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المواضيع: قائمة ألعاب الWii

  1. #1

    قائمة ألعاب الWii

    بسراحه جهاز الWii عجبني جدآ وخلاني أنسى الPS3 ،وبعد أنتهاء معرض الE3 (وكان أفضل من مرعرض السنه الماضيه بمراحل)،فقررت أقدم لمك ألعاب الWii التي نازله بيوم نزول الجهاز والتي أعلنوا عليها وهم:

    هذا الموضوع مترجم من IGN.revolution.com


    1- Remote:

    Players hold the Wii-mote with one hand like a remote. These games will use only one hand, often drawing, swinging or pointing the remote to interact.

    اللاعبين يمسكوا الWii-mote بيد واحده مثل ريموت التلفاز،وبهاز الريومت تلعب بعض الألعاب بيد واحده مثل الرسم،الموشاور،تحريك اليد لالأماكن المطلوبه.


    This term refers to the nunchuck and Wii-mote combination. Players will make use of the analog stick and accelerometer of the nunchuck unit in addition to the Wii-mote functions.

    هذا الجهاز يسما بالnunchuck وهو يستعمل مع الWii-mote وهاذا يساعد على التحرك بسهوله مع السكم ب الWii-mote بنفس الوقت.



    Wii-mote is turned on its side, used like a classic NES controller. These games make use of the 1 and 2 buttons primarily, as well as the tilt functions of the Wii-mote and D-pad.

    تستطيع أدارت الWii-mote الى الطرف وتستعمله في لعب ألعاب الأتاري والNintendeo القديمه،وتكون من زران a وb والتحريك بD-pad .



    These games will require use of either the GameCube controller or Virtual Console controller that was shown at E3 2006.

    طبعآ زي ما الأخ Made in Japan وقال أنو Nintendo أعلنوا أنهم أضافوا و عادوا الى منضر ال Super Nintendo biggrin gooood وأضافوا لها أضفات بسيطه،الموهم أنها تستخدم لالألعاب القديمه والقادمه والتي تستخدم طريقة اللعب القديمه مثل الGamecube والSega .

    Light Gun:


    This style of game will require (or best work with) the light gun peripheral announced at E3 2006. Aside from a main trigger button, the light gun also adds an analog stick to the mix.

    قائمة الألعاب في الرد القادم

  2. ...

  3. #2
    قائمة الألعاب:

    The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess


    Publisher: Nintendo
    Developer: Nintendo
    Players: 1
    Play Style: Nunchuck
    Genre: Third-Person Adventure

    It's been a heck of a wait, but Twilight Princess is finally on the way. Attempting to be a crowd-pleaser, Nintendo is releasing two versions of Zelda this holiday season. Stubborn Cube owners will be able to play the game in its classic form, though only the Wii version will support 16:9 widescreen presentation. The blending of amazing visuals and all new innovative gameplay is sure to make The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess the game to get for Christmas 2006

    طآ بعد أنتضار طوييييييييييييييييييل أخير أقتربة لعبة Zelda من القدوم،وسوف تنز بجهازين وهم الWii والGamecube ،طبعآ كل محبي Zelda ومنهم أنا طبعآ لا يتطيعون الأنتضار لطريقة اللعب بالريموت الجديده ونلعب اللعبه.

    Metroid Prime 3: Corruption


    Publisher: Nintendo
    Developer: Retro Studios
    Players: 1
    Play Style: Nunchuck
    Genre: Adventure

    If the GameCube brought Samus into an all-new world, Wii will take Prime to an all new level. Combining pixel-perfect accuracy with even more puzzle elements, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption promises to redefine the first-person adventure genre once again. We've already seen Samus disarm enemies and manipulate machinery with her grapple beam, and Retro Studios promises this is only the beginning. Better controls and ramped up puzzles promise to make this the best Prime yet. And it's the first time the series has launched with a new Nintendo platform.

    طبعآ لكل من يملك الGamecube معضمهم لعبوا بMetroid Prime وفوجؤا بالتغير الكبير من لعب الGameboy الى الGamecube واذا عجبتكم طريقت اللعب الجديده سوف تعجبكم طريقة الWii الجديده،وسوف يكون هناك مراحل ممتعه أكثر وألخاز جديده ومسليه والكثير من الأأسلحه الجديده وكل هذا البدايه فقت،وهذه أول مره تكون اللعة من لعب Metroid Prime تنزل على نزول الجهاز الجديد(يعني سوف يهتموا باللعبة ويتأكدون أنها ممتعه).

