مشاهدة النتائج 1 الى 10 من 10
  1. #1

    °~*¤§( The Empty City : A Promise )§¤*~°


    To them, cruel end

    .. And to us, it's just beginning



    .. It was making a castle, sand castle

    It was happy, was smiling

    From the shade I was looking

    .. And I knew

    It is the last life, the last rise for the sun

    .. I heard the song

    Shinigami is close

    .. But I want it

    It makes me happy

    Just being with it is enough

    It gives me what I love

    So .. I love it

    .. &

    Until shinigami come after me

    I'll go to the ocean

    A step, out of the shade


  2. ...

  3. #2


    Can you play with me .." it said"

    .. Staring

    The wish to go behind the innocent eyes

    Without answer I walked

    Carefully .. I went closer

    .. The sand castle didn't crumble yet

    Though The castle wasn't complete

    I sat near it, next to the castle

    & started to build

    ".. Umm"

    Words, I was close to forget them

    Yes ?" with a smile, it said"

    Will you let that castle crumble ?" I whispered"

    No, I'm it, as you are" with a warmer smile"

    ".. Can I leave important things inside the castle"

    I tried to smile, but that was hard

    I shall protect them .. to protect her

    "Sure, you can"

    Dust to dust .. I thought

    though .. Back there, I put them

    Precious memories

  4. #3


    I .. saw a dream" I said"

    .. A dream of the sky

    I saw a dream, becouse dreaming is such a sweet time

    Much more sweet than being in reality

    .. But becouse people hearts are small

    They can't remember all dreams in their lifes

    So .. the sun keeps their dreams & memories

    The sun is soooo biiiig, able to hold alot

    So the sun keeps their memories in a place full by light & hope

    .. Memories stay happy there

    When they dream, they take those memories again

    becouse they are happy .. they smile &

    Even more, they make new memories while they're dreaming

    keep all old & new memories inside the heart of the sun &

    That's why dreaming is sweet

    But .. someday I have to wake up

    I have to wake up from the happy dream

    A dream that I thought it will not ever end

    Dreams are as the stars, the reality sun makes them fade away

    The reality isn't that bad

    It makes us remember all those sweet memories

    All we made while we were dreaming

    So that a dream that never end is a shade that never fade

    But such a shade cannot exist

    Thats why we have to wake up after each dream

    We can dream again & again

    I .. saw a dream" I said"

    ".. A dream of a home"

  5. #4

    .. It smiled

    .. To the end of the ocean, it looked

    ".. said "There &

    There my dream lives, in the other side of the ocean

    A place of a sun shines hope

    A rainbow float over the land

    A place where no one lives

    No humans & no angels

    This's a place just for two, waiting for two

    Me .. & my wings

    becouse I didn't find them yet, I can't go there &

    Now, my wings out there somewhere

    They can't go there too, so my dream still empty

    Lonely there where no one exist

    So .. for me & my dream I shall do this

    I shall search for my wings

    ".. But"

    .. Back there, it moved its eyes & looked at me

    I have a dream too .." it whispered"

    .. In which the waves dye the land gold

    .. the blessed breath nurtures life &

    A Land Of Wheat, where my dream lives

    I have a dream as you

    ".. Are you my wings"

