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عرض كامل الموضوع : (The Other Way Of Love) قصة فريدة من نوعها

20-09-2009, 23:54
السلام عليكم ...........

هذي أول مشاركة لي في منتدى القصص و أنا من قبل كان ودي أشارك بس الفرص ما سمحتلي ........
اليوم بكتب قصتي اليدية و أن اء الله تعجبكم ....
القصة أشوي بتكون جريئة :p.....يعني بعد مب لصغارالسن + إني كتبتها بالأنجليزي بس لا أتخافون مستواها مب وايد صعب

المهم إذا حسيتو أنكم تبونها بالعربي قولولي و أنا مستعده بس لا توقفون عن القراية لإنها فعلا ممتعه ::جيد::

القصة أسمها : Other way of love

After a very sad year in Seoul his father decided that it's better for him to spend some time in the country side alone thinking of his actions and behavior and maybe change a little so he took him to the family house and left him there alone to face his new life but there all his life changes when he met a mystery naughty spirit that changed his life upside down and led him into a lot of troubles in school and outside it.

closing her eyes and suddenly opening them she found herself in another place, she was still in her house but yet it was a totally different place! last thing she remembered the house was so happy filled with laughter and joy but when she looked around it was sad like if something bad happened, something was so wrong, her father was crying, her friends and classmates... everyone looked depressed and sad, no one was able to see her or hear her like if she was a ghost or something.


was a very talented chef beside being a high school student, she loves to laugh and liked to spend time with her best friend (Romen) more than anything in the world, she loved how he was tough and strong and smart and always helped her with homework; but lately she could feel the change in her behavior,she became so jealous and strange and never allowed anyone to get close to him, it was weird but she did not mind at all, somehow she felt warm and happy when she acted so tough and jealous.


moved from Seoul to the small village five years ago to live with his mother, he liked the peace in this place and how everyone knows each other and helps him, like if they all were one big happy family and more over he found a best friend (Lilyan) that he could not live a day without, a best friend that brought so much happiness and joy to his life after he almost lost one of his best friends in a sad accident, but slowly he starts to feel jealous, jealous over his best friend from everyone that touched, talked or even looked at her and started to doubt his own feelings when a new young man arrives at the village and makes life so much more interesting.


هذي هي الشخصيات أتمنى أنكم أشوي أتشوقتو للقصة ............و أتمنى أتردون علي إذا عادي أتكون بالإنجليزي :)::جيد::::سعادة::

21-09-2009, 00:06
Chapter 1:

the old house

The van stopped in front of the 'house' and he stepped out of it, looking at the few hundred years old house that looked like it will fall down any second now he could not believe that he agreed to leave Seoul the big city with all the girls and the night clubs and everything to come and live here in the middle on the nowhere in a small village but as always it was his father's wish and he could not but obey and pack his stuff, he did not mind moving not after what happened last year but he thought he will be moving to another area in Seoul or another city not a village in the middle of nowhere and in a house that is about to fall down on him!

- 'Come on, start moving the boxes before dark' his father commanded and pushed open the house door that made a loud cracking noises that told it had not been opened for years.

Holding onto one box and walking inside the 'what is supposed to be' living room he sighed and shook his head, the room was filled with spider webs and dust was all over that everything looked white like if it was snow but did his father care? The answer was no for sure
Placing the box on the dust covered floor with a little bit force he saw a big cloud of dust raise up of the ground and fill the room, immediately he started to caught but still he walked outside to the van and took another heavy box and placed it next to the first, just like this he finished moving about ten big boxes and stood at the doorway looking at his father.

- 'Here this is the door key' he handed him a silver small key

Taking the key he looked away, not wanting to face his father, not wanting to see the man who betrayed him and abandoned him.

- 'You must go to school starting tomorrow; I expect good grades from you…and I transferred all your money to the credit card that with you, so you can use it as you like'.

- 'Ok' he still looked away from his father.

- 'I will come and get you… when you both calm down… what you did was unforgivable… just think about it and when you are ready to come back call me'.

