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  1. #21

    Name: Orochimaru

    Village: Hidden Sound Village
    Rank: Sennin, Missing-nin, S-Ranked Criminal
    Voice Actor: n/a
    Techniques: Cursed Seal Skill (Orochimaru) (Juin Jutsu (Orochimaru)), Body freeze skill (Kanashibari no jutsu), Double Snake Assassination (Souja sousai no jutsu), Five Element Seal (Goguoufuuin), Hidden Snake Hands (Senai Jashuu), Immortality Skill (Furou Fushi no Jutsu), Impure World Resurrection (Kyuchiyose Edo Tensei), Shadow clones (Kage bunshin no jutsu), Summoning Technique (Kyuichose No Jutsu), Rashoumon (Rashoumon)

    Orochimaru one of the Legendary Sennins of the Leaf Village, until his thirst for the knowledge of Forbidden Techniques exiled him from the village. Since then, he has moved on from body to body in a technique that transfers his soul into another one in a bid for immortality. His next victim, or prodigy, as he states, is Uchiha Sasuke.
    After his initial meeting with Sasuke in the Death Forest, Orochimaru gives him a curse seal as tantalizing bait; using Sasuke's ambition against himself, so that Sasuke would one day follow him and Orochimaru would claim his greatest power. The Sharingan.

    He also was once part of the Akatsuki, the same organization that Uchiha Itachi and Hoshigaki Kisame are currently in, but left because he feared Itachi to a great magnitude.
    Orochimaru has terrifying offensive techniques, and the exact opposite of Jiraiya. His ability to make Kakashi freeze dead in his tracks by just showing off his killing intent should be indicator of how strong he is.


  2. ...

  3. #22

    Name: Rock Lee

    Village: Hidden Leaf Village
    Rank: Genin
    Voice Actor: Yoichi Masukawa
    Techniques: Initial Lotus (Omote Renge), Iron Fist Style (Gouken), Leaf Spinning Wind (Konoha Senpuu), Primary Lotus (Ura Renge), Lotus (Renge), Drunken Fist Style (Suiken Kempou), Shadow Leaf Dance (Kage Buyou), Secondary Lotus (Omoe Renge)

    Rock Lee (a.k.a. thick eyebrows, as Naruto calls him) is a genin level ninja. Just like his row model Gai-sensei, he is a TaiJutsu specialist. Lee is incapable of using NinJutsu or even GenJutsu. But due to Lee’s great determination and extreme hard work, he was able to counter this great weakness by specializing in TaiJutsu.

    In Lee’s schooldays everyone thought he would never be able to become a ninja, simply because he can’t use NinJutsu and GenJutsu. But Lee has great determination, and said to himself that he could be a very strong ninja that only uses TaiJutsu. That’s when he met Gai-sensei. Gai is also a ninja that only uses TaiJutsu. Gai-sensei became Lee’s teacher and row model, and he taught Lee everything he knows now.

    Lee also has a crush on Sakura. At first Sakura didn’t want anything to do with him because he looks weird. But after saving her life and the fight with Gaara, she is starting to see what’s so special about him: his unstoppable determination. Lee’s training consists of physical training only. He always wears extremely heavy weights around his ankles. Lee only takes them off in life and death situations. When he does this he speed and strength increase dramatically. But Lee’s true power lies in the fact that he can open several of his body’s chakra Gates. After opening several of his Gates he can temporarily posses even more chakra then the Hokage, which makes him inhumanly fast. The downside of this technique is that it does severe damage to his body, that’s why Lee can only do it for a very short time. If he can’t finish his opponent before his body receives to much damage, he’s done for.


  4. #23

    Name: Sarutobi

    Village: Hidden Leaf Village
    Rank: 3rd Hokage
    Voice Actor: Hidekatsu Shibata
    Techniques: Shadow Shuriken Clone Skill (Shuriken Kage Bunshin no Jutsu), Demonic Soul Seal (Fuuinjutsu Shiki Fuujin), Earth Element; Earth Rising Wall (Doton Doryuuheki), Fire Element; Fire Dragon Flame Blast (Katon, Karyuu Endan), Summoning Technique (Kyuichose No Jutsu), Fire Element; Fire Dragon Missile (Karyuudan), Earth Element; Earth Dragon Missile (Doton,Doryuudan), Earth Element; Moving Land River (Doton,Doryuu Taiga)

