الصفحة رقم 1 من 2 12 الأخيرةالأخيرة
مشاهدة النتائج 1 الى 20 من 27
  1. #1

    Thumbs up المهتم بمصير هيمورا كينشن

    the best samurai he was ....at the end he is going to marry Kaoure
    they will have a son :KENJI

    and here a picture of the small family
    Himura, Kenji and Kaoure

    after the death of kenji's parents ((kenshin and kaoure)) he is going to be a Samurai just like his Father


    Hiko soujiro ((kenshins sensie)) is going to teach him the Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu style ....

    Hiko appare in this pic

    And yahiko (( yoshi)) also going to be his secound teacher

  2. ...

  3. #2

    على الموضوووع أخوووووي

  4. #3

  5. #4
    مشكووور على الموضووع
    اللهم ارحم موتانا وموتى المسلمين اجمعين
    اللهم اكرم نزلهم ووسع مدخلهم
    واغسلهم بالماء والثلج والبرد
    ونقهم من الخطايا كما ينقى الثوب الابيض من الدنس

  6. #5

  7. #6
    هذه صور لكنشين و كوري(( زوجتة )) و ابنة ((كينجي))
    بعد موت كينشين و كوري تدرب ابنة على يد معلمه هيكو(( هيدن متسوروغي))
    و يوشي اصبح معلم كينجي الثاني

  8. #7

  9. #8

  10. #9

    Comment allez-vous



    I Love Ken

    And The Anime is CooL and strong



    يعني سلام


  11. #10

  12. #11

  13. #12
    thanx alot ...am really happy that you read my topic

    angel girl,ssj vegetoo and hero N

  14. #13
    thaanxxxxxxx >>> alot for this pictur >>>

    and i like kinshin very much

    and if you can i want kinshins picture


    and thanxx alot

  15. #14
    thanx alot Naruto love
    and don't worry about kenshin's pics i'll put them someday ok

    The White Assassin

  16. #15

  17. #16
    well this is not the real ending
    this was in the OVA 2 which was written by the director not the author of the manga
    therefore it is not considered the ending of rurouni kenshin

    in the real ending in the manga sano runs from the police and gets out of japan to become an adventurer
    megumi moves to another city
    kenshin marries kaoru and they have a son (kenji) but the manga ends when kenji is about 5 years old
    and of course when the author was asked if the OVA2 was the real ending he said no and he told a differrent story about whats gonna happen to kenji

  18. #17
    Thanx gooood alot for these wonderful photoes asian

    where did u get these information ??
    that he married Kaoureand ????

    Is it frome OVA 3???

  19. #18
    بالعربي انا شفت الاوفا وجلست اسبوع كامل في حالة اكتئاب ..
    لاني احب كينشين ولا قدرت اصدق انه مات ..×_×
    ما تصدقون كيف كرهت ولده..الحيوان ليش ما يحب ابوه!!؟؟؟؟

  20. #19

  21. #20
    إقتباس الرسالة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Lion Heart
    well this is not the real ending
    this was in the OVA 2 which was written by the director not the author of the manga
    therefore it is not considered the ending of rurouni kenshin

    in the real ending in the manga sano runs from the police and gets out of japan to become an adventurer
    megumi moves to another city
    kenshin marries kaoru and they have a son (kenji) but the manga ends when kenji is about 5 years old
    and of course when the author was asked if the OVA2 was the real ending he said no and he told a differrent story about whats gonna happen to kenji
    Thanx for the information actually i didnt see the ova2
    i read this info in a site i dont know the address but anyway thanx for you information

    and thanx for your comment

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