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المواضيع: Kill Me .. It's Ok

  1. #1

    Kill Me .. It's Ok

    hu! tongue
    These words i just wrote them now
    not perfect enough
    not good enough
    i even didn't check the grammar & spelling
    I Just let this out of my heart rolleyes

    Kill Me ..It's Ok

    Whatever i did

    Whatever i heared from you

    I Don't care

    Whatever you did to me

    I don't Care

    Kick me , Shout at me

    I will never care

    cuz you are nothing to me

    you are a history to me


    Kill me ..it's ok
    Hurt me..You did it before

    With or without you
    life will still perfect to me

    And We Lost It All
    Nothing Last forever
    Sorry I Can't Be Perfect


    The Sentences that are colored with Yellowgreen is a Quote ..i didn't wrote it biggrin
    اخر تعديل كان بواسطة » missme في يوم » 24-07-2006 عند الساعة » 08:46

  2. ...

  3. #2
    Thank you

    you are very goooooooood
    سبحان الله وبحمده ,,
    عدد خلقه ..
    ورضا نفسه ,,
    وَزِنَةَ عَرْشِهِ ..
    ومدادكلماته ,,

  4. #3
    wink Bonsoir M!ssme

    Comment vas-tu?.

    thanks so much missme for your words
    3d Haza Maza Laz
    Whatever i heared from you
    I heard


    smoker SalmOoOo

  5. #4
    السلام عليكم smile

    (Thank) .. لكِ .. (very) .. كثييير tongue

    (it's) .. بصراحة .. (very) .. حلوووووة biggrin

    << خوش انجليزية ههههههههههههه tongue

    مشكورة ع الخاطرة .. وآسف ما اندمجت معاها .. ثقافتي فرنسية مو انجليزية asian

    اخوك .. هزوووووم gooood
    Miss ya BMA

  6. #5
    Thank you

    عـٍـٍُضـٍـٍُو فـٍـٍُي شـٍـٍُلـٍـٍُة عـٍـٍُربـٍـٍُ زايـٍـٍُد

  7. #6


    hi missme !!asian

    ?whats up

    what a great Khatera <<
    ماعرف شنو بالانجلشtired

    Kill Me ..It's Ok

    i will .. if u want tongue


    it`s so great miss .. nice words too

    .. i hope i can do what u did

    every where i`m goin` to .. i see ur subjectsbiggrin

    and u have to find a little infos about grammercheeky

    kee it up missme gooood

    see ya

  8. #7
    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    hi missme

    very nice words

    If it is the first time for you to write

    I can say it is a good start

    keep going

    and the next time write with A feel of happiness

    but you know sometimes we need to have a cold heart


    "اللهم اغفر لوالدي وارحمه انك انت الغفور الرحيم " اللهم انزل على قبره الضياء والنور والفسحة والسرور وجازه بالاحسان احسانا" وبالسيئات عفوا وغفرانا♡

  9. #8



    Hello Sweet Heart

    Kill Me ..It's Ok

    Whatever i did

    Whatevert You did ??..rolleyes what u did girl ?!!eek biggrin

    I Don't care

    now i remember ricky martin .......i don't care .i just wanna be there biggrin

    thanxx missme 4 the cool words sweety ..it's realy cool

    keep up honeygooood

    I MiSSed Ya So MuCh MEXAT cool

  10. #9


    These words i just wrote them now
    not perfect enough
    not good enough
    i even didn't check the grammar & spelling
    I Just let this out of my heart
    Dont Say wink
    U R Pretty Good on it..^__~..

    you are a history to me
    It`s Batter if U Write
    you are just a memory to me

    Realy U R A Good young writer
    I hope see from U More rolleyes gooood

  11. #10

  12. #11

    Kill me ..it's ok
    Hurt me..You did it before

    With or without you
    life will still perfect to me

    thanx my dear
    for those sweety word

    we like to red mor^^

  13. #12
    شكرا لج ..

    كلمات جيدة فعلا ..


  14. #13
    Dear sis.... &auml;hm

    how simple ...and lovely

    i just loved it....

    an imotional piece ....

    i just had one coment...

    it would had been better if u change a couple of words..

    but ...

    i loved it as it is ...

    thats a start...

    so keep it as a start... and carry on...

    i wanna see more from you...

    an i hope that will be soon...

    oopps... i forgot....

    thanx for sharing it with us... wink


  15. #14

  16. #15
    جميل ما نسجته من حروف
    و رقيقة هي همساتك
    و لكنني أفضل الفصحة على الإنجليزيه
    هذه وجه نظري
    بما أنك أبدعت بالإنجليزيه
    فأنك بالتأكيد ستبحرين بالعربيه
    أختك في الله النفس التواقة

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