    Also known as Sandaime, he is the third hokage of the hidden village Konoha. Sarutobi is 68 years old and this is his second time to be Hokage. He retired so the 4th would be able to become kage, but when the 4th died in his fight with kyuubi, Sarutobi once again became the Hokage. He was the instructor of the sannin, the most noted ninja team of their era, but eventually all three left Konoha and him later in their lives. He is the first known to have done the bell training that we see Team 7 doing. To most of the villagers he is a very warm and paternal figure that mainly protects and provides for the villagers in a very kind and gentle way. Through his wisdom and strength as a leader, Konoha continued to flourish while he was the Hokage. His reputation for knowing all the jutsus from the village of Konoha has earned him the name ‘The Professor.”
    Eventually at the Chuunin exam that Naruto participated in, Orochimaru made an alliance with the Sand village and they attacked Konoha and he engaged Sarutobi in a one on one battle. Orochimaru summoned the two previous hokages to fight Sarutobi and the outcome was that Sarutobi died in that fight but not before stilling the unholy summons and taking part of Orochimaru’s spirit and his ability to do jutsus. Once before Sarutobi tried to stop Orochimaru, but he at that time was unable to kill his former student who had been his prized pupil and once desired successor. So he like the 4th makes the ultimate sacrifice and forfeits his life to protect the village.
    He has a grandson Konohamaru who wants to succeed him someday, and then possibly the Jounin Sarutobi Asuma is closely related to him as well.

  5. #24

    Name: Shizune

    Village: Hidden Leaf Village
    Rank: Special Jounin
    Voice Actor: n/a
    Techniques: Poison Gas (Doku Gasu)

    Shizune is Tsunade’s personal attendant. It is unknown how she got affiliated with Tsunade originally, but she has attended to her master throughout all of Tsunade’s misfortunes in gambling.
    Shizune is a worry wart and shows deep concern and anxiety whenever Tsunade takes out another loan. Yet, she is a loyal assistant who has the best intentions for her master as well as the Leaf Village. Not much else is known about her past, but she is currently continuing her role as attendant to Tsunade back in Konoha. Shizune is also working missions for the village.
    In battle, Shizune, much like Tsunade, is a medical-nin who knows healing techniques, although not as advanced as her master. She also has a contraption on her right wrist, which has five holes that can launch poisonous needles at her opponent. Furthermore, Shizune also possesses the ability to shoot these poisonous needles out of her mouth. She is quick, fierce ninja who fights for the honor of her master. But first and foremost, Shizune fights to protect the Hidden Leaf Village.

  6. #25

    Name: Temari

    Village: Hidden Sand Village
    Rank: Genin
    Voice Actor: n/a
    Techniques: Dust Wind (Ninpou Fuusajin), Summoning Technique (Kyuichose No Jutsu), Sickling Winds (Ninpou Kamaitachi), Spinning Whirl (Kirikiri)

    The eldest child on Gaara's team, Temari, as well as Kankuro, is terrified of Gaara, her youngest brother. When Gaara is away, she is a confident, strong Genin, although not a bully like Kankuro. Despite her fear for Gaara, she can be caring towards him, but only if Gaara isn't riled up.

    She has a deep dislike for war, and shows it when her teacher Baki told them their mission to Hidden Leaf for the Chuunin exams. Despite her dislike, besides Gaara, she has the strongest offense. Her enormous fan can execute a Slashing Wind attack, which can take on groups of enemies, and equally effective in a duel. She thinks ahead, like Shikamaru, to better suit her abilities.


  7. #26

    Name: Tenten

    Village: Hidden Leaf Village
    Rank: Genin
    Voice Actor: Yukari Tamura
    Techniques: n/a

    TenTen is on the same team as Neji and Lee. She only plays a minor part in the Naruto series. All we really know of her is that she's a young specialist in throwing-weapons. And she works hard to become a really strong ninja like Tsunade, which she refers to as the legendary female ninja, her idol.

    She also seems to have some sort of feelings towards Neji. She admires him, helps him train, and deeply praises his skills.


  8. #27

    Name: Tsunade

    Village: Hidden Leaf Village
    Rank: Sennin, 5th Hokage
    Voice Actor: n/a
    Techniques: Genesis of Rebirth (Ninpo Sozo Saise), Summoning Technique (Kyuichose No Jutsu)

    Tsunade is the third and last part of the three Legendary Leaf Sennins, with Jiraiya and Orochimaru. Tsunade was also the first medical ninja to be put on the field.

    At a young age, Tsunade had a dramatic death that made her to push for a medical unit to be implemented in the Konoha military; the death of her younger brother Nawaki, the day after she gave him the necklace which belonged to the 2nd Hokage. After the meeting which she laid out her idea, which was initially rejected, another Jounin pushed his support for the idea. Tsunade and the Jounin named Dan became very close, until Dan was killed by enemy ninjas. Since then, Tsunade has had a paralyzing fear of blood.
    Tsunade's fighting techniques are few, as she is a medical specialist. But she has an obscene amount of strength, even at a young age, and "one good hit" will kill anyone, as Kabuto puts it.
    As a side note, her summon, Katsuyu, doesn't seem to talk much. She seems to be rather shy.


