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  1. #1

    اسف على التأخير هذه المانجا العندي اطلبو ا التبونة

    اسف على التأخير هذه المانجا العندي اطلبو ا التبونة
    على فكرة في لقطات في المانجا التي ليست جيدة مسحناها
    كل المانجا بالأنجليزي ما أكدر أترجمهم

    الأفضل أن تكتبون المانجا التبونة في almehairi_ad@yahoo.com ) Email)

    Title: +/- Junkie

    Alternative Title: Puramai Junkie
    Mangaka: ASAHINA Yuuya
    Genre: Shoujo

    Summary: A short shoujo story about a girl who wants to continue the family tradition of her family...that is, get married at 16 and have a girl child at 17! A very crazy story about a very crazy girl named Ren who falls in love with one of the most popular boys in school, Juuya, at first sight!

    Title: 23:00

    Mangaka: MATSUMOTO Tomo
    Genre: Action, Drama, Shoujo
    Status : Completed

    Summary: From Condensation:
    "In this world, is there really such a thing as an awesome guy?"From the mangaka of KISS - a cool high school romance laced with the thrill of street dancing!Midori just started high school and isn't interested in guys. She thinks they're all like her brother, Takeshi, who is rude and spoiled. Her way of thinking changes when a classmate of hers is pulled into the street dancing team led by Takeshi and his best friend, Sutou.At first glance Higa may seem like a plain and quiet guy--but when the music starts flowing and his body starts moving - he transforms into a completely different person... Even Midori can't keep her eyes off him.

    Title: Beloved Teddy Bear

    Alternative Title: Koi Suru Teddy Boy
    Mangaka: KAMURA Yoko
    Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance, Shoujo, Supernatural
    Status : Completed
    Volumes hosted: 1 / 1

    Summary: Short, naive, teddy-loving Yasushii believed that Igarashi Yuu's death was partly her fault. So
    when the ghost of Yuu takes a visit and decides to live as her beloved teddy bear, her life changes
    drastically. What will happen from there?

    Title: Blood Hound

    Alternative Title: Yorugata Aijin Senmonten
    Mangaka: YUKI Kaori
    Genre: Fantasy, Mystery, Romance, Shoujo, Supernatural
    Status : Completed
    Volumes hosted: 1 / 1

    Summary: Strange vampire-like murders have been taking place. When one girl's friend goes missing, she seeks out the vampire, and finds him...in a host club! Lighthearted, funny, and a cute story!Rion is hunting down the vampiric murderers lurking in her area and she crosses paths with Suou who works in a male host club. There's something more to Suou than meets the eye...and something more to Rion! What is the tie that binds these two together

    Title: Card Captor Sakura

    Mangaka: Clamp
    Genre: Shoujo, Romance, Magic
    licensed by TOKYOPOP
    Status : Completed
    Volumes hosted: 12 / 12

    Summary: One day, Sakura Kinomoto accidentally opened a book containing dozens of magical cards called Clow Cards, and they scattered around her hometown of Tomoeda. Sakura was chosen to be the master of these cards and has been enlisted by the sun-based guardian Kerberos to use her magic and reclaim these cards before they make any more trouble in town. She is encouraged by her best friend Tomoyo Daidouji, and she meets a rival cardcaptor, Syaoran Li, who is a direct descendant of the creator of the Clow Cards.

    Title: Chain of Pearls

    Mangaka: Minami Kanan
    Genre: drama, romance, shoujo, sports
    Status : Completed
    Volumes hosted: 2 / 2

    Summary: From ShoujoMagic:

    Story 1: Chain of Pearls
    The beautiful, genuine pearls we lust after belong in a chain... because that is how they bind our hearts.
    Hisa, the newest manager of her high school's soccer club, has a secret: a part-time job. If anyone knew, she would either have to quit the job she needs to survive or the sport that she love

    Story 2: A "Girlfriend" with Substance
    Minami Kanan's debut work. Sachi was so determined to become Takanori's girlfriend that there was no way he could say "no." Literally, no way. She's the girlfriend he was forced to have, and he treats her as such

    Story 2: Unconditional Love Formula
    Tachibana Kouya is a whiz kid, while Ayumi barely passed the entrance exams. They're at opposite ends of the spectrum, but Ayumi is determined to win Kouya's love by having him tutor he

    Story 3: The Rumored Natori-kun
    High school freshman Ai just found out that the stranger she fell in love with at first sight is the notorious Natori-kun, who goes to her school and is rumored to ditch every girl he agrees to date. That doesn't discourage Ai, though, because he's been nothing but nice to her so far. What will it take to become Natori's girlfriend, or is Ai doomed to become just another rumours

