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المواضيع: simple joke

  1. #1

    Talking simple joke

    Simple joke

    Two business men seated on an airplane noticed a Muslim man sitting
    in front of them, one of the men says to the other with a wink, "I was going
    to go to Africa until I found out that half the country is Muslim so don't
    want to go there". The other man says, "We'll how about Saudi Arabia then?"
    The first man says "No way, Saudi Arabia is loaded with those Muslims too."
    The other man suggests a trip to the U.S. but his companion says "The
    Muslims have spread out over the whole country every time I turn around
    there I bump into one." The men are watching and can see that the Muslim man
    is fidgeting and getting kind of agitated about their conversation. The
    fellow who started the teasing decides to really get him mad and says " I
    really wanted to go to Pakistan but that place is crawling with Muslims" At
    this the Muslim man has had it and finally turns around in his seat and
    sweetly says to the men, "Why don't you both go to hell? I hear that there
    aren't any Muslims there!"

  2. ...

  3. #2

  4. #3
    A slap well deserved


    سبحان الله .. والحمد لله .. ولا إله إلا الله .. والله أكبر

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