  6. #5

    .. We have a dream

    A dream of a home

    A place where I can return to eveyday with a smile

    So big dream that even the sun can't hold it all

    But a heart of an angel can

    .. Becouse it's a heart of an angel

    Where angels keep many humans pain & hope

    That's why angels always smile, to keep those safe

    Angels can cry & pain, but even that angels still smile

    So, they just need a smile .. just one smile

    Just .. as slaves

    And .. angels are happy to be slaves

    .. Angels make humans happy

    Many humans smile becouse angels were around

    Even though they don't care, people don't care

    .. But angels aren't weak

    If angels are weak, angels will not try & try & keep on trying

    Even if angels are paining angels keep on trying

    Angels have to be happy, angels must smile

    becouse how angels think isn't how humans think, that's fine &

    Since the beginning, angels are able to fly

    Angels can watch the whole world from the sky

    Angels can see humans smiling, paining, waiting

    That's why angels care for their wings so much

    Becouse there isn't any use for wings that cannot fly

    Knowning that, I'm happy for being an angel

  7. #6


    .. What's beyond the ocean, what's beneath the sky

    If we do this now, we can find out what lies beyond there

    .. Even though, shall we

    Once before, I lost something important to me

    I lost something before I can know what lies beyond

    .. while I have many, many memories with that &

    None of them is about what lies beyond

    We never went there, we never did

    Now I can go, though I'm afraid

    I still have a dream, that one which consumes me

    I love that dream, but I'm afraid of losing it

    The ocean is so wide & big just as the sun

    But the ocean isn't for hope & memories

    .. The ocean is for fallens

    ".. I can't fall now, I cant fall &"

    A tear mingled with my word

    It put my hand on its heart

    It put its hand on my heart

    .. It said

    Together we will fly away

    Together we will achieve a dream of a land & a home

    .. So we are

    Always Together

  8. #7

    It was mid day

    .. The summer that started once before with too much pain

    Is about to end now with smiles & warm hands

    as we were looking to the sky &

    It whispered .. fly

    Fly away as high as you can go

    Fly away as far as you can reach

    .. We have to go

    Since we have wings

    .. The sky is a forever unreachable place for them

    For who have no wings

    .. So we must fly

    For them, since they don't have wings

    People's dreams & whishes, return them all to this sky

    "That way, they'll be able to live peacefully"

    .. It gives me butterflies

    The sweetest feeling I've ever known

    .. Becouse it can bring me higher better than most

    The wings started to flap, flying to the sky

    .. before I knew it &

    I was looking at the sky

    Which had always been filled with a sad color

    The endless blue that continues forever

    .. The girl who returned to that infinity

    The girl who is still all alone

    .. So I'll go on a voyage

    To continue searching for her

    And .. someday I'll bring her back

    To welcome a new beginning

  9. #8

  10. #9
    لي عودة بإذن الله ...
    رسالة الى ابي الراحل

    لان طالت بنا الغربة وحاالت دون لقيانا ..

    وعاد الطير للغصن ..يغني النصر جلانا ..

    اعود اليك في زمن شغف ابث القبر تحنانا ..

    انثر فوق مثواك دموع الشوق ريحانا ..

    ياحلمي الموعود قد عدت فلاترحل

    ولاتجرح بحد الوجد وجداني ..وجداني

  11. #10

    عباراتٌ من مذكراتي..

    أحلامُ تليها أحلامْ ..

    أمنيات شبة متحققة..

    آمالُ تملؤها ..

    قلوبٌ مضيئة ..

    حوت بداخلها أجمل الذكريات



    هذه بداية

    لِـ فصلٍ جديد..

    "The Empty City"

    لم تعد فارغةً بعد الآن

    فارغةُ من الأشخاص ..


    مليئةُ بـ الذكريات


    الرواية لم تنتهي..


    كانت أحداث قلبها..

    أما هذه فـ هي أحداث روحين ممزوجين..

    روح الكاتب و It


    A Castle

    قلعةٌ رملية..

    مليئة بـ الذكريات..

    بـ ذكريات أجنحتي..

    حلمي الذي لم يتحقق بعد..

    حلمي بـ منزل في الريف..

    السنابل الذهبية تحيط به

    والغيوم تهديه ظلالاً جميلة..

    ظلالاً شبيهةً بـ حقيقة حلمي..


    أين أنتِ ؟

    يوماً ما..

    سـ أشير لـ مكان..

    حيث تكونين

    سـ أجدكِ ..

    يوماً ما..


    يبقى السؤال منتظراً لإجابةِ عنه..

    "أتوجد نهاية للرواية.. ؟"

بيانات عن الموضوع

الأعضاء الذين يشاهدون هذا الموضوع

عدد زوار الموضوع الآن 1 . (0 عضو و 1 ضيف)


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