الصفحة رقم 3 من 7 البدايةالبداية 12345 ... الأخيرةالأخيرة
مشاهدة النتائج 41 الى 60 من 127
  1. #41

  2. ...

  3. #42

  4. #43
    Brook feels sorry for Sanji for some reason...
    Momonosuke is safe, but it seems he doesn't like Mink tribe and shut himself up in a room.

    Brook told Luffy not to mention Samurai or Wano country. Otherwise, Mink tribe will be angry with them.

    Sanji left a letter to strawhats. He was not abducted.

    Capone is now Big Mom's subordinate.

    Swirly hats managed to run away from Big Mom's ship thanks to the fog made by Nami.
    Swirly hats arrived in Zou 10 days ago and saved the country by their courage and Chopper's medicine.

    There are 2 kings in Mokomo Dukedom. One is "Duke Inuarashi", the king of a day, and the other is "Nekomamushi" (Cat Viper Boss), the king of a night.

    Duke Inuarashi has been losing consciousness since the city was destroyed, but now he comes to and wants to meet strawhats.

    Law meets Bepo by his vivre card.

    17 days ago, a large mammoth attacked Mokomo Dukedom and told people to offer Raizou.

  5. #44

    Minks:A mammoth!!? Why is a prehistoric animal.!!?
    Bariete: Pant...pant... An enemy's raid!!!
    Minks: The gate was demolished....!!! They're pirates!!! Chase after them!!!

  6. #45

    short translation

    cover page is syrup village
    100 beasts pirates mammoth ship's captain jack the mammoth also known as drought disaster jack
    kaidou has 3 top confidants all named "disaster" jack is one of them
    the ground beneath jack dries up and decays hence his alias
    what distroyed zou is caesar's poison gas weapons
    no clue on sanji whereabouts, the content of the lette ris also still unknown

    الفصل بمجمله يتحدث عن جاك

    لدى كايدو ثلاثة قادة مقربين هم أعلى القادة يلقبون بالكارثة وجاك أحدهم ويلقب بـ (( كارثة الجفاف ))

    عندما يطأ جاك على الأرض تجف وتمضحل


    يبدو أن الغازات السامة التي صنعها شيزر تسببت أيضا بتدمير زو

    لم يذكر أي شيء عن سانجي أو محتوى الرسالة للأسف

    بانتظار صدور الفصل

    اخر تعديل كان بواسطة » נмαzα في يوم » 26-11-2015 عند الساعة » 10:05

  7. #46
    الغريب انو شو دخل الفيل او الماموث بلجفاف ؟؟!! em_1f626

  8. #47

  9. #48
    The second half took a while. Here it is. I don't think there are any big mistakes:

    Wanda:"…They didn't want to talk at all and just started fighting. The city became a battlefield in an instant."

    Usopp:"…!! An Emperor's subordinates!! They attacked the country…!!"

    Robin: "Kaido's..."

    Wanda:"…Ah, Why did they come all the way here… I don't know why they would think a samurai was here."

    Luffy:"Hey, Usopp! She said a mammoth!"

    Usopp: (in a tiny voice)"That's nothing to be happy about. Think about what happened!"

    Brook:"So…now you understand why you can't say "samurai" and "Wano" around here!?"


    Robin: "Awful people."

    Luffy:"…But the ninja Kin'emon was talking about isn't here〜That's a let down."

    -Usopp, Brook, and Nami's faces go pale.-

    A curious Wanda: "Eh?"

    -Usopp, Nami, and Brook pound Luffy-

    Wanda:"Ninja?…"You mean the warrior from Wano? Do you-tia know anything about them?"

    Brook: "No, no, not at all!! eh...the wounded!! How was the condition of the wounded…?"

    Wanda: "Ah...I saw the Duke's treatment room. I wouldn't be good for them to come out here…Let's continue our talk later.

    -Voices can be heard from the treatment room-

    "Gyaaー!!" "I apologize, Sir Sicilian〜!!" "Sir Sicilian is going mad〜!!" "Ahー!!"

