مشاهدة النتائج 1 الى 15 من 15
  1. #1

    تحقيق أو نبذه او قصه Www.mexat.com-هل تعرف مامعنى (www)???

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    دائما اذا بدأنا بكتابة موقع فإننا نكتب أولا WWW
    هل تعرفون مامعناها؟؟smile

    WWW هي اختصار لـ,, World Wide Web
    وتعني ..>شبكة أنحاء العالم<..

    وهذا يعني أننا نكتب World Wide Web.MEXAT.COMtongue

    إعذروني على هذا الموضوع القصير جداredface
    لكنه يبدو مفيدا^^

    ,,والسلام عليكم,,


  2. ...

  3. #2

    من ناحيه قصير فهو جددددا قصيرbiggrin

    انما جددا مفيدgooood

    يسلمووو ياعسل على هالمعلومهwink

  4. #3

  5. #4

  6. #5
    مشكور على الموضوع المفيد

    مره واحد من عيال اخواني سألني عن معناها بس والله

    ما عرفت ...........

    مشكور على التوضيح

  7. #6
    شكراً ع المعلومة ..
    وننتظر جديدك..
    مع تحياتي..

  8. #7
    وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته ^^

    معلومات اضافية . .بحث سويته السنه الي راحت .. مكسل اترجمه dead

    The International Network
    The international network (Internet) is a computer-based network of millions of computers that allows continuous communication all over the globe. Unlike broadcasting media, such as television, the Internet is not based on centralized distribution unit which means that the Internet connectivity is not threaten in wars or natural disasters. When I knew about this enormous network, I asked my self “what are the bases of such huge network as this?”

    This Internet is mainly divided into five main applications. Firstly, the World-Wide Web (WWW) which was found in 1991 when Hypertext, programming language, was invented by Tim Berners-Lee with assistance from Robert Caillau - both were working at CERN-. The WWW is normal documents designed especially to be posted on the Internet by the Hypertext and connected with each other using Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). Because of the uncountable topics which are available for anyone, The World-Wide Web is the most popular part of the Internet. Secondly, The Electronic Mail (E-Mail) which is the same as the traditional post but in a quite fast delivery for less than a minute to anywhere in the world. Thirdly, File Transfer Protocol (FTP) which can be defined as a way of sending and receiving data, such as music or video clips, that makes anyone able to upload his data and let anybody download them from anywhere. Fourthly, Internet Relay Chat (IRC) which is a service that allows Internet users to connect with any chosen room and chat in real-time with other people. The users of the IRC service separated into many chat-rooms of different topics that makes your chatting destination straightforward to the topic which you want to chat on. Finally, Unix Users Network (USENET) which is a system of bulletin boards that makes you able to post messages which can be read by anyone and replied, too.

    In the 60s, the fear from the cold war pushed the US Defense Department’s Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) to think about a way of communication which can not be disconnected. Few years later, in 1968, the ARPA has achieved its aim successfully when the bases of ARPA-Net were put. At that time, the Internet was used only to connect the US governmental structures all over the country. In 1979, the Internet was used in Europe for the academic purposes when the USENET started in the Europeans universities. It was just in 1991 when the Internet was known as we know it now and that happened once the WWW was started.

    The Internet is still developing and growing with an incredible annual rate of 341,634% which means that the Internet will be more useful than the present time and will not require PCs or PDAs to be connected
    ^^ اقروه وراح تعرفوا عن كل شيء في الإنترنت .. بس افضى واجي اترجمه إذا ما سبقني احد biggrin

    دمتم في حفظ الرحمن ،،،

  9. #8
    معلووومه جدييمه ... خذتها و انا ف الثانوي ...

    ع العموم مشكور خوي ع الموضوع

  10. #9
    يسلمو اخي على الموضوع

    انا اعرفها لان درسناها

    وعن الموضوع صغير هو الافضل
    اللهــــم صـــلِ علــى محمـــدٍ وأل محمـــدٍ

    مستشار فــرسـان الــعــراق << ان لم تمت بالسيف اكيد تموت بالشتاءtongue^^

  11. #10


    ردودكم كثيره وجميلهredface
    اشركم أعزائي على تنوير موضوعي البسيط

  12. #11
    السلام عليكم ,,

    معلومة صغيرة لكن جميله ,, وهذا الاختصار بروتكول متفق عليه دوليا ,,

    تقبل خالص تحياتي ,, وبانتظار جديدك ,,


  13. #12

  14. #13

  15. #14


    شكرا على مروركم اعزائي
    واهم شي عجبكم الموضوع واستفدتوا

  16. #15

بيانات عن الموضوع

الأعضاء الذين يشاهدون هذا الموضوع

عدد زوار الموضوع الآن 1 . (0 عضو و 1 ضيف)


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