  9. #28

    Name: Uchiha Itachi

    Clan: Uchiha Clan
    Village: Hidden Leaf Village
    Rank: Jounin, Missing-nin, S-Ranked Criminal
    Voice Actor: Eirou Ishikawa
    Techniques: Sharingan (Sharingan), Fire Element; Grand Fireball (Katon Goukakyuu no Jutsu), Shadow clones (Kage bunshin no jutsu), Divine Illumination Jutsu (Amaterasu), Illusionary Underworld Moon (Tsukiyomi)

    Uchiha Itachi is one of the last of the Uchiha clan, with his brother, Uchiha Sasuke. They are the only survivors of the Uchiha clan, which was once praised as the strongest clan in Leaf village.

    Itachi is the Shinobi that killed the entire Uchiha clan Apart from Sasuke. And when he was a Shinobi of the Leaf, Itachi graduated from the Chuunin selection exam at the age of 10, and when he was 13 he was a ANBU Captain! At current it's unknown why Itachi let Sasuke live, it may be because only a Mangekyou sharigan user can kill him, and he wished to be killed by his brother. Or prehaps he let him live because "He wasn't even worth killing" either way, he forced his brother to live a painfull life, swearing that he will avenge the clan and kill Itachi.
    Itachi has the feared bloodline ability, the Sharigan eye. Which he can use to copy the opponents techniques and also see through other techniques. Itachi has also mastered the Sharigan eye, so he can use the "Mangekyou sharigan" which is a extremely dangerous technique.

    Itachi is currently a member of the organization "Akatsuki" Which is comprised of "Sly S-Rank Criminals" as Kakashi stated. There Goal is Unknown, but we DO know that Itachi and his partner Kisame where ordered to find Kuuybi (The nine tails fox demon), and take it with them, and so they have to kidnap Naruto.
    Itachi first appeared in Episode 80, where we breifly veiwed him and Kisame observing the ruined Leaf village, after Orochimarus invasion. We also found out around that time that Itachi is able to defeat Kakashi quite easily, he didn't even break a sweat when he and Kakashi fought.


  10. #29

    Name: Uchiha Obito

    Clan: Uchiha Clan
    Village: Hidden Leaf Village
    Rank: Chuinin
    Voice Actor: n/a
    Techniques: Sharingan (Sharingan), Fire Element; Dragon Fire Technique (Katon Ryuuka no Jutsu)

    Obito is one of the late Uchiha ninjas who was on the same team as Kakashi. Obito shares very similar qualities with Naruto and is in a way Naruto to Obito as Sasuke is as to Kakashi.
    Obito is a strong hearted ninja of Konoha and has always dreamed of being a great ninja like the rest of his Uchiha clan. Except that he lacks in many skills of a ninja and is looked down upon and made fun of by his team member Kakashi.
    Obito shares many similar techniques custom to the Uchiha clan such as Katon and others, he though does have some type of eye problems and is always late to his missions and constantly makes up excuses that are very similar to Kakashis.
    Obito is also a ninja who has great heart for his team mates and will die for them and do what ever it takes to help them, to him a team mate who doesn't care about his friends is even worse then trash. A line used frequently also by Kakashi.
    Obito sadly meets his end by trying to help his friends and his body is crushed by a earth cave in technique. While he is near death his newly acquired sharingan is given to Kakashi as a gift for being promoted to Jounin level . After this we see nothing more of Obito but Obito PLAYS A VERY vital role in the life of Kakashi and helps him open his eyes and is the one who forged the Kakashi we know today.

  11. #30

    Name: Uchiha Sasuke

    Clan: Uchiha Clan
    Village: Hidden Leaf Village
    Rank: Genin
    Voice Actor: Sugiyama Noriaki
    Techniques: Lion Combo (Shishi Rendan), Shadow Leaf Dance (Kage Buyou), Shadow Shuriken (Kage Shuriken no Jutsu), Sharingan (Sharingan), Sharingan-Controlled Triple Windmill Blades (Sofuushasen no Tachi), Fire Element; Grand Fireball (Katon Goukakyuu no Jutsu), Fire Element, Phoenix Fire (Katon Housenka no Jutsu), Lightning Edge (Raikiri (Chidori)), Fire Element; Dragon Fire Technique (Katon Ryuuka no Jutsu)

    Sasuke is one of the few survivors of the Uchiha Clan, one of the most powerful clans of the Leaf Village. He is the number one rookie genin and is considered a genius. Sasuke has a very mysterious and bloody past, and his only goal in life is revenge.

    Sasuke is a dark and serious kid. This makes him look cool to all of the girls in his class, but he doesn’t care about that. Sasuke only cares about revenge, and to do this he needs to become strong, very strong. The exact reason for his lust for vengeance is still unknown, but it does have something to do with his elder brother and parents.

