مشاهدة النتائج 1 الى 8 من 8
  1. #1

    *اضخم واكبر تقرير عن كورابيكا+صور للقناص*

    مراحب تفضلو التقريرName: Kurapika Kuruta (Curapika, Curarpikt, Kurapica, etc)
    Age: 17 (present manga cannon)
    Birthday: 4 April
    Place of birth: -- (presumably, Lukuso area)
    Height: 171cm
    Weight: 59kg
    Blood type: AB
    Hatsu: Materialization and Specialization

    Gender: MALE (read the comments)

    Kurapika is the last remaining member of the Kuruta tribe. The tribe lived in the isolated Lukuso area, until five years before cannon they were all killed by the Genei Ryodan (phantom brigade, a group of nen-using criminals). The reason was that the Kuruta posses the Scarlet Eyes, where the owner's eyes turn red when he is very angry or upset. The color is considered to be one of the seven most beautiful in the world. The Ryodan, besides killing everyone, also took their eyes, which eventually made it onto the black market.

    Kurapika survived this massacre (how is not stated) and went on to become a Hunter. He wanted to be a Hunter to have access to the sort of information he needs to capture and destroy the Genei Ryodan. His other goal is to retrieve the eyes of his tribe.

    Kurapika is intelligent and generally reasonable and quick minded. He is usually thoughtful, and not very talkative, but besides all that he is also very loyal, both to his friends and his ideals. He refuses to do something that would go against either of these, for example he will not kill a man unarmed (the prisoner in Trick Tower). Although he is a little withdrawn, he cares for his friends a lot and refuses to let them be hurt, sometimes to the point of pushing them away from him to keep them out of trouble.

    Besides all that, however, Kurapika is also haunted. The massacre of his tribe affected him deeply, and his hate for the Ryodan sometimes overwhelms him. When he sees a spider (the mark of the Genei Ryodan) he often goes into the scarlet eyes state, although it has nothing to do with the Ryodan themselves. When it comes to the Ryodan Kurapika turns reckless, sometimes to the point of getting himself killed. His only goal is to defeat them, and this causes him problems because he dislikes killing.

    Kurapika tries to repeatedly justify the murder of his clan by seeking answers from the Ryodan. He tries to understand them so he can hate them reasonably. To this goal, he asks questions like "what do you feel when you kill innocent people?" of both Uvogin and Kuroro (who he later captures) to try and understand, although his mind is already made up. He likely wants to justify his killing the Ryodan by making sure that they are monsters. In a way, he also prevents himself from killing them by creating his nen abilities, which are not as much aimed to kill as to capture.

    Finally, his loyalty to his friends creates problems for him. Kurapika is in the end a honorable person, sometimes too honorable. He tries to distance people from himself because he knows that he is headed towards self-destruction, and does not care, as long as he fulfills his goal.

    Kurapika is excellent at analyzing the situation, and thinking carefully. He is not usually rash, but thinks things through before acting.

    As well as this, Kurapika is the one of the main characters with the most general knowledge. He has a good base of knowledge about history, geography, and other useful subjects. For example, he was able to figure out that the "husband and wife" who were supposed to take them to the Hunter Exam were in fact not who they appeared when the wife showed him a tattoo of the old Somi tribe. This is certainly not general knowledge.

    He is also good at general combat, Kurapika fights with two short swords (wakazaki) attached to each other with string.

    Nen Abilities <-- also explains Kurapika's specialization ability

    Kurapika is MALE. I don't know how many times I have to say this, and it's written EVERYWHERE, but people still don't get it. This is not the moderator's opinion, but fact. If you are still doubtful about this, look here:

    Kurapika was shown half-naked on the cover of a volume. Now, anyone can say he's flat chested, but if you know anything about anatomy or drawing, you will realize that males and females are not drawn alike at all. Kurapika's body simply doesn't look female, even a flat-chested, narrow-hipped girl. Also, there are issues of modesty which prevent people from creating volume covers with naked people on them, specifically naked girls.

    I will not go into the anime, but there are various situations there that also suggest Kurapika is a guy.

    Secondly, Kurapika as much as told Kuroro that he was male when Kuroro mistook him for a female. This can be argued back and forth, of course, but in the end he had no purpose of lying, because whether male or female Kuroro had already identified him and seen his face. It is pointless to lie about your gender when you don't look like a girl.

    Thirdly, it was stated in the hunter's guide that Kurapika is male. Before anyone asks, Togashi did endorse it and create it, so this is valid information.
    الترجمة :
    التقرير بالعربي
    الاسم كورابيكا (kurapica kurapict curapica curapict 0
    العمر 17 سنة في المسلسل والمانجا
    الميلاد 4\ 4
    محل الولادة منطقة لاكوسو
    الطول 171 سم
    الوزن 59 كغم
    فصيلة الدم Ab
    الهاتسو :
    الجنس ذكر (اقرا التعليقات)

