checking the disk and CD before opening them.
    c. Download programs without being sure about them.
    d. Not having a copy of the important information.

    4. What is the most common thought that people have about hacker?
    a. He is a sick person.
    b. He is a dangerous person.
    c. He is a person who enjoys making programs more than working it and he loves to learn more about it.
    d. He is a person who has a good experience in programming language.

    5. What is the most common kind of hacker?
    a. a. Expert b. Beginner c. Amateur
    d. Teacher
    6. What is the main purpose for hacking?
    a. To revenge b. Challenge c. for fun
    d. To get information.
    اخر تعديل كان بواسطة » شذى الروح في يوم » 13-05-2004 عند الساعة » 11:30

  2. ...

  3. #2
    وااااااو احم احم
    انجليزي طب انا ثقافتي مو ذاك الزود بالأنجلش بس بحاول ارد على بعض الاجوبة, اوكي ؟

    1- b
    2- a
    3- c
    4- c
    5- a تشيير D:
    6- c

    انشالله نتيجتي اتكون منيحه

  4. #3
    b. Using security programs to protect your computer

    c. Destroy the working system

    c. Download programs without being sure about them

    (or all of them)

    c. He is a person who enjoys making programs more than working it and he loves to learn more about it

    a. Expert

    c. for fun



    على الاسأله


    Hasta La Vista


  5. #4
    1-What is the best way to avoid being attacked?
    d. Do not boast about your protection for your computer because they’re always someone who will consider this as a challenge for him

    2- What is the worst thing the hacker will do to the computer?
    b. Delete files

    3. What is the most common way to be attacked by a virus?
    c. Download programs without being sure about them.

    5. What is the most common kind of hacker?
    c. Amateur

    6. What is the main purpose for hacking?
    d. To get information

  6. #5
    b. Using security programs to protect your computer

    c. Destroy the working system

    c. Download programs without being sure about them

    (or all of them)

    c. He is a person who enjoys making programs more than working it and he loves to learn more about it

    a. Expert

    c. for fun



    على الاسأله


    Hasta La Vista
    يـشـهـد الـدمـع بـأنـي غـارقٌ فـي بـحر حـزنـي

    I'm walking away from the troubles in my life
    I'm walking away to find a better day
    Sometimes people get me wrong when it's something I've said or done
    Sometimes you feel there is no fun that's why you turn and run
    اهم مواضيعي:
    اختارو معاي توقيعي
    اطلبوا كلمات اغاني

  7. #6

  8. #7

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