    Sasuke is teamed up with Naruto and Sakura. At first Sasuke wasn’t to happy about his little group, with Sakura having a huge crush on him and Naruto being the number one loudest ninja of the Leaf Village. But after some life and death battles they fought together Sasuke came to respect them. Especially Naruto, at first Sasuke thougt of Naruto as a loser, but then Naruto saved his life in the battle against Haku and Zabuza. Naruto defeated an enemy Susake himself couldn’t handle. His pride was hurt, but he started to respect Naruto and started seeing him as his rival rather then some useless loser.

    Because Sasuke is a descendant of the Uchiha Clan he possesses its Advanced Bloodline. This gives him the ability to use Sharingan. With his Sharingan Sasuke is able to see through an opponent’s strategy and counter it. He is also able to copy moves with it and improve them, like he did with one of Lee’s TaiJutsu moves. If you ad up the fact that Sasuke was already a very talented ninja even before he could use his Sharingan, you have a very powerful ninja who improves really fast and has even greater potential.


  12. #31

    Name: Uzumaki Naruto

    Village: Hidden Leaf Village
    Rank: Genin
    Voice Actor: Takeuchi Junko
    Techniques: Sexy skill (Orioke no jutsu (sexy no jutsu)), All Direction, High Volume(many) Shuriken Firing (Naruto Ninpocho, Shihou Hapou Shuriken no Maki), Pain of a Thousand Years (Sennen Goroshi), Harem skill (Harem no jutsu), Uzumaki Naruto 2000 Combo (Uzumaki Naruto Nisen Rendan), Uzumaki Naruto Combo (Uzumaki Naruto Rendan), Shadow clones (Kage bunshin no jutsu), Rasengan (Rasengan), Summoning Technique (Kyuichose No Jutsu)

    Naruto is the number one loudest ninja of the Leaf Village. He is loud, hyperactive, clumsy, kind of stupid and he dreams of becoming hokage. Although Naruto definitely isn’t the smartest or most talented ninja of the Leaf Village, he does have one hell of a lot of chakra at his disposal.

    Twelve years before Naruto graduated from the academy a powerful demon called Kyubi terrorized the Leaf Village. The Fourth Hokage barely managed to seal the Nine-Tails Demon Fox within a boy, Naruto, but unfortunately he didn’t survive the battle himself.

    The Fourth wanted Naruto to be seen as a hero, a boy who saved the village from Nine-Tails. But unfortunately that wasn’t meant to be. Many of the older villagers saw Naruto as the Nine-Tails himself, and hated and ignored him for it.
    Because of this, Naruto desperately seeks for acknowledgement for his existence. He is a first-class prankster and he tells everyone he will someday become the hokage of his village.

    The first person to really acknowledge Naruto’s existence is teacher Iruka. Ikura really looked after Naruto and taught him the values of life. If it wasn’t for him, Naruto probably wouldn’t be where he is now.

    In combat Naruto isn’t exactly what you would call a genius. He is more the type who would charge in head on to his opponent, although from time to time Naruto does have his moments with some deceiving tactics he comes up with. But Naruto is not to be underestimated. He has a lot of chakra at his disposal, especially when he learns to tap in to Kyubi’s chakra. This huge amount of chakra makes him able to go berserk (like he did against Haku) and summon GamaBunta.


  13. #32

    Name: Yamanaka Ino

    Clan: Yamanaka Clan
    Village: Hidden Leaf Village
    Rank: Genin
    Voice Actor: n/a
    Techniques: Mind Body Switch Skill (Shintenshin no Jutsu)

    Ino is a bossy, outspoken girl who has a major crush on Sasuke. Ino was also a big rival to Sakura at one time because both had eyes on Sasuke. Originally though, Ino and Sakura were good friends. As young academy students, Ino was one of the more popular students, and one day, she took Sakura under her wing and introduced her to some of the other students. The two remained friends until they both discovered that they were after the same guy. From that day on, they vowed to be rivals for whoever could win Sasuke over first.
    After fighting each other at the Chuunin Exam, both resolved their differences to an extent, yet Ino still remains crazy for Sasuke. Currently she is one-third of the Ino-Shika-Chou team under the leadership of Sarutobi Asuma. Ino is quite outspoken as she’s made fun of Chouji’s weight and teased Shikamaru for not having a girlfriend. But, underneath the immaturity, Ino has shown herself to be rather compassionate when she’s chosen to be.
    In battle, Ino mostly relies on basic fundamental ninja techniques, and she is generally at a lower level than most other genins. Her only real technique is the ninjutsu of her clan, the Shintenshin no jutsu. When Ino uses this technique she shoots her mind into the mind of her opponent and takes over their body. She is free to use the body to her liking, but the technique leaves her own body lifeless and vulnerable. Also, Ino runs the risk of missing the technique, which would still leave her body vulnerable for a period of time. Because of this, the Shintenshin no jutsu is often a double-edged sword.