    3 .
    Wii Sports


    Publisher: Nintendo
    Developer: Nintendo
    Players: 4
    Play Style: Remote
    Genre: Sports

    Following suit with Nintendo's new "playing = believing" campaign, Wii Sports is taking a new and somewhat unexpected approach to next-gen -- or should we say "new gen" -- gaming. In the E3 version, Nintendo delivered hands-on demos of baseball, golf and tennis, though the Big N also hinted that more games may become available as we near launch. The titles boasted very simple, yet very intuitive control mechanics. The games, while basic in graphical design, delivered serious entertainment on the showroom floor, and we're anxious to see if gameplay will really be the deciding factor this generation

    وبعد تكون لعبة Nintendo لجديده وتستعمل طريقة اللعب الجديده بالريموت بأنواع مختلفه من الرياضه ومنهم:
    كرة السله والقدم،رياضة البيسبول وأوحة Nintendo أنه سوف يكون هناك لعب أخرى،مع أن التصميم موتوصت ونوع اللعب العادي ستكون اللعبة جميله لأستخدام الريموت وتكون ممتعه لكل أفراد العائله.

    3 .
    Red Steel


    Publisher: Ubisoft
    Developer: Ubisoft Paris
    Players: 1
    Play Style: Nunchuck
    Genre: First-Person Shooter

    Over the last few months, Red Steel has been a heavy favorite for Wii fans. Combining classic FPS action with all new hand-to-hand fighting -- with a sword, even -- Red Steel promises to deliver a new look into the FPS genre. All eyes were on Ubisoft this E3, as gamers are dying to see how third party developers are handling the Wii hardware. We'll be watching this one very closely in the next few months leading up to launch.

    لعبة Red Steel كانت من الألعاب الموفضله بعرض الE3 لأنها كانت تجمع كلآ من طريقة اللعب الFPS (مثل Doom )وطريقة اللعب بالسيوف،الكثير من محبي الWii مبهروا من Red Steel وينتضرون بفارخ الصبر أن يلعبوا بالطريقة الجديده اللتي فارده من نوعها(منهم أنا).

    3 .
    Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam


    Publisher: Activision
    Developer: Toys for Bob
    Players: 4
    Play Style: Classic
    Genre: Alternative Sports

    Yet another huge third party launch title, Activision has teamed up with Toys for Bob to deliver a unique look into the world of Tony Hawk. In a design reminiscent of Dowhill Domination and SSX, players will tilt the Wii-mote to carve through city streets and off-road locations. We've had a chance to go hands-on with Downhill Jam on multiple occasions, and it's a blast. The promise of four-player action will only help to make Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam a must have sports party game for Wii at launch.

    disappointed لعبه جديده من Tony Hawk's كالعاده(نفسيconfused أعرف لو الراجل مات هل يوقوفوا ألعابوه أو سيستمروا بها)،الموهم،شركة Activision تعاونت مع Toys for Bob (nervous nince name lol)في صنع اللعبه الجديده لTony Hawk's اللاعبين سوف يستطيعوا على تحريك الشخصيه بالريموت فالشوارع وأماكن جديده،الناس بIGN جربوا اللعبه وقد قالوا أنها ممتعه(لا أضن ذالك بالنسبه لألي)،سوف يكون هانك 4 لاعبين وبهازا قد تزيد المتعه(بسراحه أنا مللت من طريقة اللعب المكرره بألعاب Tony Hawk's يمكن هادي تكون مختلفه).

    Madden NFL 2007


    Publisher: Electronic Arts
    Developer: EA Canada
    Players: 2
    Play Style: Nunchuck
    Genre: Sports

    When we first got word that Madden would be making a Wii appearance at launch, we were a bit skeptical. Mixing a simulation sports game with innovative control seems like a tricky proposition, and we were curious if the controls would help or hurt the polished design of EA's flagship title. Our view changed, however, when we took hold of the controller at E3 and threw a pin-point touchdown pass on only our second play. Playing is certainly believing, and Madden delivers gameplay that will have even the most anti-simulation gamers dying to pick this up at launch.

    طبعآ العرب مش مهتمين بهاذي الرياضه، سوف أقصر الوضوع،عمومآ العبه تلعب طبعآ بالريموت وتحسن طريقة اللعب القديمه وبس للمزيد أقرؤا الكلاو البالأتجليزيcheeky .

    5 .
    Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors


    Publisher: Square Enix
    Developer: Square Enix
    Players: Unknown
    Play Style: Remote (tentative)
    Genre: Action

    As of right now, very little is known about Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors. We do know, however, that this is only one of Square's Wii-exclusive titles, as it will be delivering both Dragon Quest and a sequel to Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles. From what we can tell, Dragon Quest seems to be an action game with possible role-playing elements that allows players to engage in spell-casting and melee combat using the Wii-mote as their weapon. The title seems to be a sequel to and not a port of a Japan-only plug-and-play sword-fighting game based in the DQ universe. More on this mysterious launch title as it develops.

