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المواضيع: Don't be sad

  1. #1

    ابتسامه Don't be sad

    Dont be sad and just smile
    you could solve any problem if you try
    don't be sad and don't cry
    did you see the blue sky
    did you see the bird fly
    just try to be happy and smilesmile

  2. ...

  3. #2

  4. #3

    تحقيق أو نبذه او قصه

    إقتباس الرسالة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة منية الوفا
    Dont be sad and just smile
    you could solve any problem if you try
    don't be sad and don't cry
    did you see the blue sky
    did you see the bird fly
    just try to be happy and smilesmile

    باسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

    فكررررررررررررة هااااااااااااااااااااايلة

    تكتبي بالإنجليزي ... يا منية الوفا

    إنت بس في حاجة لتشجيع ...

    كلمات من ذهب cheeky

  5. #4
    Really Really Really nice words gooood
    thanks alot sweety
    لقد خلا هذا الزمن
    إلاّ من لحظات حميمة
    أنقذتنا جميعا ,,

  6. #5
    Let me tell you something, Moniya

    In addition to his fondness of creativity and beauty, Al Fata Mohammad is so fond of anything related to English, and he likes English to the death.

    The title of your thread, written in English, really attracted my eyes, especially that it had the word "sad" in it.

    I just have read your words. They are so beautiful and sublime. they teach us many great lessons.

    They teach us that we should never give up no matter what the circumstances are!

    they teach us to smile, for smiling is the ((cure)) for every illness, and the ((weapon)) you can confront any disaster with.

    My Lady, please keep on writing such words


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