  14. #33

    Name: Yondaime

    Village: Hidden Leaf Village
    Rank: 4th Hokage
    Voice Actor: n/a
    Techniques: Demonic Soul Seal (Fuuinjutsu Shiki Fuujin)

    The Fourth Hokage and also known as Konoha's "Yellow Flash" with his blonde, spikey hair. Yondaime is alluded to be the greatest ninja that Konoha has ever produced. Yondaime was a respected and popular Hokage and is also seen to have a gentle and wise spirit.
    Yondaime was mentored by Jiraiya, one of the Legendary Sannin, along with the two teammates who have yet to be named. After becoming a Jounin, Yondaime became sensei for a team consisting of Kakashi, Obito, and Rin. Yondaime is feared by the opposition in battle and, during war time, ninjas are told to flee if they're ever misfortunate enough to meet the "Yellow Flash."
    Not much else is known about him, other than the fact that he saved Konoha from the Nine-Tails Fox thirteen years ago. In order to do this, Yondaime was forced to sacrifice himself using the Demonic Soul Seal technique, and he then sealed the Kyubi's soul into Naruto. It is not known how Yondaime sealed the Kyubi in Naruto, and it is also unknown how Yondaime and Naruto are connected, whether it be family or otherwise.
    Not much has been seen of Yondaime in battle. The one technique that was seen, the Body Flicker Technique, consists of placing a seal or marker onto an opponent. This allows Yondaime to instantaneously move from his spot to behind his opponent, literally in a "flash." Although no one has Yondaime use it, it is also known that it took him three years to develop and perfect the Rasengan. Through the battles that we have seen though, we gather that he is an immensely powerful as he approaches incredible odds and dispatches them to the amazement of his comrades. He strikes fear into his opponents with his speed.
    His strength though is matched with his desire for the village and the people in it. When he is tutoring Kakashi’s team, he is gentle yet firm with them even when they disobey his orders. He attempts to reconcile differences and make peace within his team so that they will be able to act with unity and not divisiveness. And eventually he does make the ultimate sacrifice with for his village in using the technique that demands his own life. So he like his predecessor sacrifice their life for the protection of the village.

  15. #34



    The Aburame clan is a mysterious family that has an extremely creepy and special ability. The ability to control and communicate with bugs. They are most noticeable because most of the family members wear shades or sunglasses. At birth, the babies of that clan are given to the kikai, or destruction bugs. The kikai are the parasites and the body of the newborn is the host. However, it's a
    mutualism. They both benefit. The kikai get chakra and the host body gets a powerful weapon and resource.
    Advanced Bloodline Limit: Communicating with and controlling bugs

    The kikai are useful as offensive, defensive, and informational tools. An example of them being offensive is when Shino used them to block the holes in Zaku's palms during the chuunin exam preliminaries. First, Shino told them to block the air holes in Zaku's palms because that is where Zaku unleashes his attack. An example of defence is when Shino had the kikai sneak up behind Zaku to intimidate him. Since at that moment Zaku "supposedly" had only one working arm, Shino thought it might make him forfeit because if Zaku attacked Shino then the kikai would attack. And vice versa.

    An example of information collecting is during the first test of the chuunin exam when they had to take a test. The instructor said not to cheat or else you'll fail with your team mates. But the hidden meaning was to cheat in such a way that you won't get caught. In other words, he meant to look for the hidden meaning using the saying what's underneath the underneath. Shino's way of cheating was creative and he didn't get caught. He had his little bee fly around the room collecting information from other people. Since he can communicate with bugs, he can easily understand what the bee is saying to him. These are the abilities of the Aburame clan... Although there may be more that haven't been revealed.


  16. #35

    Taking aside the Uchiha Clan, the Hyuga-clan is the strongest clan of the Leaf. They are known for their very powerful style of hand-to-hand combat and their bloodline limit of the Byakugan.

    The Hyuga-clan consists of two family's: the main family and the branch family. The branch family is bound to protect the main family with their lives. Someone who is born in the branch family will never be the leader of their clan.
    To keep the branch family under control and the secrets of the Hyuga-clan secure, all members of the branch family are given a special cursed seal on their forehead. Because of this seal, a member of the main family can easily kill a member of the branch family with a few simple hand movements. Also, when member of the branch family dies, the seal disappears and so does their advanced bloodline. This is to make sure no one will ever learn the secrets of the Hyuga family bloodline.

    The branch family has always had a grudge against the main family. Hinata's father and Neji's father are twins. But just because off the fact that Neji's father was born a few minutes later then Hinata's father, Neji's father will always be in the branch family and Hinata's father will always be in the main family. Neji's father died protecting the main family. Neji believes it's the fault of Hinata's father, and that's the reason for his hate for the main family.

