مشاهدة النتائج 1 الى 3 من 3

المواضيع: fruits basket : Summaries

  1. #1

    fruits basket : Summaries

    باحط اليوم الاعداد اللي بيصدرون من فروتس باسكت والاحداث


    العدد التاسع من سلسلة فروتس باسكت
    وبيصدر قريبا هذا الهر او الشهر القادم في اليابان ..
    المهم بيكون في الغلاف صورة مانابي صديقة يوكي المفظل
    وبيكون فيها الفصول الستة من 108 الى 113 ..

    في فصل 112 ..
    بيتكلمون عن صديقة مانابي الحميمة والاحداث اللي تجمعها بتورو ..



    يوكي : ايميل الى صديقتك الحميمة ؟

    مانابي : هيه
    وكيف عرفت !

    يوكي : النظرة على وجهك كانت مختلفة من usual

    مانابي : اه انا ...
    هيه هيه

    يوكي : It's not like it's a compliment
    مما يذكرني بي
    ما اسم صديقتك الحميمة ؟

    مانابي : همم ؟
    كو ...
    ماكي .......

    يوكي : كوماكي؟
    هذا الاسم , يبدو لشخص ما حقا exist , صحيح ؟
    مانابي :فقط ما المفترظ ان يعني ؟!

    That's really rude, you
    And here I was thinking that I wanted to introduce you to one another one of these days.
    *pun pun* *angered*
    يوكي : اه, نعم , ارغب في مقابلتها
    ارغب فقط في سؤالها عنك اذا كانت تحب الخروج معك ؟
    مانابي : All right!! Just like I planned

    Almost too good!!
    تبـــا !!

    يوكي : الان .. بسرعة ولنسرع قبل بداية الصف ..

    هناك شيء ما ارغب في اعطاءه الى ماتشي ايضا
    مانابي : ايه ؟
    ماذا .ماذا ؟


    Yuki: Machi. Here.

    While it's been awhile, it's meant as an apology.

    For causing you so much trouble then...
    Machi: ?
    Ayame & Mine: Hahahahah
    Yuki: Aaa
    I'm sorry... Those people really don't mean any harm
    They just live in a world of their own...
    Manabe: But, that doesn't change the fact that person is Yunyun's older brother--
    Machi: *ha* realisation
    *kuri* turns
    Machi: It's all right.


    Yuki: .........

    Machi: Please
    Don't worry about it. It's not
    like the president... called me
    Yuki: Well yeah...
    That's true but...
    Manabe: R--Rain?
    It doesn't rain does it-- When's rainy season going to start.
    Yuki: That manner of avoidance is rather something.
    Manabe: Wha~t already. It's a thing of the past so it doesn't matter anymore.
    Not to mention it was fun too
    Author: Kakeru was the one who invited her over.
    Yuki: Aa--
    Manabe: What do you think Nao-chan. Those two's attitude in blaming someone else.
    Nao: I know nothing!!
    Kimi: Huh


    Kimi: So you give Machi presents.
    Even though you don't give Kimi anything.
    Nao: *Gege* (gag)
    While bothersome, you've been found out...
    Kimi: Ehhh~!?
    What're you saying Nao-chan. Talk about ill~~
    Yuki: Um Kimi, about this?
    It's a present meant as an apology...
    Kimi: Then "apologize" to Kimi too!!
    Yuki: Eh!?
    "Apologize" for what!?
    Manabe: Kimi-chan you're noisy---
    Kimi: I want to know how loyal you are!!


