PDA المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

عرض كامل الموضوع : I Love You

Blue Angel
04-03-2005, 14:53

You are here and iam here
we are near but we seperate by faer
we want to love each other
but you know it is difficult my dear
you are the first one who taught me
the real platonic love
and the last one in my broken dreams
i miss my childhood when u were
with each other fight.laugh,run
and build our castle on the beach sands
and wrote our names
till know you did not know how much the love
i have holded within my heart all those years
i want too tell u befor time up i love u and
i will not fogert u till my last day and
i will keep ur love fancy as
a nice dreams and if you are not sue just notice my tears
far or near even if we will seperate foe ever if i one day
show u with your soul twin and the one she could
undrstand your haert and caught your love
just please know iwill be happy
even if u show my tears just be sure at that moment
iam glade just to see your smile since
i learned the truth love is to wish to the one you love
a great days even with a one who took your place
i will not replace my feeling to you
and iwill love you for ever

I Hope You Like It ^^


MisS ^ 3bo6a
04-03-2005, 14:55
شعر اكثر من روعه

يسلمو على الكلمات الحلوه والمعبره :)

والى الامام:)

BrOokeN iNsiDe
05-03-2005, 23:01

..Blue Angel..
مشكـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـور اخـ ـ ـ ـ ـوي
على الشعـ ــ ــ ـ ـ ـر الروووووووعه

Queen of billiards
06-03-2005, 19:37
Ilike your poem alooooooot:) :)


عذبة الاحساس
07-03-2005, 10:28
يعطيك العافيه .. :)


الشعر جناااااااااااااااااااااااااااان ;)


::جيد:: ::جيد:: ::جيد::

moon tears
07-03-2005, 18:32
so beautiful words my brother

i like it soo much


Blue Angel
08-03-2005, 19:13

^___^ Welcome Evrey One ^___^


08-03-2005, 22:28

والي الامـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــام

17-03-2005, 19:36
تسلم والى اليمين بعدين امام
طريق سهل .....
رووووعه شعرك Blue

18-03-2005, 18:30
wow !!! u always got the best
i like to write poem too but my poem not as good as yours
good luck blue angel

::جيد:: :D

قمر البحار
19-03-2005, 17:04
وعندما نشتاق احياناً لنغماتـ ً تشدوا بأسماعنا فإننا نجبر ان نصافح إبداعكـ يا..
لا ادري ماذا اقول لكـ وما اعبر عن اعجابي بما تخطه يداكـ .. !!
صدقني .. لو كتبت ثم كتبت لما انصفتكـ ..

ما اروعكـ يا ..
سلمت يداكـ ..
وسلم بوحكـ الراقي ..

ودمتـ بحبـ اختكـ قمر البحار

21-03-2005, 17:56
شكرا جدا ......