الصفحة رقم 10 من 10 البدايةالبداية ... 8910
مشاهدة النتائج 181 الى 184 من 184
  1. #181
    1. Every night you wonder what Edward is doing and then get sad because you know that he is with Bella
    2. Your friends get mad at you because you won't stop talking about the Twilight series when you're supposed to be working on a group project
    3. You write Twilight quotes all over your math notebook
    4. Your teacher yells at you for talking when you were discussing how hot Edward is with you friend who is also obsessed with The Twilight series
    5. You describe Edward, Jasper, and Emmett to your cousins and ask them which one they would actually date ( I didn't tell them it was from Twilight though)
    6. Your cousins ask you to describe what your 'dream date' looks like in you mind you describe Edward and then add that Edward isn't your dream date, he's your future husband
    7. You and your also obsessed friend talk about how hot Edward is so much that a boy in your class hears and asks who Edward is and you reply "He's only the hottest man on earth" then add "Well, not exactly, but he is very close" trying not to say that Edward is a vampire.
    8. You kiss the cover of your book copies and tell everyone that they are your bibles
    9. You growl at anyone who touches your books
    10. You talk to the books in attempt to get a response from Edward
    11. You think about all the ways your boyfriend isn't like Edward and you get mad
    12. You cry because you don't have an Edward in your life
    13. Going to the bathroom for any reason is now called having a "human moment."
    14. You're saving money so you can take all your friends to see the movie
    15. You've named your puppy Isabella Rose
    16. Your mom has to remind you that the book is fiction
    17. You still think Twilight is real
    18. You get into fist fights with your little brother over what a real vampire is
    19. To make up to your brother you watch Vampire Secrets on the history channel and laugh at the company's stupidity
    20. You plan on buying a motorcycle
    21. You plan on going to Washington U
    22. Your mom takes away your books
    23. She grounds you from all things vampire
    24. You just go borrow your friends
    25. You recomend Twilight to the school librarian (Whom you babysit for) to get the books
    26. You have full fledged conversations and arguments over the books with said libarayian
    27. You let your Lit. teacher borrow your copy of Eclipse
    28. Your classmates make fun of you and said teacher for being so obsessed
    29. Everyone in school knows that you'll let them borrow your copy of the books
    30. You got your Nana and Aunt hooked
    31. You got your copy of Eclipse the day it came out
    32. You clean off the chair in your bedroom so Edward can have a place to sit(it is a rocking chair so that kinda makes me wonder)
    33. You refer to your friends as Alice, Jessica, etc.
    34. Your friends refer to you as Bella
    35. You get into arguments with a friend about whom is more Bella
    36. ish
    37. You win the argument by saying that since you're a veggitarian you only have to right to be in love with other veggitarians
    38. And since you are squimmish enought to puke at the sight of blood. are clumsy enough to somehow get your hair stuck in a window, and have brown hair instead of red you only fit the character perfectly
    39. You make fun of people because they haven't read the book
    40. You're driving around, distracted from thinking about Edward, run a red light and get side swiped.
    41. You and your boyfriend (who's is kinda jealous of Edward) plan a trip to Forks, Washington, hoping that there will be an Edward there for you.
    42. When your screen-name has something to do with Twilight.
    43. You and three other friends decide your going to morph into one and become Bella and go find your Edward. (true story!)
    44. You have gotten your teachers reading the Twilight series, and saying Edward's hot. (all the teachers are married!)
    45. Your mom read twilight and said it wasn't anything special, so you yell at her when she won't read new moon or eclipse. (this really happened)
    46. You and your friends favorite quote is "I do love me some Edward!"
    47. Your mad at your family when they won't let you name your new kitten Edward Cullen.
    48. You don't want them to make a Twilight movie, because all the Cullens (especially Edward) won't be even close to their true perfection.
    49. You check this list every day to see if new things were added.
    50. You forced a male friend into reading Twilight by threatening to turn him into a girl and put a video of it on YouTube.
    51. You nearly kill said male friend for calling the book boring, normal, and too descriptive.
    52. You and your friends are in a current feud over who gets Edward.
    53. You then decide to try to get rid of your obsession and find it IMPOSSIBLE.
    54. You are working in a "haunted play" and you HAVE to be the vampire and then get mad when you realize that you have to be an evil vampire AND have to wear fake teeth.
    55. You act out the parts in the book as you're reading it for the fifty millionth time.
    56. You are very angry that you can't buy the books (I'm poor) so you can hi-light, like, every single line.
    57. Then you realize that the book is way to sacred to be hi-lighted.
    58. After reading Twilight you wrote suicide letters from Bella to her parents so she could stage a death and force Edward to turn her into a vampire.
    59. You are trying so hard to find golden contacts and make yourself paler.
    60. You get mad at your friend for calling you a blonde.
    61. You then decide that you are both blonde and brunette, SO you have more fun AND Edward likes you better too.
    62. You are planning on filling your new iPod with the playlists on StephenieMeyer.com, Debussy, and Linkin Park.
    63. You use a notecard as a notebook so you can write down funny quotes that you like.
    64. You read list and thought, Oh, I'd never do that, and then you go and do it the next day.
    65. You throw a wedding shower for Bella and Edward.
    66. You wore black all throughout the time you read New Moon to show that you were in mourning for Bella.
    67. You want to break Jacob Black's jaw.
    68. You pass out with excitement when someone announces that Stephenie Meyer will be in town.
    69. When you notice a canary yellow Porsche, which make happens to be a 911 turbo you go into hysterics and the people in the car with you just stare at you.

  2. ...

  3. #182

  4. #183

  5. #184

الصفحة رقم 10 من 10 البدايةالبداية ... 8910

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