    Kimi: This. Give it to me.
    Machi: Eh
    Yuki: I can't. I gave that to Machi.
    Nao: Even kindergartners have more restraint...
    Kimi: Or rather, what did you get Machi.
    Kimi'll open it for you.
    *shuru* (unties the ribbon)
    ?: Aa...
    Manabe: What did you give her?
    Yuki: Hm?
    Something good


    Manabe: MOGETA?!?
    *DON* whack
    Yuki: This side!!
    Kimi: ...What
    Is this...
    Machi: Mogeta... paperweight...
    Kimi: Huh...
    Nao: Did you want it?
    Kimi: I don't want this sort of thing.
    What're you talking about Nao-cha~n
    Wanting other people's things is really low, you know?
    Nao: In other words you're really low then.
    Kimi: That's so mean!!!
    Kimi wouldn't want other people's things!!
    Nao: You just did!!

    Just what can lead to a personality overflowing with confidence like that!!


    Kimi: I think it's all because of that day...
    Nao: Eh. Just a minute. I don't want to hear an explanation.
    Please don't go into replay mode
    Manabe: Stupid Nao~~
    That's right. That... was just before Kimi entered Junior High School...

    From that time, Kimi was popular with the boys and the male teachers...
    Girl: There're lots of guys on that si-de.

    Why'd you come here Toudou-san?
    Girl: That's right. It's more fun being with the boys ri~ght?

    Looking cute is a virtue of yours isn't it-- And even if you've got other faults, the guys'll over look them because of it--
    Girl: You're gonna go through life just by your looks right?



    Kimi: You really all think so---!!?
    Kimi thought so too--!!!
    Girls: Ehhhh
    Full of herself---!!?
    Kimi: If not for that comment, Kimi might not've turned out this way...
    From saying that sort of thing!!
    Nao: Don't say that sort of thing...
    Those who said it are regretting it the most...
    Kimi: Ah, that's right. I had a date today. Not goo~d.
    We need to hurry up and finish work so I can get home quickly.
    Nao: If I could go back in time...
    Kimi: Come on everyone. Let's get started.
    Yuki: Well, at least she didn't take it...
    Manabe: Just a minute Yuki-san


    Manabe: While we went completely off topic but
    Why Mogeta?
    Yuki: Aahh... It seemed like she was interested in it at big brother's place...
    So I thought maybe...
    Machi: *stare~~~*
    Yuki: she's looking at it... she's still looking at it...
    Manabe: ...I wonder if she likes it
    Yuki: .........

    No worries! That's an "I like it" attitude!

    All right!
    Manabe: I can't tell at all

    But, well. If she likes it, that's fine.
    Yuki: What's that. Big brother's check?
    Manabe: Huh?
    It's not that



    Manabe: Changing
    Isn't a bad thing is it...
    Yuki: ...I didn't expect you to say that sort of thing.
    Kakeru: Oh my...
    Yuki: It's not a compliment
    Machi: .........

    I'm really happy...

    I'll treasure it...


    Machi: Have to make sure I don't lose it.

    I forgot to say thank you...
    *Ga---n* *shock*
    I'd thought
    That twisted feeling akin to hatred

    Would never disappear from inside me.

    I'd thought that was "the way it should be"
    Komaki: Kakeru-kun

    Did I keep you waiting?



    Manabe: ...Silly
    Komaki: Eh?

    Machi: ...
    It's hard to go in...

    I wonder if it's strange to come at lunchtime to say thank-you... not to mention
    What'll I do if he gets a "at this point?" look...

  2. ...

  3. #2


    Machi: Let's skip it

    *Pashi* (whap)
    Yuki: Unusual to see you up on the 3rd year's floor.
    Machi: ......
    Yuki: Did you have lunch?
    Manabe: ...Aa

    I forgot the next class' textbook!!
    Guy: That's not good. You'll lose marks.
    Manabe: I'm gonna go see if Yunyun has his!!
    Guy: Whoa--!! You're gonna borrow a text from that Sohma--!?
    I'm a bit jealous--
    Manabe: I'll doodle something obscene and then return it!!
    Guys: Whoa--!!
    I couldn't copy that...


    Manabe: Or rather, I wonder if he's there?
    *gara* (door opens)
    Manabe: Oh
    Tohru: Ah...

    Excuse me


    Just now...

    Somewhere. That person...



