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Post of my b l a c k o's topic - For All My Precious Mexato's Friend

التقييم: الأصوات 2, بمعدل 5.00.
إقتباس الرسالة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة black space مشاهدة المشاركة

! without any word


Dear, Mexato's Friends

Sorry, I'm unable to be here now ! maybe in the future I can .. but it doesn't mean that I can't make/see some comments/MSG/notes ... etc, I'll do all of these kinds in a separate time and that's mean I'm here and I'm not here ==" .. Just know that I'm so happy to spend a lot of naughty years here with all of you .. I'll be always that girl " black space " who loves Mexatoo forever <3 .. l'm fine, don't think there is something bad happen, I just have a little time to waste it ! .. most of you I have their account in Facebook/Twitter, but for those who I can't connect with them, If you wanna to be in touch with me you can send a MSG to my Facebook's account:
Heero El-Ȝarabi until I can recognize you ! .. All of you , thanks so much to be a part of my life <3 and please be healthy & smiling, I love you all my best Mexato's friends <3 .. Heero

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