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المواضيع: Silent Hill

  1. #1

    تحقيق أو نبذه او قصه Silent Hill

    Silent Hilleek

    Silent Hill is the scariest town you have ever seen

    Sharon the little girl was having a problem she sleeps walk and she was saying Silent Hill while she was sleep walking then her mother Rose thought of taking Sharon to Silent Hill but it's not allowed to go their but Rose took Sharon to Silent Hill and didn't care about the law then the policewoman Cybil saw her then she followed Rose to Silent Hill to stop her but Rose was driving very fast suddenly she saw someone walking on the street so she made an accident . When Rose Woke up she didn't find Sharon and that's how the story begins and Rose will continue her way to Silent Hill with Cybil until they find Sharon.
    I hope that you enjoyed reading this story then watch the Silent Hill movie it's very nice

  2. ...

  3. #2
    yeah!but suddenlly we know that sillent hill girl have made a mistake

    she wrote the in the wronge forum but she didnt know

    so we scream and scream and scream...

    yo sis you but your subject in the wronge section

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