    خلفية و ماضي ؛:
    كورابيكا هو اخر فرد متبقي من قبيلة كوروتا . القبيلة التي عاشت في منطقة لاكوسا المعزولة فبل المسلسل تم قتلهم في مجزرة جماعية على يد عصابة جيني ريودان (مجموعة من مستخدمي طاقة النين ) لصوص متوحشين . السبب الذي دعاهم الى تلك المجزرة هو الحصول غلى العيون القرمزية (الحمراء ) لافراد القبيلة حيث تعد هذه العيون من اجمل 7 اشياء في الكون عيون هذه القبيلة تصبح حمراء في حالة الغضب اليأس و انعدام الراحة . ريودان بالاضافة الى قتلهم كل افراد القبيلة اقتلعو عيونهم وهذا ما ادى بها الى السوق السوداء
    كورابيكا وهو الذي نجا من تلك المجزرة انضم لامتحان الصيادين ان انضمام هذا يساعده للحصول على معلومات عن جيني واسرهم والقضاء عليهم
    هدفه الاخر كان استرجاع عيون قبيلته

    ذكي سريع البديهة محترم صاحب عهد وولاء لاصدقائه والمبادئ التي عاش لاجلها مفكر ذو اطلاع على الجغرافيا والتاريخ
    كورابيكا ايضا وفي جدا منسحب بعض الاحيان اذا كان المر متعلق باصدقائه لايقدم على قتل شخص غير مسلح
    احيانا يدفع باصدقائه بعيدا ليقيهم الاذى
    بالاضافة كورابيكا بسبب المجزرة التي نجا منها والتي اثرت فيه عميقا وهذا الذي يسيطر عليه الغضب عندما يرى عنكبوتا (والعنكبوت شعار جيني )
    وعلى العموم ولو ان العنكبوت الحقيقي ليس له علاقة بعصابة جيني نفسها
    الا انه يتحول الى حالة العيون الحمراء لا يبالي يدفع بنفسه الى التهلكة يعيش حياته ليقتل هذه المجموعة
    كورابيكا يحاول الى اجراء العدالة في الجريمة التي ارتكبها بقتل العصابة وذلك بالبحث عن الاجوبة من جيني ريودان هذا الدافع ليحصل علاى الاجوبة هو بمعنى اخر يريد ان يقتنع بان قتله لهؤلاء لم يكن جريمة بل حق وهذا الشئ لم يقتنع به كورابيكا بداخل نفسه فالجريمة تضل جريمة مهما كان الدافع
    طاقنه النين اكورابيكا مخصصة للاسر وليس للقتل
    وهو نهاية الانسان الحترم احيانا يدفع هذا به الى الابتعاد عن اصدقائه لانه يعرف انه يتوجه الى تدمير نفسه

    ذكي غير متعجل مدرك للامور حتى داخلها لا يستعجل لكن يقلب الامور مرات ومرات قبل الاقبال عليها
    لديه معرفة عامة بالتاريخ والجغرافيا من بين الشخصيات ففي امتحان الصيادين عندما ادعى العجوزان انهما يقلانهما اللا الامتحان عرف كورابيكا بالحال انهما كاذبان عندما ارته الزوجة نقش قبيلة سومي وهذه معرفة خاصة وصعبة
    يحارب بسيفي ناكازاكي متصلين ببعضهما
    يقول الكاتب
    هو ولد
    انظر هنا)
    Kurapika was shown half-naked on the cover of a volume. Now, anyone can say he's flat chested, but if you know anything about anatomy or drawing, you will realize that males and females are not drawn alike at all. Kurapika's body simply doesn't look female, even a flat-chested, narrow-hipped girl. Also, there are issues of modesty which prevent people from creating volume covers with naked people on them, specifically naked girls.

    I will not go into the anime, but there are various situations there that also suggest Kurapika is a guy.

    Secondly, Kurapika as much as told Kuroro that he was male when Kuroro mistook him for a female. This can be argued back and forth, of course, but in the end he had no purpose of lying, because whether male or female Kuroro had already identified him and seen his face. It is pointless to lie about your gender when you don't look like a girl.

    Thirdly, it was stated in the hunter's guide that Kurapika is male. Before anyone asks, Togashi did endorse it and create it, so this is valid informat

    *م ن ق و و و و و و و ل*
    استنى الردود
    والصور جاية في الطريق

  2. ...

  3. #2


    اتمنى ان الصور جديدة عليكم وعجبتكم
    لاتبخلون بالردود

  4. #3

    على التقرير الروووووووووووعه

    ولا تحرمينا من مواضيعك الحلوه

  5. #4
    تسلم على الموضوع والصور الرائعه
    استغفر الله ... استغفر الله ... استغفر الله
    سبحان الله وبحمده ... سبحان الله العظيم
    اللهم صلِ وسلم على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه آجمعين
    YOU ARE WONDERFUL lollipop

  6. #5
    هع هع
    ما اصدق ولة بصدق ان كورابيكا ولد
    هع هع
    تحياتي ءانجـــــــــــــــــــــــــــو
    لَمْ يَعُدْ مِكْسَّاتْ الذي أَعْرِفُهْ ..
    اِشْتَقْتُ لِأَعْضَّاءْ 2005 disappointed ..

  7. #6

    تحقيق أو نبذه او قصه *العفو*

    العفو وشكرا عالمرور
    الكــــasian ــــــول

  8. #7
    ثااااااااااااااااااااانكس على التقرير الحلو
    [GLOW]سدني Sydney[/GLOW]



  9. #8

    تحقيق أو نبذه او قصه *العفو*

    العفو سوسان
    وشكرا عالمرور

بيانات عن الموضوع

الأعضاء الذين يشاهدون هذا الموضوع

عدد زوار الموضوع الآن 1 . (0 عضو و 1 ضيف)


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