مشاهدة النتائج 1 الى 4 من 4

المواضيع: ضروري الدخول

  1. #1

    ضروري الدخول

    On my life theater
    I try to be patient and strong
    I try to drive my success trailer
    And live with out any wrong

    Oh ... oh ...oh

    I know that I am not foxy at believing feels
    I know that I am just a girl in a big wood
    I know that I can kill many cares
    But I can’t … Really can’t break in the gate of the moon

    Oh … oh … oh

    With out soul … with out heart … with out smile
    The rain could broke up my self … And broke my words
    What a mess in my world
    Why there is no one merit the love?!
    Its is a mermaid of our earth angles
    And the play Wright of our life
    It means a die
    It means a sun wife!!

    Oh … oh … oh

    I just want to laugh and laugh
    I just want to fly with the plums to any where
    I just want a platonic love

    محتاجة تعليفقاتكم ضروري قبل بكره يعني اي تعديل عليكم لبكره رجاءا

  2. ...

  3. #2

  4. #3
    sorry if it late
    but what could i do ????

    any why
    i liked it very much

    but i dont understand
    how any one can kill any care???

    and the most thin i like it best is

    With out soul … with out heart … with out smile

    it make me remember

    the song that called "bring me to life " soo it is a nice 1

    and i was so shy to ask
    but bcoz u said

    platonic love

    what is the platonic love ????
    i hear about it but i dont know what it means ????
    attachmentالرِجَالْ الحُكَمَاءْ قَالُوا ... اِبْحَثْ عَنْ طَرِيقْ فَجَرْ النُورْ
    الرِياحْ سَتَعْصِفْ بِوجْهَكْ بَينَمَا السِنِينْ تَمْضِي بِلَمْحْ البَصَر
    اَصَغِي للصَوتْ العَمِيقْ بِدَاخِلْ رُوحَكْ ... إنَه نِدَاءْ قَلْبُكْ
    اَغَلِقْ عَينَاكْ وثِقْ بِذَاتَكْ وسَتَجِدْ طَرِيقْ الخُرُوجْ مِنْ الظَلاَمْattachment
    مُجَرّدْ فَتَىْ أَحْمَقْ يَتَفَوَهْ بِالهُرَاءْ بَيْنَهُمْ
    حَقّاً إنَ فِي هَذِه السَفِينَةْ لَشَئٌ مُبْهِجْ

  5. #4

    رائع دخلت عشان ضروري الدخول بس....

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم...



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