    القليل معروف عن لعبة Dragon Quest لالWii ،المعتقد أنها التكمله للعبة Dragon uest VII on PS2 وهي من الألعاب التي تكون على جهاز الWii من شركة Square-Einx مثل Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles ،وقد تكون نوع من الRPG الزي يحتوي على أستخدام حركات السحر والضرب السيوف بأستخدام الWii ريموت ولن تكون فقت لاليابان والمزيد من العلومات في الأيام القادمه.

  4. #3
    Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz


    Publisher: SEGA
    Developer: SEGA
    Players: 4
    Play Style: Remote/Nunchuck
    Genre: Action

    When we heard Monkey Ball was coming to Wii, we were excited, to say the least. A controller like the Wii-mote seems to be designed specifically for games like Monkey Ball, and when we went hands-on at E3 our hopes that project would be a must-have title on Wii were reaffirmed. Mixing the classic gameplay with the new feel of the Wii-mote, Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz may be the single most inviting party game on the system at launch. We played this one to death and still haven't had enough. Now please SEGA, hit us with some shooter games!

    لعبة ل Super Monkey Ball nervous (معضم الناس مش مهتمين بلعبه منضره للأطفال فعدوا الكلام هادى) جديده وتتكون من طريقة اللعب القدم مع طرية اللعب الجديده تجعل Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz فريده من نوعها وتجعل علها ممتعه أكثر من الألجزاء القديمه،وتكون Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz من أكثر الألعاب أنتضارآ لمحبي الWii (تقريبآ اللعبه ممتع لالدرجه هادي،بالنسبه لأي مش مهتم برضو لأني ما ألعبت أي لعبه ل Super Monkey Ball لسه).

    7 .
    Metal Slug Anthology


    Publisher: SNK Playmore
    Developer: SNK Playmore
    Players: 2
    Play Style: Unknown
    Genre: Action Compilation

    Another mysterious announcement, Metal Slug Anthology has been confirmed as a launch title for Wii as well. Little information has been released about this classic compilation, but we do know it will offer the five main Metal Slug titles (Metal Slug - Metal Slug 5) in one package. SNK tells us that the arcade classics have been revamped to use the Wii-mote. It's possible that you'll be able to gesture a flick of the controller to toss a grenade. In all honesty, it doesn't really matter how much new generation control Metal Slug decides to incorporate, as we're simply overjoyed that such an awesome compilation of arcade goodness will be hitting Wii at launch. Classic.

    لكل من كان يحب لعب Metal slug قد يعجب أن Metal Slug Anthology قادمه لال Wii أيضآ(على الPS2 أيضآ)
    وتتكون Metal Slug Anthology ب أول 5 أجزاء من اللعبه (السادس لم ينضم)،وسنتطيع اللتحكم بكلا الريموت ودراع التحم،وقد يبتكروا طريقه جديدة لالعب لازاد المتعه الجميله بالخمس أجزاء المومتعين.

    8 .
    Trauma Center: Second Opinion


    Publisher: Atlus Software
    Developer: Atlus Software
    Players: 1
    Play Style: Remote (Tentative)
    Genre: Arcade/Simulation

    When Trauma Center was originally shown for Nintendo DS in 2004, fans went crazy. Nobody knew exactly what they were looking at, but for whatever reason they were instantly convinced that a surgery game was a great idea on Nintendo's innovative handheld. Fast forward to two years later, and we're getting the same response for Trauma Center: Second Opinion, the official sequel to the hit DS game. We know very little about Trauma Center as it stands right now, but we're sure it will make great use of the Wii-mote controller, as players literally cut, sew and bandage patients in time-critical missions. Much like the Wii Sports package, playing is truly believing, and gamers will go crazy yet again for this playfully graphic yet oddly addictive arcade game. Don't ask. Just play it.