    Wanda rushes over.
    "Sir Sicilian!? What is it!?"

    One of Duke Inuarashi's 3 Musketeers, "Full strength" Sicilian(Lion-minkman):"Oh、Wanda?…!! Hoo…they-gara speak only of sweets things, so I just cast them into the valley! Kindness・Love・Romance・Babies・Sugar・Honey!! Never speak of such saltless things in front of me again!! I'll rip out your throats!! Ha,come back up here by your own strength!!」

    The Minks that Sicilian threw into the valley: "Oo ow wow…""Harsh…but…so cool...""I'm sorry!! I'll never speak of sweet things again!!"

    Sicilian:"So long as you understand that!"

    Wanda: "Sir Sicilian, these are the Strawhats."

    -Sicilian jumps way up and lands in front of the Strawhats, lowering his head (as Fujitora did to King Riku).-
    "I thank you for saving this country. I shall never forget what you have done."

    Wanda: "Sir Sicilian always does everything with all his might."

    Luffy:"Hot-blooded lion, huh."

    -Sicilian opens the door.-
    "The Duke is waiting inside. In!! …No dawdling!!」

    Chopper: "Ah, Luffy!"

    King of the Daytime, Duke Inuarashi:" You-gara are the Strawhats, are you?"

    Wanda:"Duke, you're all right!"

    Inuarashi: "You really saved us then. Thank you, truly."

    Luffy:"I think it was my crew actually, but I haven't really heard about what happened yet."

    Inuarashi:"No、you all too…Strawhat Luffy."

    Luffy: ".. but you're a strong old guy. Really strong, yeah?!

    Wanda: "What? That's rude. The Duke is the best warrior in this land"

    Inuarashi:"…haahaa…Stop…you say that to a loser."

    Wanda: "Loser?! Well, the enemies were quite strong. They were more prepared to battle. If Jack hadn't brought that weapon here...!!"

    Luffy:"Huh? Weapon?"

    Chopper:"Yeah, that's right Luffy. One of Caesar's poison gas weapon destroyed this country!"

    End of chapter.

  10. #49

  11. #50

  12. #51
    Jack has a Bounty of 1Billion Berries.

    Inuarashi and Nekomamushi used to be best friends, but now they hate each other.
    When they were young, both of them went out to sea for a while. In the meantime, Inuarashi seems to have met Shanks.

    Inuarashi says the strawhat looks good on Luffy.

    Inuarashi tells Jack to stop the destruction since this country has a long history, but Jack rejects and says he loves destruction. Jack also says that if they offer Samurai, he will stop fighting.

    Inuarashi is exhausted during the fight with Jack.

    Two kings system enables them to attack their enemy all day.

    Night coming on, Nekomamushi appears and throws Jack by one-arm shoulder throw (Judo's move).

    Jack comes back to the Human mode.​

    مكافأة جاك مليار بيري

  13. #52

  14. #53

    - the minions rave in happiness “Wooaaaah!!!“
    - Nekomamushi “An acient type of the 'zou zou no mi [zou = elephant]'? That's some rare thing you have eaten there-nya.“
    - Jack “Considering that so many warriors are still around...“
    - while saying so, Jack fetches a strange weapon that looks like a sickle combined with a knife

    - Nekomamushi “'The dog and the others' were too nice, and to top that off, you managed to make them retreat...!! A number of warriors like this isn't enough for such a big country.“
    - Nekomamushi also carries a spear in his hand...around him, the lined up troup of cavaliers and all from the Heart Pirates
    - Nekomamushi “Hey Bepo!! You are still in my custody!! I don't mind you not joining the fight!!“
    - Bepo “Don't say that!! Dan'na!!“
    - the Heart Pirates pick up weapons “For... the home of our nakama!!“
    - Nekomamushi laughs, saying “That's some big talking...“
    - and the fight starts, enduring the whole night...Duke Inuarashi joins again
    ---Sicilian's flashback ends here---