    The Hyuga is one of the strongest clans in the Leaf. They have the bloodline limit of the Byakugan and specialize in Hyuga style taijutsu, also known as gentle fist style. This is the strongest taijutsu style of the Hidden Leaf. The technique is based on the chakra they can release from their hands. This in combination with the Byakugan gives the Hyuga a very powerful advanced bloodline.
    Advanced Bloodline Limit: Byakugan
    The byakugan is a bloodline based ability only accessible by members of the Hyuga clan. This is the sharingan's predecessor. The byakugan is also a pupil based ability which allows physical, emotional, and mental insight. In terms of insight the byakugan is the most superior of the two. Anyone can recognize it just by looking in the eyes because the Hyuga clan family members all have white eyes. The byakugan itself translates into "white eyes."

    The sharingan did evolve from the byakugan but they are two different powers. The byakugan does not possess the ability to mimic techniques. But in spite of that, it is still powerful. Like said before, the byakugan is the most powerful in terms of insight.

    The byakugan's fearful and devastating ability is that it can see through almost anything. It contains the ability to see chakra holes and openings. The jyuuken, which is the gentle fist type taijutsu, is incredibly effective when combined with the byakugan. The jyuuken is a taijutsu especially for members of the Hyuga clan to learn. First they activate the byakugan by performing a few hand seals. Then the use it to look through the person physically. This way they can see the chakra circulating through the chakra highway in their opponent's body. Then they attack by using the jyuuken type taijutsu and they make sure that they aim for their opponent's chakra openings. The users of the byakugan basically hit their opponents chakra openings directly and they can either stop the chakra flow or redirect it. This stopping of chakra and redirecting it is done by forcing the byakugan user's own chakra into their opponents chakra openings. The size of t hese holes are extremely minuscule. It is incredible for anyone to actually hit those holes considering that they are so small and that there are 361 points in the chakra highway. This is in terms of power and physical insight.

    The byakugan has the power of mental and emotional insight. It can see what the person feels and is thinking at the moment just by reading their physical and outer gestures. For example, if one of the byakugan users looked into the eyes of their opponent, they could read what they are thinking. By reading what they are doing with their hands and other body movements, they can tell what that person wants to do. The insight of the byakugan is amazing and fearful. This is all in terms of it's power in mental and emotional insight.
    Another of the byakugan's incredible abilities is that it can see 360 degrees around themselves. This allows them to respond more quickly to oncoming attacks. This also gives the byakugan user's opponent an unusual feeling like that their opponent has eyes on the back of their head. These are the incredible abilities of the byakugan. For all we know, there could be more.


  17. #36

    The chubby clan of the Leaf. They are most famous for their body enlargement jutsus and their large appetites as well as their own chubbiness. An easy way to look for them is to look for the large, chubby features of the clan member.

    Advanced Bloodline Limit: Increasing the size of their body(parts)

    Two attacks of this clan are known. The Multi Size no jutsu and the Meat tank. The effect of the Multi Size no jutsu is that it enlarges one of the user's body parts or all of them. The effect of the Meat Tank is that it allows the user to roll around in a ball at high speeds. First the user tucks his arms, legs, and head in. Then they just start moving real fast. As they start to build more momentum in their rolling, the faster they roll and the more damage they cause. Hence the name Meat Tank.

    Another thing about this comical but powerful clan is that they make three pills available only to those that belong to the Akimichi clan. Three different pills with three different colors. Blue pill - Houren-gan pill. Yellow pill - Curry pill. Red pill - Pepper pill. Taking even one of these pills causes great damage to the body. All of the pills increase the chakra of whoever eats them. However, these pills do not only cause great damage to the body but th pills can also be fatal. In most cases, people die from eating them because of too much of a strain on the body. That's why the members of the Akimichi clan only use these as a last resort. These pills also have a particular order in which you are supposed to take them. Starting with eating the weakest to the strongest pill. In this order: Houren-gan pill, Curry pill, and then finally the Pepper pill.



  18. #37

    The Uchiha-clan is the most famous and most powerful clan of the Leaf. They have the rare and very famous Sharingan advanced bloodline ability. They are know throughout the world for their power.

    At least, the Uchiha-clan would be the most powerful if it still existed. A terrible tragedy has overcome this clan. Uchiha Itachi, Sasuke's older brother, single handedly wiped out the entire clan. He left only one survivor: Sasuke.

    After the massacre Itachi left the Leaf and continued his quest for power. Sasuke on the other hand, was left behind alone and confused. Now he lives only to take revenge on his brother and try to revive the Uchiha-clan once more.

