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المواضيع: Thugs + Punks = welcome

  1. #1

    Thugs + Punks = welcome

    I like HIP HOP
    & I can't lie
    My words always denied
    Even if it sounds like that rhyme
    I do suck big time
    & I wanna cry

    The Best lyrics from top thugs
    Real things from the street
    Big things happen every damn week
    Same things with wars in Middle East

    I'll run away from the peace if I could
    Since peace is always in the hood
    I ain't mad when things is all good
    But I never cool when I'm dragged like a fool

    They slammed every door
    What the fuck am I doing?
    When I'm good for nothing
    But I'm still running

    Fuck the police they steal my own money
    On every street like I'm doing crash cars
    Check points to make cash for doing nothing
    I'll make the pay so stunning

    Check me out
    I aint bitch like
    I aint doing slaps
    I aint got the royal tongue
    I aint got no real muscles

    I'm just a street punk ass like a junk
    Shit I do rumble
    I'm not walking like I weight a million ton
    So check me out till I'm done

    Same guns on both sides
    Different fun no left or right
    Straight gay from one of the YOUNGs
    Two blades can fit the play
    B"cause this is how we ride
    Mother fuckers

    I got the whole fuckin rights
    Picture me out
    My hands is doing click clack
    Set back relax
    Hate is my only acts

    Cuz the game is made for yo
    The jail is fo me

    Big fat ass throws some money
    The big X almighty AL made 20s
    God bless the dead
    Rest in peace king Abdul-Aziz
    Big praise to the twin servants
    Still don't know how they live to make it
    I am AN Muslim and I came in no fuckin' peace

    Don't tell me The Quran
    Shut the fuck up I can read
    I'm talking with no please
    I serve masters for money
    I steal from no strangers
    How come you own me?
    I know God so blow me
    Pay that niggar to kill me

    Fuck off fat classic ass
    Your fucking blood is stuffed
    That neggar got more love
    Your da biggest fucking boss
    I can see it
    I can judge
    That judge is scared to say no

    Show off the fat king of the Middle East
    Raise his ass up
    Like a holy gat

    For the sake of Islam
    We united
    Jews or Hamas
    Like a holy gat

    Kissing the Jews is HALAL
    Changing the rules is HARAM

    Since they are the holy gat
    And we all just a punch of fools

    To the Young's
    Ya'll my sons
    Young's go off
    Fuck off
    Away from the holy things
    Go on we'll give you money

    See the world
    Learn to speak
    Come back with the mind we need
    NO mo Brain watch
    You just need to feed the holy fats

    By BMA
    smoker devious

  2. ...

  3. #2
    عفواً على المقاطعهtongue
    اخر تعديل كان بواسطة » Loreen في يوم » 24-04-2007 عند الساعة » 01:12

  4. #3

  5. #4

  6. #5
    السلام علاكم

    مبروك يابو شامه افتتاح المخيم التاسع عشر smoker

    صبر .. paranoid



    شكلك ناوي تصيّد .. بس اي نوع من انواع الصيد معرفش biggrin

    اختر الإجابة الغير صحيحة :

    فرصة - حظ - try - luck

    بعد اذنك برفع biggrin
    Miss ya BMA

  7. #6

    رائع nothing ..

    Cont ... smoker

    من أقوالي المأثورة :
    لا يطمر السبّاح في بركة خاثرة


  8. #7

  9. #8
    الوردة الجوريه
    يختي والله مصدقك وانك قراي tongue ههههههه

    هزيـم الرعـد
    يالله حيوه .. منور المخيم بأبطاله cool
    اختر الإجابة الغير صحيحة :

    فرصة - حظ - try - luck
    كلهن غير صحيحات والصحيحه اني بياع اسلحه حربية فقط .. وهذا كل مافي الموضوع
    biggrin << بوكره مسجون سجن مؤبد tongue
    لا يطمر السبّاح في بركة خاثرة
    الا اذا حده الدهر tongue

    غريبة ...... غريبة هينا biggrin .... يا مرهبا يا مرهبا
    نورك غريبه غطى كالهربا biggrin ههها ههههاbiggrin
    يشبهلي .. ناقصه شامه tongue

    ومنورين المخيم ايها الحلوين rambo

  10. #9

  11. #10

    Some times it's so hard to make the next step.

    From: some player
    To: unknown player
    Subject: get LOST and I mean IT
    What do you want me to say
    When there are no words in my head
    Words that can describe you
    Or your attitude
    I got nothing for you
    And you might got more to give
    Do that search you did
    Change your name
    They way you look
    It's ok go on
    Go away
    Carry on
    Find some chase
    Find some other place
    Shit happen
    When you start to dig
    So never blame any body
    When you already got your self to blame
    If ever need a small advice
    Advice that will work for sure
    Say: what the hell
    Who cares anyway
    And I don’t give a fuck
    That just my damn luck
    And I got so many other ways
    Life suck
    Life is life
    And it is every ones damn game
    I am no different
    I'm the same
    And better luck next time
    Hopefully I'll rock the world
    And never suck again
    The END
    اخر تعديل كان بواسطة » BMA في يوم » 09-03-2007 عند الساعة » 14:00

  12. #11


    I don't understand why some people can't just be them self,
    Why do they wanna be like everyone else?
    You should be true to yourself no matter what.
    The worst thing you can do is be someone you're not.
    Be yourself, don't be like anyone else.
    If someone won't except you for who you are,
    Then they're not good enough for you.
    You gotta stand up for yourself,
    Show them you're not afraid to be you.
    If you start showing the real you,
    Then maybe other people will too.


    "اللهم اغفر لوالدي وارحمه انك انت الغفور الرحيم " اللهم انزل على قبره الضياء والنور والفسحة والسرور وجازه بالاحسان احسانا" وبالسيئات عفوا وغفرانا♡

  13. #12
    إقتباس الرسالة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ياقوت مشاهدة المشاركة
    I don't understand why some people can't just be them self,
    Why do they wanna be like everyone else?
    You should be true to yourself no matter what.
    The worst thing you can do is be someone you're not.
    Be yourself, don't be like anyone else.
    If someone won't except you for who you are,
    Then they're not good enough for you.
    You gotta stand up for yourself,
    Show them you're not afraid to be you.
    If you start showing the real you,
    Then maybe other people will too.

    true.. I agree with you
    ولا بعد biggrin

  14. #13

  15. #14
    إقتباس الرسالة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة BMA مشاهدة المشاركة
    being yourself is the best thing you can be
    You are the writer of your life, so set your goals and take your chances

    and write your best


  16. #15

  17. #16
    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله
    كيفك بندر اكيد ماتمانع اني ارفع من عندكbiggrin biggrin biggrin

    الله يسعدك ويعطيك العافية ياضربة النمر ياسكرة أنتي ^^
    على الاهداء الحساس والمعبر بجد يخش القلب على طول..مشكورة عيوني ..

  18. #17

  19. #18


    i had not stolen any thing
    i like to enjoy with people
    with mexat users

    i don't care how many face i have



    two faces ?

    oh ..

    meby more ... tongue
    اخر تعديل كان بواسطة » هزيـم الرعـد في يوم » 09-03-2007 عند الساعة » 19:37 السبب: steal stole stolen ^__^

  20. #19
    حسبي الله على ابليسكم انتوا وهالانقليزيsleeping

  21. #20
    إقتباس الرسالة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة الوردة الجوريه مشاهدة المشاركة
    حسبي الله على ابليسكم انتوا وهالانقليزيsleeping

    ؟ermm why

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