    Trauma Center: Second Opinion هو الجزأ الثاني من لعبة Trauma Center: Under the Knife على الDS وهذي اللعبة تتكون من أن تلعب بالدكتور وتجري عمليات بطريقة ألعاب مسليه وتحتوي من قصه تجري حيث تلعب لأنهاء القصه،هذي اللعبه كانت نجاح كبير بمعرض الE3 الماي لالDS حتى لو كانوا الناس متعجبين اللعبه لكن عجبتهم جدآ وجعلت النا يتمتعوا بالDS ،طبعآ الجزأ الثاني يستخدم الريموت لالأستمتاع باللعبه كما أستوتعوا بها بجهاز الDS >



    Publisher: Konami
    Developer: Konami
    Players: 1
    Play Style: Nunchuck
    Genre: Action

    When making up the list of all the launch titles Wii will offer in Q4 of 2006, we thought Trauma Center would take the title of oddest game, hands down. We forgot, however, about Elebits. Created by Konami, Elebits takes the simple joys of a gravity gun (see Half Life 2) and the off-the-wall style of the Katamari series and mixes both with some good ole-fashioned Pikmin action. The goal is relatively simple, though you'll have to throw common sense to the wayside while you play. Players will use the gravity zapper to toss household objects around, capturing the Elebits as they try to escape. These critters are used as a source of power, so the more you catch, the more places you can explore. It's a bit odd, yes. But it's also a ton of fun.

    Elebits تعتبر من أغرب ألعاب الWii ،طريقة لعب Elebits تتكون من جزأ من طريقة لعب Half Life 2 وPikmin
    وتتكون طريقة اللعب أن تستخد سلاح gravity zapper لرمي أشياء للأمساك بElebits قبل أن يهربوا(confused عجيب)،هذيه الأشياء تكون نوع من الطاقه confused فيجب المسك بهم وهناك أماكن لالأستكشاف.(هادي لعبه علآdead )

    10 .
    Marvel: Ultimate Alliance


    Publisher: Activision
    Developer: TBA/Raven Software
    Players: 4 (Tentative)
    Play Style: Unknown
    Genre: Action/RPG

    When X-Men Legends took the cake as the best true X-men game in ages, the action/RPG superhero genre was invented. Since then we've seen the Legends franchise span across multiple platforms, receive a sequel and even seen competitors take a similar approach (Justice League Heroes is essentially the same design using DC characters and the makers of Balder's Gate). Marvel: Ultimate Alliance may be simply more of the same, but when that means solid gameplay, more characters and an all-new "build-a-team" feature that incorporates not only the X-Men, but all Marvel characters we really can't complain too much. No specific details have been given out for the Wii version, but you can expect to see a ton of information coming in as we near launch, as well as a formal hands-on with the Legends sequel.

    لما أطلقوا لعبة X-Men Legends طريقة لعب الRPG مع الaction أخترعوا طريقه جديده للعب الأبطال ل Marvel ،وقلدت طريقة Marvel ن ألعاب عديده مثل Justice League Heroes من DC comics (شركة Batman,Superman,etc)وألعاب أخرى،هذا الجزأ يتكون من شخصيات Marvel الكثيره مثل X-men,Spiderman,Hulck,etc وتتكون اللعبه من أتضنع فرقه من الأبطال وتحسين طريقة اللعب.

  5. #4
    11 .
    Blitz: The League


    Publisher: Midway Games
    Developer: Midway Games
    Players: 2 (Tentative)
    Play Style: Unknown
    Genre: Sports

    If you scoffed at the idea of Madden for Wii, claiming that simulation games are far too slow and boring, Blitz: The League may be exactly what you're looking for. Combining the brutality and downright awesome arcade gameplay of the original with some still-undisclosed Wii functionality, Blitz: The League promises to deliver a form of football you won't find anywhere else. Even though we've received no specifics on how the game will control with the Wii-mote, we can assume a few of the classic ideas will remain in this updated version. Players will be able to juice up their characters, delivering bone-breaking hits, and flirt with scantily-clad cheerleaders all while throwing 80-yard passes and completing downright impossible manuvers in bullet time. Now all we need is the ability to actually rip a player's helmet off and bash them with it with the Wii-mote. Sure, it's a bit over-the-top, but then again what isn't in the Blitz world?

    Blitz: The League تكون لعبة رياضيه شرسه،أي أن تلعب رياضة الطره الأمريكه بشراسه وخناء،وسيكون هماك طريقط لعب خرافيه تجعلك رمي الكره الى مسافه خرافيه وضرب اللاعبينgooood والكثير من هازى النوع،اللعبه قد تكون ممتعه لميزتها بالكميديه وأستطاعه بعل حركات لم تستطع أن تقوم بها بألعاب الكره الأمريكيه من قبل.

    باقي الألعاب ألعاب لن تشد نضر النا فس أترك الصور والمعلومات من IGN دون ترجمه،الا از أحد طلب مني ف سأترجم.