    In Itachi more then Sasuke, you can clearly see the pure power and genius that flows thought the blood of all members of the Uchiha-clan. Not to mention the fact the that they have Sharingan (the most wanted advanced bloodline ability of all!), they truly are natural born ninjas/killers. At the very young age of 10, Itachi became a chuunin. And now he might even be the most powerful ninja alive. Although Sasuke isn't quite as impressive as his older brother, he still is one of the most talented rookies around.
    Advanced Bloodline Limit: Sharingan
    The sharingan is a special eye ability that is only apparent in the Uchiha clan. It is an advanced characteristic in the pupil of the person's eyes. It is said that the sharingan evolved from the Byakugan, which is excluded from any possible use by anyone except for members of the Hyuuga clan. In terms of mental, emotional, and physical insight, the Byakugan is far more superior than it's succesor. The sharingan has three semi-colons. It fits well since the sharingan can see through and mimic three types of jutsu, which are ninjutsu, genjutsu, and taijutsu.

    Although the sharingan does require chakra to activate, it's not considered a ninjutsu. It requires no hand seals to be performed. All the user must do is focus chakra into his/her eyes and the sharingan shall emerge. But to use the sharingan effectively, you have to combine it with other types of diverse jutsus. It's useless on it's own. Therefore, this is the reason why the sharingan ability is only granted to the members of the Uchiha clan that have mastered different ways of fighting.
    The sharingan's main ability is the mimicery of other jutus. It will copy any ninjutsu, genjutsu, and taijutsu. Of course it can also copy the movements of the opponent by studying him or her carefully. The more times the person uses the sharingan, the more jutsus they copy. If they continue to keep the sharingan out, they will continue to copy jutsus even if it's against their will. It acts automatically like a car
    alarm. If it sees a jutsu, it starts to act up and acts like a defensive system. Like a car's defensive system is an alarm, the sharingan's defensive system is to copy what they see. Although, the sharingan's accuracy of mimicing the techiniques is high, it doesn't gurantee complete mastery of the jutsu. For incredibly difficult and extremely high-level jutsu, it requires practice. Of course the sharingan can speed up the process. It can first copy what hand seals are required (if any at all) and then all they have to do is find the right amount of chakra to exert. If it's a move that requires no hand seals then all they have to do is exert the right amount of chakra into the right place. If it's a taijutsu technique then they will have no problem with that. They can just remember what movements they copied and practice on that. Another ability is that it can see through illusions. For example if there were many bunshin or Kage bunshin all the sharingan user would see is balls of chakra that look like flames. This allows them to seperate what is real and what isn't.
    Another "ability" of the sharingan is the ability to supposedly look into the future. In other words, they can trick they're opponents into thinking that they are fighting a seer. It's just an illusion. A series of different steps are used to create this illusion. First the user makes it seem that they can read minds by using a hypnotic genjutsu and copying their opponents thoughts. For all these steps to work the user and the opponent must make eye-contact. Same goes for the movement copying. The user of the sharingan stares their opponent in the eyes while copying all their movements. The most important thing for a person that does this to do is to make eye-contact.

    The sharingan uses up a lot of chakra. However, this only applies if the sharingan user is not an Uchiha. Since they don't have the right blood, they can't use it as effectively and they get exhausted more easiy then members of the Uchiha clan. For example, Kakashi gets exhausted quickly everytime he uses his sharingan. However, Neither Itachi nor Sasuke feel the same way. They are both members of the Uchiha clan so they have a direct heritage of the sharingan. Pretty much, blood plays a big role in the chakra usage of the sharingan. If you have the right blood, you don't get tired easily. If you don't have the right blood then be more careful when you use the sharingan.
    The sharingan also many disadvantages such as speed. It can't see speed very well because most of the time it's not chakra based speed. It's harder for users of the sharingan to see speed. That's what makes taijutsu a dangerous enemy to it. Combining taijutsu and speed will give an advantage over the sharingan. Therefore, the sharingan user will have lots of trouble seeing their enemies come at them. Another weakness of the sharingan is that it can't copy bloodline based jutsus. It's just not theirs to copy. Basically, physical combat is the most dangerous to the sharingan. It's not only unpredictable but almost unstoppable for sharingan users. However, it's wickedly powerful in the areas of copying ninjutsu and genjutsu.

    Mangekyou Sharingan, Tsukuyomi. Uchiha's ultimate genjutsu. So far it's only been used by Itachi Uchiha. The focus of this genjutsu is to cause a breakdown in someone's mind and spirit. First Itachi looks at his opponent in the eyes. He then chooses a form of torture or a past event that hurt that person the most. Also Itachi can make the person feel a certain amount of time in an instant. For example, Itachi uses a form of torture on Kakashi. Itachi made Kakashi think that he was really getting katanas shoved into himself. Itachi, being the master of the illision was doing all the shoving. Itachi also made it seem to him that it felt like 72 hours (three days). In a form of a past memory, Itachi made Sasuke relive the day their parents were killed by Itachi. This only lasted for 24 hours. This genjutsu causes a lot of pain that lingers around for a while. However, it's also apparently dangerous to Itachi as well. He can't seem to use it much because it could be


  19. #38
    الحركات :




    - Type: Taijutsu
    - Used by: Uzumaki Naruto
    - Jutsu name: All Direction, High Volume(many) Shuriken Firing (Naruto Ninpocho, Shihou Hapou Shuriken no Maki)

    Technique created by Naruto which follows Kage Bunshin no Jutsu. The Clones throw shuriken from all directions, creating a devastating attack.


