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المواضيع: After War Gundam X>>>>>

  1. #1

    After War Gundam X>>>>>

    اليوم جزء جديد ل جندام قديم شوي....
    [GLOW]After War Gundam X[/GLOW]
    علومات اساسية:
    الأسم:الياباني:Kidou Shin Seiki Gundam X
    السنة:April 1996
    المخرج:Shinji Takamatsu
    سيناريو:Hiroyuki Kawasaki
    الدرجة:3.5---من 5.
    ملاحظة:عدد الحلقات 49 لكن عند انتهاء الحلقة 39 الغي المسلسل و السبب مجهول..دورت كل المواقع كلهم حاطين 39 حلقة؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟و بعض المواقع المسلسل فشل فشلة رهيبة؟؟؟؟
    Mobile Suit 5
    Characters 4
    Story 2
    Effect 3
    عندما أعلنتْ مستعمرةَ فضاءِ إستقلالِهامِنْ إتحادِ الأرضَ، حرب الفضاءِ السابعةِ المُدَمّرةِ، حرب شاملة بين الأرضِ والفضاءِ حصلت بينهم،قامَ الإتحادُ على جيشِ الفضاءَ الثوريَ بمقاتلات سميت Gundams. على أية حال، قوات الفضاءَ الثوريةَ لَعبتْ ورقتهم الرابحة وأسقطتْ مِئاتَ مستعمراتِ الفضاءِ في الأرضِ، يَدْفعُ الكوكب إلى شتاء نووي طول السنة السبعة. منظمة الإتحاد إنهارَ، لكن جيشَ الفضاءَ الثوريَ كَانَ غير قادر على غَزْو الأرضِ إثر هبوط المستعمرةَ. خمس عشْرة سنة عَبرتْ. إنّ السَنَةَ الآن بعد الحربِ 0015، وa إتحاد جديد طَلعَ على الأرضِ لإعادة النظامِ. في الفضاءِ، الزعماء الإستعماريون يُعيدونَ بناء قواتَهم الخاصةَ أيضاً. بِالصُّدفَة، Garrod بعمر خمسة عشرَ سنةً رَكضَ إكتشفَ بدلةَ إتحاداً قديماً النقَّالةَ، Gundam X، والآن يَستعملُه لمُسَاعَدَة سفينةِ العقابَ Freeden في كفاحِه لمَنْع السلطات المفترضة مِنْ تكرار أخطاءِ الماضي.
    Garrod Ran:
    Pilot of: Gundam X/Gundam X Divider/Double X
    Tifa Adiel
    Jammil Neate
    Pilot Of:Freeden,Gundam X,GX Divider
    Witz Sou
    Pilot of Gundam Airmaster/Gundam Airmaster Burst
    Robie Roy
    Pilot of Gundam Leopard/Gundam Leopard Destroy
    Shagia Frost
    Pilot of Gundam Virsago
    Olba Frost
    -Pilot of Gundam Ashtaron
    Ennei El
    Pilot of Mobile Suit
    Name: Gundam X
    Mode Number: GX9900
    Pilot: Garoad
    Height: 17.1m
    Weight: 7.5 ton
    Material: Luna Titanium Alloy
    Satellite Cannon (1)
    Shield Buster Rifle (1)
    Large Beam Sword (1)
    Brest Vulcan (4)
    Shoulder Vulcan (1)
    Name: Gundam X Divider
    Mode Number: GX9900-DV
    Pilot: Garoad
    Height: 17.1m
    Weight: 7.7 ton
    Material: Luna Titanium Alloy
    Divider (1)
    Beam Machine Gun (1)
    Large Beam Sword (2)
    Brest Vulcan (4)
    X-Grenader (2)
    Name: Gundam Double X
    Mode Number: GX9901
    Pilot: Garoad
    Height: 17.0m
    Weight: 7.8 ton
    Material: Luna Titanium Alloy
    Twin Satellite Cannon (1)
    Buster Rifle (1)
    Hyper Beam Sword (2)
    Brest Launchers (2)
    Head Vulcan (2)
    Defense Plate (1)
    Name: Gundam Leopard
    Mode Number: GT9600
    Pilot: Roabie Roy
    Height: 16.8 m
    Weight: 8.5 ton
    Material: Luna Titanium Alloy
    Inner arm Gatling (1),
    Breast Gatling (2),
    Hornet missile (2),
    Shoulder missile (11)
    Head vulcan (2)
    Head cannon (2)
    Grenade launcher (6)
    Beam knife (1).
    Name: Gundam Leopard Destroy
    Mode Number: GT-9600-D
    Pilot: Roabie Roy
    Height: 16.8 m
    Weight: 8.6 ton
    Material: Luna Titanium Alloy
    Twin Beam Cylinder (2)
    Wrist Beam Cannon (5)
    Breast Gatling (2)
    Hornet Missile (2)
    11-tube missile pod (1)
    Head beam cannon (2)
    Beam cannon (2)
    Beam knife (1)
    Shoulder launcher (1).
    Name: Gundam Airmaster
    Mode Number: GW-9800
    Pilot: Witts Sue
    Height: 17.2 m
    Weight: 6.9 ton
    Material: Luna Titanium Alloy
    buster rifle (2)
    Nose Vulcan (2)
    Head Vulcan (2).
    Name: Gundam Airmaster Burst
    Mode Number: GW-9800-B
    Pilot: Witts Sue
    Height: 17.3 m
    Weight: 7.2 ton
    Material: Luna Titanium Alloy
    Buster Rifle (2)
    Nose beam cannon (2)
    Booster beam cannon (4)
    Head Vulcan (2).
    Class: Alps
    Name: Freeden
    Ships of the line: Freeden, Mirage
    Unit type: land battleship
    Manufacturer: Vulture
    Operator: Vulture
    First deployment: unknown
    Dimensions: overall length 132 meters; overall height 47 meters; overall width 78 meters
    Weight: 6380 metric tons
    Propulsion: 79000 hp engine: maximum speed rated at 160 km/h
    Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; 2 x cargo loading cranes
    Fixed armaments: twin barrel cannon, mounted on port side of main hull Complement: 45 crew
    Mobile suits: 6
    1:Gundam Virsago:
    Model number: NRX-0013
    Code name: Gundam Virsago
    Unit type: mobile suit
    Manufacturer: New United Nations Earth
    Operator(s): New United Nations Earth
    First deployment: unknown
    Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
    Dimensions: head height 17.8 meters
    Weight: empty 8.1 metric metric tons; max gross weight unknown
    Construction: unknown
    Powerplant: ultracompact fusion reactor, power output rating unknown
    Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown
    Fixed armaments: megasonic gun, mounted in torso; beam saber, stored in recharge rack, hand-carried in use; 2 x strike claw, mounted on arms; 2 x claw beam cannon, mounted in forearms; 2 x vulcan gun, fire-linked, mounted in head
    Optional hand armaments: 2 x 2-barrel beam gun
    Gundam Virsago Chest Break.
    Model number: NRX-0013-CB
    Code name: Gundam Virsago Chest Break
    Unit type: mobile suit
    Manufacturer: New United Nations Earth
    Operator: New United Nations Earth
    First deployment: September A.W. 0015
    Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
    Dimensions: head height 17.8 meters
    Weight: empty 8.3 metric tons; max gross weight unknown
    Construction: unknown
    Powerplant: ultracompact fusion reactor, power output rating unknown
    Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown
    Fixed armaments: 3-barrel megasonic gun, mounted in torso; beam saber, stored in recharge rack, hand-carried in use; 2 x strike claw, mounted on arms; 2 x claw beam cannon, mounted in forearms; 2 x vulcan gun, fire-linked, mounted in head
    Gundam Ashtaron
    Model number: NRX-0015
    Code name: Gundam Ashtaron
    Unit type: transformable mobile suit
    Manufacturer: New United Nations Earth
    Operator: New United Nations Earth
    First deployment: unknown
    Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
    Dimensions: head height 19.5 meters
    Weight: empty 10.2 metric metric tons; max gross weight unknown
    Construction: unknown
    Powerplant: ultracompact fusion reactor, power output rating unknown
    Equipment and design features: optional extended range flight booster for mobile armor mode; sensors, range unknown
    Fixed armaments: 2 x atomic scissors claw, mounted on arms, operable in all modes; 2 x scissors beam cannon, mounted in arms, operable in all modes; beam saber, stored in recharge rack, hand-carried in use in mobile suit mode only; 4 x nose beam cannon, fire-linked, mounted in backpack/mobile armor main body, operable in mobile armor only; 2 x machine cannon
    Optional hand armaments: beam crossbow
    5:Gundam Ashtaron Hermit Crab
    Model number: NRX-0015-HC
    Code name: Gundam Ashtaron Hermit Crab
    Unit type: transformable mobile suit
    Manufacturer: New United Nations Earth
    Operator: New United Nations Earth
    First deployment: September A.W. 0015
    Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
    Dimensions: head height 19.5 meters
    Weight: empty 12.0 metric metric tons; max gross weight unknown
    Construction: unknown
    Powerplant: ultracompact fusion reactor, power output rating unknown
    Equipment and design features: optional extended range flight booster for mobile armor mode; sensors, range unknown
    Fixed armaments: 2 x gigantic scissors claw, mounted on arms, operable in all modes; 2 x scissors beam cannon, mounted in arms, operable in all modes; beam saber, stored in recharge rack, hand-carried in use in mobile suit mode only; 4 x nose beam cannon, fire-linked, mounted in backpack/mobile armor main body, operable in mobile armor only; 2 x machine cannon
    Optional armament: beam crossbow; satellite cannon, mounted on back in mobile armor mode, must be used in conjunction with NRX-0013-CB Gundam Virsago Chest Break
    Gundam X Songs:
    أغاني Gundam X:
    Good Bye.....
    I Hope You're Happy....

  2. ...

  3. #2
    شكرا Kaiser
    على الموضوع الرائع وانا من اكبر معجبي الكاندام وعلى فكرة انا سمعت ان سبيس تون بتجيب هذا الجزء ........
    وشكرا مرة اخرى على الموضوع

    POKI LISA !!!!

  4. #3

  5. #4
    شكرا على المرور..
    و سعيد لأنه اعجبكم...
    و لكن هل فعلا سيعرض على Space Toon امل ذلك

  6. #5
    مشكور اخوي على التقرير الرائع لكاندام .....

  7. #6

  8. #7
    إقتباس الرسالة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ***شوق*** مشاهدة المشاركة






    و لا يهمك مهمتي ارضي اخوتي و افيد غيري...
    بس بعدني زعلان يعني خسرت من وقتي يوم كامل لجمعت الصور...
    اخر شي هديتي كم رد....ما بدي اسوي مواضيع جديدة لتعدي الردود 20رد...

  9. #8

  10. #9

  11. #10

  12. #11
    مشكووووووووووووووووووووور على الموضوع وماقصرت وسلمت يداااااااااااااااااااااااك

  13. #12

  14. #13
    × يمنع الرَد على الموآضيع القَديمة.×


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