    Saki: Together with Tohru...
    Guy: Eh. What's up Nabe? Did you need Yuki?
    Manabe: Hm... yeah. I came to borrow a text.
    Guy: Shall I lend you mine? What subject?
    Manabe: Eh really? Lend it. Physics.
    Guy: Hang on a mo---
    ...offer incense

    (I) came hoping to offer some incense
    Komaki: Would it be all right...
    Grandpa: Yes...
    Thank you for coming.

    Things must be very difficult for you as well...
    Komaki?: ...
    Manabe: YOU


    Manabe: Annoy me

    Don't think

    That you're carrying all the unhappiness

    That you're the one who's "sad"

    Don't mistake



    Guy: Nabe. Here.
    Manabe: Hm? Ah, thank you.
    Guy: Don't draw anything funny okay?
    Manabe: I'll come return it after school...
    Guy: 'kay


    Machi: ...Um
    Yuki: Hm?
    Machi: ......

    Thank you... very much


    Machi: Yesterday's... um
    Yuki: Ah, you didn't have to thank me for it.
    Afterall, it was as an apology.
    But do you like it?
    Machi: ......

    I don't want to say
    Yuki: I see.

    I actually wanted to get you a big one like big brother had but
    I couldn't find it anywhere.
    Machi: It can't be helped. That's a limited item and only a small number were made.
    Yuki: Big brother being able to write words on such a rare item is really something...

    Sorry, I don't think that person understands that value itself.
    Machi: ...


    Machi: Umm

    What is it that.. you want President?
    Yuki: Eh--...? I wonder...
    Machi: ..."Thing"
    Yuki: ...

    Machi: I don't understand...
    Arrow (Machi): Wants to give something in return
    Arrow (Yuki): Didn't understand that intention
    *ki-n ko-n ka-n*
    Yuki: Ah, the warning bell
    Shall we get back to class
    Machi: ...Yes


    Machi: ...President
    Are you really busy... studying for entry exams?
    Yuki: No, not at all?
    Machi: ...? You're going on...
    To uni right?
    Yuki: Yeah, that's right but
    I can handle it
    Machi: That's ill... You seemed like a really rotten guy just now...
    Yuki: Haha

    I can handle it so

    Let's go someplace

    ...During summer holidays.


    Machi: ......
    *hop* *hop*




    Komaki: Eh...
    Manabe: Really, really. She remembered me
    Komaki: I see...


    You didn't try picking a fight this time did you?
    Manabe: I didn't. I'm innocent. You can even strip me.
    Komaki: ...Hahah

    It has nothing to do with "stripping"



    Komaki: Today's meat.
    Manabe: Alright

    ...That Honda-san

    Or didn't remember me

    Give me a break. It pissed me off at times.

    But Komaki even smiles for me
    So not letting Honda-san's...

    Really not fair is it...



    Honda-san's mother's... accident



    Manabe: The car Komaki's father was in
    ran into her

    And her father was killed instantly...

    ...It's a sad connection.
    Banner: Kakeru's girlfriend's father had an accident with Kyoko-- The memories of that time are brought back vividly filling Tohru with sadness...

    اذا الصور ما طلعت انسخوا عنوانها وشوفوها

  4. #3
    الفصل 113
    لمشاهدة بعض صورها والتفصيلات بالفرنسية
    لقراءة احداث الفصل بلانجليزية
    اما العدد 20 و 21
    بيتكلمون عن حياة والدي اكيتو وكيف مرض والده وتوفى وكيف ربته امه على شكل ولد ..
    وبيتكلمون في فصل 122 من العدد 21 عن ان توهورو بتتكلم مع اكيتو وتبي تساعده بس هو بطيحها من اعلى وبيطلع من تحت راسها دم .. وبيقبلها كيو .. وينتهي الفصل

    وهنا قبلها كيو بطلب منها

    عناوين الصور اذا ما طلعوا عن حادثها ...

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