    Title: Crescent Moon

    Alternative Title: Mikan no Tsuki
    Mangaka: IIDA Haruko
    Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, Shoujo
    Status : Completed
    Volumes hosted: 6 / 6

    Summary: Mahiru has a haunting recurring dream, she meets the Lunar Race, . They need her help torecover the 'Drops of the Moon,' the recently-pilfered source of their power.As the battles to recover the Drops rage on, Mahiru tries to open up the dark, human-hating tengu Mitsuru, and form a bridge between humans and the Lunar Race

    Title: Dakedo Happy Paradise

    Mangaka: TAKARADA Iyo
    Genre: Comedy, Shoujo
    Status : Completed
    Volumes hosted: 2 / 2

    Summary: Our heroine, Ruu MACHIDA, is having a hard time. Her mother died when she was little, and her father, with whom she had been living, has disappeared without a trace after getting into debt. Ruu is on her own
    To make ends meet, she takes a job as a live-in maid for a very wealthy household. To Ruu's surprise, the house she ends up working at is the home of three cute brothers, and she already knows one of them! They agree to let Ruu work there because they are often alone and they could use the help. Their parents are often away on business. Ruu moves in and works hard as a maid, and they all become very close. But things aren't always smooth sailing. Ruu has a lot of pressure on her because of her father's debts, and three very cute guys to deal with

    ( هذا الموقع حق upload manga
    عندي وايد مانجا بس أنا بحط كل مرة كمية نفسة هي تكون كاملة

  2. ...

  3. #2
    مشكوووووووووووووور على المجهود وانا ابغى مانجا Blood Hound

  4. #3
    السلام عليكم هذه الرابط مال النانجا Boodhound كاملة
    يرجى التصويت لموضوعي
    هذا الرابط فقط يظل لشهر فاسرعي في تنزيلة قبل فوات الاوان

  5. #4
    شكرأ أخي Al-Mehairi على الموضوع smile

    ممكن تحط رابط المانجا Dakedo Happy Paradise asian

    السلام عليكم هذه الرابط مال النانجا Boodhound كاملة
    يرجى التصويت لموضوعي
    هذا الرابط فقط يظل لشهر فاسرعي في تنزيلة قبل فوات الاوان
    أخي الرابط محجوب frown

  6. #5

  7. #6
    مشكورين على الرد وقراءة موضوعي قريب بنشرعن موقعيالكاعد اسوي حك المانجا في داخل تنزيل وصفحة تقارير مانجا التي ستوضع على حسب التصويت فقط وستكون التصويت لمدة 15 يوم والمانجا ستوضع لمدة شهر

    ان شاء الله بخلصة قبل تبدا المدارس
    اخر تعديل كان بواسطة » Al-Mehairi في يوم » 27-06-2007 عند الساعة » 19:22

  8. #7
    فراولة كوم
    ها الموقع السويت منها upload manga العندي بس عليج تسوين copy وتحطين في url بعدين تكدرين تنزلين المانجا

    اذا كان عندج مشكلة ثانية كولي

    المانجا التبينها
    بقي V2 ان شاء الله بتحصلينة قريب
    المدة التنزيل لمدة شهر فقد ابتداء من اليوم
    اخر تعديل كان بواسطة » Al-Mehairi في يوم » 27-06-2007 عند الساعة » 20:25

  9. #8
    الشلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    تبون مانجا قولولي ياناس
    ان شاء الله الاجازة تكون فيها الخير دائم (الراحة والفرح والابتسامة الدائمة )
    والى اللقاء

  10. #9
    هذا volume 2 حقDakedo_Happy_Paradise_v02
    المانجا complete
    اللهم أرحمني و أهلى وأقربائي والأحياء والأموات ,اللهم اغفر لي ذنبي وذنوب الناس أجمعين ,اللهم ابقي علينا رحمتك الي نهاية حياتنا ,اللهم ابعد الحزن والالم والكسل والغضب والكراهية واليأس والشيطان ,اللهم أدخلنا الجنة ,اللهم أعطنا فرصة كي نتوب ,اللهم خذني قبل يوم القيامة ,اللهم لا تدع أهلي يحزنون على فراق حياتي في الدنيا

  11. #10
    مشكوره أختي ^^ .

    إبدآع منــك وتنسيق جميل سلمت يدآكــ ...

    دمتي بود smile

  12. #11
    عضو مميز 3star

    شُكر وتقدير شُكر وتقدير
    جهود متميّزة جهود متميّزة
    ساحة تحديات اليوتيوب ساحة تحديات اليوتيوب
    يمنع الرد على الموضيع القديمة
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