    - Type: Taijutsu
    - Used by: Jiroubou
    - Jutsu name: Boulder Strike (Gan Geki)

    A strong attack which can be used by Jiroubou when he has reached his super multi size jutsu stage. Just a strong punch just with a bigger body

    - Type: Taijutsu
    - Used by: Rock Lee
    - Jutsu name: Drunken Fist Style (Suiken Kempou)

    This fighting style is extremely difficult to learn and master but in Rock Lee's case it is very natural.

    The style consist of high speed unpredictable attacks on the opponent, the whole style is very laid back and the user is usually seems to be messing around. They can pretend to be walking away, sleeping, or just being idle. The attacks are very powerful and even the best Taijutsu master would have difficulty dealing with the unpredictability of the whole fighting style.


    - Type: Taijutsu
    - Used by: Rock Lee, Maito Gai
    - Jutsu name: Initial Lotus (Omote Renge)

    A taijutsu technique performed by opening the first chakra gate, the open gate. It unfastens the control of the brain, and enables a person to use his muscles at their limits. Because of that the user is granted phenomenal high speed and power. But since it requires a lot of stamina it puts an unimaginable strain on the muscles. Omote Renge is launched by a kick to the jaw and putting the opponent in the air. Using bandages to hold the opponent, they are then spunned into the ground with extreme force.


    - Type: Taijutsu
    - Used by: Hatake Kakashi
    - Jutsu name: Inner Decapitation Skill (Doton Shinjuu Zanshuu no Jutsu)

    The user hides beneath the ground, and reaches up to grab their opponent. The opponent is then pulled under the ground, up to their chin, allowing the head to be subject to more powerful jutsu.


    - Type: Taijutsu
    - Used by: Rock Lee, Maito Gai
    - Jutsu name: Iron Fist Style (Gouken)

    The hand-to-hand combat style which tries to break the enemy's bone and create external wounds. It uses strength alone and causes damage to the outer body. It's an offensive-type of fighting which Lee and Gai specializes in.


    - Type: Taijutsu
    - Used by: Rock Lee, Maito Gai
    - Jutsu name: Leaf Spinning Wind (Konoha Senpuu)

    Used in Rock Lee’s combo fighting style, a powerful spinning kick aimed to knock the opponent upwards. Similar to Leaf Violent Wind, but more powerful.


    - Type: Taijutsu
    - Used by: Rock Lee, Maito Gai, Uchiha Sasuke
    - Jutsu name: Shadow Leaf Dance (Kage Buyou)

    A technique that first sends the opponent airborne while the user attaches to the opponent's shadow, leaving the opponent vulnerable to stronger attacks

    اخر تعديل كان بواسطة » (صديق ساسكي) في يوم » 04-03-2006 عند الساعة » 23:36

  20. #39
    - Type: Taijutsu
    - Used by: Uzumaki Naruto
    - Jutsu name: Uzumaki Naruto 2000 Combo (Uzumaki Naruto Nisen Rendan)


    Similar to the normal Uzumaki Naruto Rendan, it just uses a larger amount of clones, producing more damage. Also comes in the 'Yonsen Rendan', which referes to the number 4000, simply means : more clones

    - Type: Taijutsu
    - Used by: Uzumaki Naruto
    - Jutsu name: Uzumaki Naruto Combo (Uzumaki Naruto Rendan)


    Naruto's version of Sasuke's Shishi Rendan. It's used in combination with the Kage Bunshin no Jutsu.

  21. #40

    - Type: Ninjutsu
    - Used by: Kitsuii
    - Jutsu name: Acid of 1000 fangs (Zeshi Nensan)


    The user spits acid from the mouth, which will melt anything that it hits

    - Type: Ninjutsu
    - Used by: Abumi Zaku
    - Jutsu name: Air Slicing Blast (Zankuuha)


    A device implanted in both arms of the user (usually from the palms) allows the control of super sonic sound waves an air pressure. The device allows the currents to be concentrated in one place, and creates large blasts of air shot from the palms

    - Type: Ninjutsu
    - Used by: Temari
    - Jutsu name: Dust Wind (Ninpou Fuusajin)


    A jutsu that uses Tamari’s fan to blow a huge gust wind which gathers sand on objects in the path. The technique can also send dirt into the opponent’s eyes to blend them temporary

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