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  1. #1

    مقال او خبر اقتباس من كلام أبطال Gundam Wing

    Heero Yuy
    "I will thank him, but in my own way. I'll kill Zechs, that's how I'll show my gratitude."
    "Peace is nothing but a result of war."
    "Do as you want, it's your country."
    "When nothing makes sense, I'll fight believing only in myself."
    "Do you think you've built a god or something?"

    Duo Maxwell
    "He runs, he hides, but he never lies - Duo Maxwell"
    "I warn you, don't make me seriously mad, if you want to live long."
    "The God of Death is back from hell!!!"
    "Just watch me, I'll become the God of Death once again. But right now… I need some sleep…"
    "Yeah, go right ahead and shoot me."
    "Hey, I wonder what real peace is…"
    "Well, I guess a dark future suits the God of Death, but…"
    "I don't mind being the God of Death forever
    Trowa Barton
    "Those who have laid eyes on a Gundam shall not live to tell about it. Those are the orders I was given."
    "The five of us have become nothing more than redundant soldiers, Quatre. So now, let's accept it. Turn back into the nice guy I once knew."
    "If you were me, and a girl cried for you, you would still kill yourself. I admire your strength."
    "One should never give up until the end, that's what Heavyarms taught me."

    Quatre Winner
    "I won't forget! And I won't let you forget what happened today!"
    "That's funny, I'm crying. And I'm not sad at all."
    Trowa, I'm going to use this Gundam to destroy the whole crazy universe!"
    "An apology isn't enough, but, I'm really sorry."
    "I can hear you, Trowa. Don't come any closer, Trowa."
    "What did I just say?! DON'T GET ANY CLOSER TO ME!!"
    "War brings sorrow… But we must fight to protect our loved ones from that sorrow."

    Chang Wufie
    "All the evil that chooses to fight in outer space is my enemy!"
    I lost to someone stronger than me."
    "I don't kill weaklings and women."

    Zechs Merquise
    "Space... it calls out to humans, but the Earth pulls us back down, saying that what we are doing is wrong."
    "That's right, I was. But I find that I cannot quietly sleep in my grave, while Treize's spirit is still roaming among us."

    Treize Kushrenada
    "Humans need a higher system than God."
    "Maybe I do. As long as the warrior has a genuine will to fight, the Epyon will eliminate all distractions. There's nothing more noble and beautiful than a warrior with no distractions. One could say he's the closest thing to God."

    What Do You Think
    Pretty Cool Huh

  2. ...

  3. #2

    رد : اقتباس من كلام أبطال Gundam Wing

    thank you rinoa
    يشرفني زيارتكم لمدونتي ^_____^

  4. #3

    رد : اقتباس من كلام أبطال Gundam Wing

    حكم والله حكم gooood


  5. #4

    رد : اقتباس من كلام أبطال Gundam Wing

    والله ما فهمت smile

    وشكرا Rinoa

  6. #5

  7. #6

    رد : اقتباس من كلام أبطال Gundam Wing

    ترجيملي لو سمحتي وشكرا
    لاني ما اعرف Engilshإلا nervous شوي

  8. #7

    رد : اقتباس من كلام أبطال Gundam Wing

    شكرا عزيزتي على الموضوع ^_^

    انا نزلت مره كم جمله منهم بأصواتهم smile


  9. #8

    رد : اقتباس من كلام أبطال Gundam Wing

    مشكورييين على الردود
    وهذي ترجمة بعضها لعيون الليلة المظلمة
    هيرو يوي
    سوف أشكره بطريقتي الخاصة ....سأقتل زيكس وهكذا سأثبت جدارتي
    ديو ماكسويل
    هو يهرب ويختفي لكنه لايكذب أبدا-ديو ماكسويل
    تروا بارتون
    يجب ان لا يستسلم الواحد حتى النهاية هذا ما علمتني اياه اليد الثقيله(هيفي آرم)
    وفيي شانج
    كل هذا الشر الذي يقاتل في الفضاء هو خصمي
    كواتر وينر
    هذا مضحك...أنا أبكي ولكني لست حزينا على الاطلاق
    وشكرا مره ثانية

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