    - Sicilian “Without any interruption day and night...the fight lasted for 5 days.“
    - the minks dominated the fight, but Jack was too strong, they just couldn't crush him
    - Jack, who ran out of devices, finally used the poison gas weapon on the 5th day
    - that's when the time of hellish torture began

    - Nekomamushi was cut off his left arm, while Inuarashi was cut off his left leg
    - but on the 6th day, when hearing of Doflamingo's defeat, Jack headed to Dressrosa straight away
    - the minks were grateful, because it indirectly ended the time of hellish torture as well
    - and on the 6th day, Chopper and the others arrived

    - “...! What's going on in this country!“
    - Sanji “Gas is abounding!! ...ugh“
    - Chopper “Those animals...are they defeated!?“
    - CC “Idiot, they are the 'mink tribe'!! Don't you know!?“
    - Sanji “However, let's go back into the forest firstly. Otherwise we'll be done by the gas, too!“
    - “Hey...you over there...chase them...!!“
    - “!?“
    - “You...aren't their nakamas, aren't you?“

    - Chopper “Huh!? A talking animal!?“
    - Sanji, CC “You're the same.“
    - CC “Looks like they're still breathing...“
    - Pedro “I'm Pedro...!! Please...lend us a helping hand!! Duke Inuarashi and Master Nekomamushi are...going to die without medical treatment...!! The world is waiting...!! Only those two...by all means! We can't let them die...!!“

    ---chapter ends with a depiction of the crucified Duke Inuarashi and Nekomamushi, with the former being cut off his left leg and the letter being cut off his left arm---
    → what's left is the print of a drought claw hardly to beat for

  15. #54

  16. #55
    القتال بين جاك وملكي الليل والنهار استمر لخمسة أيام

    بعدها قام جاك بإستخدام سلاح سيزر وتمكن من إسقاطهم

    جاك عذب الملكين للحصول على المعلومات وخسر ملك النهار إحدى قدميه وملك الليل أيضا خسر إحدى يديه

    عندما وصلت أنباء سقوط دوفلامنقو لجاك غادر الجزيرة وبعدها وصلت مجموعة سانجي
    اخر تعديل كان بواسطة » נмαzα في يوم » 17-12-2015 عند الساعة » 10:32

  17. #56

  18. #57
    Caesar is glad at the power of gas.The gas is called "Koro", a genocidal weapon.
    (I think Koro is based on the Japanese word "Korosu" which means "kill".)

    Chopper and Sanji beat up Caesar. Caesar says it's not him who is to blame since he didn't use the gas to Zou people." Sanji says this guy is the worst. Chopper tells Caesar to neutralize the poison with his ability.

  19. #58

  20. #59
    Pekoms: "What!!!???"

    Capone: "What the heck is this? Where's everyone?"

    Pekoms (in rage): "What the heck happened!!??? Who did this to Zou!!?? Was it the Strawhats!!!??? What did those guys do!!??"

  21. #60

    Capone is a shiro-shiro (meaning castle-castle) devil fruit man. Pekoms show great gratitude to Straw Hats and tells them that he will report Big Mom that Straw Hats ran away if they are willing to offer Caesar to Pekoms.
    Caesar was asked by Big Mom to do some research, but the research has not come true yet. He told a lie to Big Mom and received much money.
    But Capone gets angry and shoots Pekoms from behind. Capone’s bounty is 300 million berries. Sanji is forced to go into Capone’s castle since Nami and Chopper are taken as HOSTAGES.
    Big Mom pirates’ another mission is to invite Straw Hats(?) to their wedding tea party. Groom is Sanji, third son in Vinsmoke family. Bride is Pudding, the 35th daughter of Charlotte family.

    يبدو أن طاقم البيج مام لديهم مهمة أخرى و هي دعوة سانجي إلى حفلة شاي للزفاف، العريس هو سانجي الابن الثالث لعائلة Vinsmoke و العروس هي الابنة ال35 لعائلة شارلوت

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