- 'Never… I will never live with a creature like her! I prefer to stay here forever'.

His father Sigh and walked away and entered the van; looking at his only son for one last time he drove away back to Seoul, back to his home not affected by the fact that he just abandoned his son.

Walking into the house again he closed the door and switched on the lights but nothing happened, there was still dark and again he shook his head, he went to the window and opened it, it had two old wooden shutters that made a loud crack when he pushed them open so a little bit of light could enter the room.

Around him the few pieces of furniture in the room were covered with what was supposed to be white sheets but they had turned black showing for how long they were there, walking slowly to one piece of furniture he removed the white sheet to reveal a single green armchair, the green leather of the chair was ripped and filled with holes, moving along to another piece of furniture he found out that it was all the same, it should be replaced with a new set of couches but still he moved to the next room.

The kitchen and it was worse than the living room, there was not even a fridge not an oven just some shelves and a broken table, the cabinets were in a unprepared condition as what seemed likes rats made holes in them and what seemed like food leftovers on the shelves were covered with ants and they smelled so badly, but looking around for the trash can he found none.

Walking outside the kitchen he opened the next door and entered, it was a small bathroom that had a broken toilet seat and a very big bucket instead of the bathtub and even here there was no water, the stone floor was missing a few pieces and the wallpaper was dangling down the walls and of course the light did not work either.

Shaking his head he turned around and walked out of the bathroom and slowly afraid that the worn out wooden stairs will break down he climbed up to the second floor hearing the weird sounds of each stair he stepped on, when he reached the second last stair he heard a louder noise than usual and the stair broke making his trip and fall face down on the second floor's floor.

Looking at the broken stair he cursed under his breath and stood up, looking around he saw that there were only two doors in front of him, opening the first one he saw what is supposed to be the bedroom with a very old small bed that looked like it will crack the second that a feather touches it so how about him, an old dresser that's door was missing and an old fireplace with some stones missing from its frame and as the rest of the house there was no electricity here.

Walking out he somehow hoped that the second door will maybe reveal a more modern or at least livable room but for his bad luck it was another bedroom that looked exactly like the first one and even the dresser, the same door was missing here too, closing his eyes taking deep breathes to relax he told himself over and over again that it's this old 'house' alone or the big mansion in Seoul with her in it.

Opening his eyes again he did not bother to unpack his stuff or anything, he turned around and walked out of the house and started to check the garden around the 'house', it was filled with weeds that needed to be pulled out and even the grass was so high that it almost reached his knees and here and there spread between weeds he could see some purple lilies and by the fence there was an old wooden swing that's ropes were covered with floors, and smiling to himself he walked to it and touched it softly rocking it gently, it was after all the prettiest thing in this place.

هذا الجزء الأول أتمنى أنه عجبكم ................:)
أرائكم أتهمني و أتقبل أي أسلوب للنقد ::جيد::

و على حسب الردود بنزل الأجزاء اليديدة

Simon Adams
21-09-2009, 00:24
الســلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بــركاته


لقد قرأت التعريفــات

و قد تشوقت لقراءة البارت

و أكثـر من أريد معرفة قصتها هي مارينون >> هل تكتب هكذاً

لكني لا أطيق صبــراً على القراءة بالإنجليزية >> لست معتادة

في أمــان الله

دكتوره بالحب
21-09-2009, 07:53
يعني ثنوي ما ينفع يقرون ؟؟؟؟؟؟</B>

بس من زود القافه بحاول اقرئها </B>


مشكورprido-oscar (http://www.mexat.com/vb/member.php?u=481808) على القصه

الي بحاول اقرئها مع اني مش كثير بالانجليزي </B>

21-09-2009, 09:54
شكرا على ردودكم

و أن شاء الله بحاول أترجم هالجزء للعربية عشان أتكون القصة بالعربي

Simon Adams
21-09-2009, 18:06
شكرا على ردودكم

و أن شاء الله بحاول أترجم هالجزء للعربية عشان أتكون القصة بالعربي

سنكون شاكرين لك
لأنها تبدو مشــوقة ^^