مشاهدة النتائج 1 الى 7 من 7

المواضيع: Are you working ?

  1. #1

    Are you working ?

    After 2 years of selfless service, a man realized that he has not been promoted, no transfer, no salary increase no commendation and that the Company is not doing any thing about it. So he decided to walk up to his HR Manager one morning and after exchanging greetings, he told his HR Manager his observation. The boss looked at him, laughed & asked him to sit down saying; my friend, you have not worked here for even one day. The man was surprised to hear this, but the manager went on to explain.

    Manager: How many days are there in a year?

    Man: 365 days and some times 366

    Manager: how many hours make up a day?

    Man: 24 hours

    Manager: How long do you work in a day?

    Man: 8am to 4pm. i.e. 8 hours a day.

    Manager: So, what fraction of the day do you work in hours?

    Man: (He did some arithmetic and said 8/24 hours i.e. 1/3(one third)

    Manager: That is nice of you! What is one-third of 366 days?

    Man: 122 (1/3x366 = 122 in days)

    Manager: Do you come to work on weekends?

    Man: No sir

    Manager: How many days are there in a year that are weekends?

    Man: 52 Saturdays and 52 Sundays equals to 104 days

    Manager: Thanks for that. If you remove 104 days from 122 days, how many days do you now have?

    Man: 18 days.

    Manager: OK! I do give you 2 weeks sick leave every year. Now remove that 14 days from the 18 days left.
    How many days do you have remaining?

    Man: 4 days

    Manager: Do you work on New Year day?

    Man: No sir!

    Manager: Do you come to work on workers day?

    Man: No sir!

    Manager: So how many days are left?

    Man: 2 days sir!

    Manager: Do you come to work on the (National holiday)?

    Man: No sir!

    Manager: So how many days are left?

    Man: 1-day sir!

    Manager: Do you work on Christmas day?

    Man: No sir!

    Manager: So how many days are left?

    Man: None sir!

    Manager: So, what are you claiming?

    Man: I have understood, Sir. I did not realize that I was stealing Company money all these days. gooood

  2. ...

  3. #2
    ليش يا خي من قلةة المواضيع العربية smile

    عموما مشكور معني ما قريت شي smile

  4. #3
    مشككككككككككككككككورة على مرورك الجميل
    بس الموضوغ حلاوتة ونكهة بلغتة اللي انكتب فية
    عموما المشاركات الجاية ان شااللة تكون بالعربي

    شكرا مرة ثانية اختي غدير المملوحة

  5. #4

    يا بشع هالمدير...حسس الموظف بالذنب


    | Trapped | Inside |

  6. #5

    يسلموووووووووووووووووو علة الموضوع

    مرسي جلوان يعطيك العافيه

  7. #6
    thanks for this funny really its very nice and very good that there is now some people write with english i love english so much but the manager is very miser and hard and the man is very poor again thank you
    TAMER.............HOSNY......THE.......KING....... ..OF.......GENERATIONS
    HE.......IS.........THE.......BEST...............S INGER

  8. #7
    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    Thanx alooooooooot 4 this article and English is the best languge and most of the world

    are usent 4 many resones ang arabic still the best

    and again thank u


    بعـد غيـاب ،، وشـوق طـال مـداهـ
    أعـود لكـــــم بأحدث ما يقـدمه قلمــي ..

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