مشاهدة النتائج 1 الى 14 من 14
  1. #1

    شرح عن فارس الفتى الشجاع وبعض الفديوات تفضلو وصور

    Ganbare Genki "Fares Shoja3" is a story about boxing, Genki is 5 in the first episodes, living with his father "Nader Shoja3", a starving boxer him self, on the streets of Japan. From the beginning you know that Genki is all about boxing. He is actually more into boxing than his father, a professional boxer! We get to live the first 5 episodes with Genki as a 5 year old boy who lives only to box.

    In Episode #5, Genki's father dies in a boxing match with world champion Kenji Seki "Basem Al-Namer" And Genki goes to live with his Grandparents.

    Genki decides to follow in to his father's step, pushed by the will of encounter Kenji and become world chap. In the beginning, it was hard as his grandparents really hated Boxing and thought that Genki forgot all about it. But he kept training himself secretly for some time until he decides to confront them. Then he started to train in the open.

    Up to episode 22, Genki is 10 years old. He gets his personal trainer and get very serous about Boxing.

    Events go by until the last episode, episode 35 when Genki is 15 years old and he needs to make a big, decision, ether stay and continue his High School, or go to Tokyo and become professional boxer.

    This wonderful Animation has reached the middle east back in 1986 or 1987, I am not 100% sure, but it took everyone like a storm. Every kid was boxing do to the influence of the show, I my self got me a par of boxing gloves and decided to become a boxer. But of course everything went away as the show came to an end.

    Only 26 episode were dubbed to Arabic out of 35, we all knew that not all episode were dubbed, we just had a feeling because the last episode was just Genki in Tokyo, but he did not fight Kenji Seki, and it was just common sense that the last episode will be the Genki VS Kenji Seki episode.

    Years and years I look for the answer, but you can only imagine my disappointment when I learned that the last episode I saw, was actually the real last episode. That was it, we never see Genki fighting Kenji Seki. It turns out that the 9 episodes that were not dubbed were taken from the middle of the series, not the end.










  2. ...

  3. #2
    تقرير حلو ..

    بس لو كان بالعربي أحلى.

    مقاطع رائعه وأصواات أروع ^^
    اخر تعديل كان بواسطة » العملاق صخر في يوم » 03-12-2006 عند الساعة » 15:35

    الحلقة 1 في الأنستغرام : -


  4. #3
    مرسيييييييييييييييييييي عالردددددددددددددددددددددددددددددددددددددددددددددد ددددددددددددددددددددد

  5. #4

  6. #5
    مشكورة أختي على التقرير الرائع و الشامل
    يعطيك العافية .
    Blue Fox Studio

  7. #6
    اخي العزيز فارس الفتى الشجاع
    شكرا على هذا التقرير الرائع

    ولكن عندي سؤال هل اكتمل فارس الى النهاية ... انما الترجمة العربية لم يكتمل

    هل اكتمل بالغة اليابانية او اي لغة ثانية ارجو منك الافادة لاني منشوق لكي اسمع الخبر منك

  8. #7
    اخي ال الصراحه الدبلجة العربية للاسف

    لم تكمل المسلسل اما باليباني والايطالي فهي مكتمله

    وانا لدي 4حلقات تقريبا بالايطاليه وعندي حلقة موت والده باليطالي مركب على

    اليباني وفي

    مقطع زايد

    في العربي


    امل اني اكون افدتك

  9. #8
    طيب اخوي فارس
    هل النهاية العربية نفسها النهاية اليابانية ؟؟؟
    سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم

  10. #9
    اي نعم

    اخي هي نفسها

    حيث ليست مع الاسف مباره لفارس والنمر

    غير المانجا

  11. #10

  12. #11

  13. #12

  14. #13

    رابط لصورة الرمه mad مؤلف المسلسل ...

    ليه رمه لانه حسب ماعرفت ان المسلسل بدون نهاية يعني فارس لم يقابل جلالredface

    وياليت اللي عنده روابط مباشرة للمسلسل مايبخل علي انا خصوصا...

    وشكرا عالموضوع الرائعgooood

  15. #14

بيانات عن الموضوع

الأعضاء الذين يشاهدون هذا الموضوع

عدد زوار الموضوع الآن 1 . (0 عضو و 1 ضيف)


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