مشاهدة النتائج 1 الى 7 من 7

المواضيع: *.* one word *.*

  1. #1

    *.* one word *.*


    one word..
    look around you..
    and you will know..
    I'm only weak person..
    I'm only bluesy cry..
    I'm only broken heart..
    I'm only adry tear..
    I'm only torn smile..
    I'm only black life..
    my heart bong death's song..
    in inside me killer devil .
    biding me in life he you..
    yeah you..
    I love you..I love you.. you just ..


    لقد خلا هذا الزمن
    إلاّ من لحظات حميمة
    أنقذتنا جميعا ,,

  2. ...

  3. #2
    كَلِمات في مدار إمرأة



    إجتياح " أو " إحتياج


    " وطُقوس أنثى تحتضـر "




    رائعة رَغم الألـم

  4. #3
    your subject is very very nice

    thanks for you
    سبحان الله وبحمده
    سبحان الله العظيم

  5. #4

  6. #5
    كلمات رائعة محملة بالاحزان والهموم شكرا على كتابتك الموضوع الرائع .........تحياتي


  7. #6

  8. #7

    Being apart from you isn't easy....
    I find myself missing you so often,
    in so many ways...
    but even though we can't be together right now.
    gentle thoughts of you fill my days
    and dreams of you fill my nights...
    No matter what I'm doing,
    I know it would be so much nicer
    if I could be sharing it with you...
    I keep imagining things you'd say
    if you were with me now,
    or the way you would laugh
    if something funny happened,
    and next thing I know,
    I'm daydreaming about all the things we'll do
    when we're together again...
    Although the miles
    come between us now,
    I still feel so close to you,
    and I just keep hoping
    the days will fly by
    because I want you beside me

    cool >>>>>>to talk to,<<<<<<cool

    wink >>>>>to hold,<<<<<wink

    smile >>>to love<<<smile


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