    12 .
    Rayman Raving Rabbids


    Publisher: Ubisoft
    Developer: Ubisoft Paris
    Players: Unknown
    Play Style: Nunchuck
    Genre: Platformer

    Description: Aside from Red Steel, Ubisoft has another launch title up its sleeve over at its Paris headquarters. Rayman Raving Rabbids is still a huge mystery, but it has a lot of promise. Whether it's with hilarious concept art (Wiiiii!) or equally awesome video-blogs straight from the Ubisoft website, Rayman is starting to catch people by surprise again. Previous versions blended an over-the-top world with some seriously solid platforming elements, and from the looks of it, Rayman Raving Rabbids will have players bashing the crap out of little furry bunnies to boot, and who are we to argue with the sheer entertainment that could from that?

    12 .
    SpongeBob SquarePants: Creature from the Krusty Krab


    Publisher: THQ
    Developer: Blitz Games
    Players: Unknown
    Play Style: Nunchuck
    Genre: Action

    Description: If licensed games are a necessity in your household (and if you ever plan on having kids, they'll have to be), THQ is there. If it's a kids show, it's a THQ game; plain and simple. Despite what people may say about the younger-geared games, you have to give the company credit, as it is stepping up on launch day to deliver a SpongeBob game that innovates gameplay with the best of them. SpongeBob SquarePants: Creature from the Krusty Krab will combine a ton of different gameplay elements to deliver an all-in-one package on Wii for younger players. We already know of a flight simulator portion, a racing game, and numerous platforming levels, each that will feature a different style of gameplay with the Wii-mote. There's also been talks of a drawing mini-game or activity, as well as a FPS level. It may be for kids, but it's still bringing new gameplay to the table in the process.

    14 .
    Disney/Pixar's Cars


    Publisher: THQ
    Developer: Rainbow Games / Kobalt
    Players: 2
    Play Style: Classic
    Genre: Racing

    Description: Along with SpongeBob, THQ is also bringing a surprisingly entertaining racing game to the Wii. Disney/Pixar's Cars, developed by Rainbow Games (responsible for the ATV series) and ported by Kobalt, has already proven to be more entertaining than expected in hands-on sessions, mixing the obviously necessary license with Burnout and ATV inspired gameplay. Players will drift around corners, launch through the air and explore huge open-ended environments while constantly interacting with the cast from the movie. We've only had a chance to play the GameCube and PS2 versions, but THQ has informed us that the Wii game will control much like Excite Truck and Tony Hawk, using the controller in the classic position like a steering wheel. Both Cars and Sponge Bob are very valuable to the Wii's launch, as they prove to other publishers that innovation is for all ages and any license. No ports here, thank you.

  6. #5

  7. #6

  8. #7
    asian يسسسسس مترويد وزيلدا مع الجهاز eek لووووووول نينتيندو تعرف كيف تجذب اللاعبين وعشاقها asian
    Mithos ( Humen are Scared from anything not normal heh how pathetic ) Mithos
    Mithos ( Sometime Running is only way 2 save yourself Humen are so arrogant ) Mithos
    Sheena ( Evil Doesn`t have a chance ) Sheena
    Lloyed ( Vow number #1 work together for sake a peaceful world ) Lloyed

  9. #8

  10. #9
    شكرا لك لكن ههههههههههههههههههههههه الوي ما يقارن مع البلايستيشن3 أبدا إنت لو إشتريت السوني3 بتنسى الوي خلاص تنفي من راصك لول المهم شكرا علاى الموضوع بس جرب الجهاز

  11. #10


    شكرا لك على الموضوع الروعة
    إقتباس الرسالة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة عاشق ساسكي5 مشاهدة المشاركة
    شكرا لك لكن ههههههههههههههههههههههه الوي ما يقارن مع البلايستيشن3 أبدا إنت لو إشتريت السوني3 بتنسى الوي خلاص تنفي من راصك لول المهم شكرا علاى الموضوع بس جرب الجهاز
    يا اخ الwii افضل من الps3 الف مرة لانو الwii تتحرك مو ضلك قاعد زي الps3 الwii رياضي انصحك تجرب الwii goooodgoooodgoooodانا ما اشتريته بس هشتري
    لتحميل اللبة الرائعة fifa online 2 اضغط هنا

  12. #11


    مشكوور اخوي .......

    بس نسيييييييييت Resident Evil U.C

    ع العموم الف شكر لصاحب الموضوعـ ..............

    والسـلام ........

  13. #12

  14. #13
    الله والله خوش العاب

    شكرا على الموضووع الاسطوري مثل اسطورة زيلدا ههههههههههههه

  15. #14

  16. #15
    السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته ..~

    أشكرك جزيلاً أخي على الإفادة biggrin

    و أتمنى أن أرى منك المزيد من التقدم و الإبداع gooood

    في أمان الله ..~

  17. #16

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