مشاهدة النتائج 1 الى 13 من 13
  1. #1

    Talking ~*¤ô§ô¤*~Looking Glass~*¤ô§ô¤*~ :: تصميم ::

    الآن تصميمي الجديد وابغي ارائكم اهم شي

    [Looking Glass] من البوم [ Deen You Know ]

    الإسلامي الأإنجليزي و هذا المقطع الذي كتبته على التصميم

    saw a friend just the other day
    We took a walk around the way
    The sky was blue and his face was grey
    I asked him what could cause such dismay?
    He tallied his life and he noticed the score
    He felt his pain he never felt before
    He said it feels like He (Allah) can't no more
    He said it feels like He (Allah) can't love me no more
    No No No No

    وهذا كلمات الأغنية الكاملة

    I saw a friend just the other day
    We took a walk around the way
    The sky was blue and his face was grey
    I asked him what could cause such dismay?
    He tallied his life and he noticed the score
    He felt his pain he never felt before
    He said it feels like He (Allah) can't no more
    He said it feels like He (Allah) can't love me no more
    No No No No

    He can't love me anymore
    It's a fact I know for sure
    We started out this life so pure
    But He can't love me anymore
    He can't love me anymore
    It's a fact that I know for sure
    I started out this life so pure
    But He can't love me anymore
    He went on about the past
    To listen with patience was my only task
    No need to pry and no need to ask
    His words to me were my looking glass
    And with much pain his heart did pour
    With this feeling never felt before
    He said it feels like, He (Allah) can't love me no more
    He said it feels like, He (Allah) can't love me no more
    No No No, No!

    I asked my friend how can this be?
    Not the One Who created me
    Cause if our sins outweighed the sea
    Forgiveness comes so easily
    Just repent and stay to the task
    To make an effort is all He asks
    And don't get bogged down by the past
    His mercy outweighs His wrath
    And He can love you once more
    It's a fact that I know for sure
    We started out this life so pure
    But He can love you once more
    And He can love you once more
    It's a fact that I know for sure
    We started out this life so pure
    But He can love you once more.

    ولا أريد أن أطول عليكم وهذا التصميم أرجوا ان ينال إعجابكم


    بإنتضار أرائكم


  2. ...

  3. #2
    التصميم حيييل حلووو ..

    والالوان روعه هاديه .. ^_^

    دمت مبدع .. ^_^

  4. #3

  5. #4

  6. #5
    تصميم ولا في الخيال

    ابداع في ابداع

    سلمت يدام

    دمت مبدعاً
    تعبت أضمىآ ~

    ويسقيني غيابك همـه الـ(ج)ـآرح ??

  7. #6

  8. #7

    التصميم رائع جدا جدا جدا

    ماشاء الله عليك

  9. #8
    السلام عليكم
    التصميم كوووووووووول
    ولا عليه كلام
    جاري التصميم

  10. #9
    مشكور اخوي على التصميم
    لا اله الا الله..اللهم اشرح لي صدري

    miss myself

  11. #10
    مشكورين حبايبي الحلوين على المرور وترقبوا تصاميمي الثانية....

  12. #11
    التصميم بصراحه برووووووووعة ...

    وكافي انه من ايد واحد مبدع مثلك اخوي ^^

    ما شاء الله عليك اخوي ...

    عسى ربي يزيدك إبداع فوق إبداعك ^^
    فش حاقه paranoid

  13. #12
    مرحبـــا ...

    التصميم قمة في الهدوء والروعة مرة رائع

    يعطيك العافية gooood

  14. #13
    مشكورررين حبايبي على الردود ومشكور أخوي على الرد الي رفع معنوياتي gaara_660 wink smile smile biggrin

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