PDA المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

عرض كامل الموضوع : "Palestine in my heart

22-01-2010, 23:01
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ..


When I turned on the TV. I sow the news in many channels ..!!

And my eyes watered like pebbles of rain ..!!

I felt upset , sorrow, sadness and pain ..!!

I couldn't stop crying ..!!

Because of other families and girls like me ..!!

When the buildings and houses collapsed, ..!!

I was petrified ..!!

Why they did like that for the babies, children and old people ..!!

Who ever did this is the most stupid person I have ever heard of. ..!!

"" Thank you 4 ur reading """

22-01-2010, 23:32
yes that is the realty of the world
we'r just looking but we can't speak out
crying in silent but not load
why why

thank you my sister for what you try to tell us in this nice way

قائد اركان الحب
22-01-2010, 23:51
thank you for this nice words

Foxy Fox
23-01-2010, 00:01
نص جميل جداً

كل الود والأحترام

23-01-2010, 10:33

09-02-2010, 18:51
وين الردود ؟

Silent Melody
10-02-2010, 08:07
thanks for your words

its all what we can do for them

and its useless for them

but make us feel better

04-03-2010, 14:38
يسلمو على المرور .:)

04-03-2010, 15:16
you make us feeling about what is going on our world
your world have a nice feelings

going on that way , you'll be the best

أسيـرة الذكريات
04-03-2010, 18:26
Beautiful words my friend ...

Emerging from the heart of sad .. But I can not say .. Only

Allah is with the patient

God help our brothers the Palestinians

Assora ^^

15-06-2010, 20:16
thanks my friends ... :) 

03-07-2011, 02:00
ليش ما في ردووووووووود ؟؟؟:بكاء::بكاء:

النظرة الثاقبة
03-07-2011, 11:21
صباح الخير يا ( الفتاة المرحة )
الموضوع قديم من 2010 ويمنع الرد على المواضيع القديمة
فالمعذرة من شخصكم الكريم أضطر لإغلاقه :d