PDA المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

عرض كامل الموضوع : أبغى ترحيب حار

21-04-2009, 15:01
مرحبا إخواني ::سعادة::::سعادة::

أنا عضو جديد وأتمنى منكم ترحيب حار :rolleyes:

وإن شاء الله أفيد وأستفيد من هذا المنتدى الخيالي ::جيد::::جيد::

أنا بإنتظاركم ...

شمس المستقبل
21-04-2009, 15:40
اهلا وسهلاءءءءءءءءءءءء فيك اخوي

❀R O o O S E❀
21-04-2009, 16:32
أهلا وسهلا فيكـ
أتمنى أن تقضيـ أجمل الأوقات
وإنشاء الله تفيد وتستفيد :)

21-04-2009, 16:36
نــ...ـرحبْ فيكٍ

....توهـ مانور المكان ...

Ada Wong-2
21-04-2009, 16:43
http://up2.m5zn.com/photo/2009/4/21/09/rzjc067i0.gif/gif (http://up2.m5zn.com)

21-04-2009, 18:36

21-04-2009, 20:14
حياك الله اخوي نورتنا

21-04-2009, 20:39
بــكــل حــب وإحــتــرام وشــوق

نــســتــقــبــلك ونــفــرش طــريــقــك بــالــورد
ونــعــطــر حــبــر الــكــلــمــات بــالــمــســك والــعــنــبــر

ونــنــتــظــر الإبــداع مــع نــســمــات الــلــيــل

لــتــصــل هــمــســات قــلــمــك إلــى قــلــوبــنــا

نــنــتــظــر بــوح قــلــمــك


22-04-2009, 10:54
اهلا وسهلا بااغلا عضو

22-04-2009, 15:47
اشكركم على هذه التحية الرائعة و اتمنى منكم::سعادة:: التوفيق

night devil
22-04-2009, 15:59

22-04-2009, 16:05
::جيد::اهلا فيك

23-04-2009, 15:24
يا هالا فيك يا اختي العزيزة
و ان تردي علي::جيد::

23-04-2009, 16:02
Nothing is accidental, you must be prepared to avoid any trouble.When you undertand that your hair is not just only in the hands of the hair stylist but also in your own hands ,then you will have your own ideal hairstyle. Straight hair relates your hair Chi hair straightener (http://www.chihairstraightener.us/) Many young girls enjoy straightenning hair, straightened hair looks clean and tidy.Student with straight hair looks pure; white-collar with straight hair looks urbanity. No one seems to be inappropriate with straight hair, so in these years, various names of straight hair is always a major project in the main hairdressing shop. However, a considerable number of people who have their hair straightened found that the hair did not look as smooth as they expected, on the contrary, rigid or deadness, or scattered and circumfusion, people also looks haggard and old. Why?1.The reasons for failureThe mail reason is that your hair are probably belong to the easily damaged hair type. or the frequently straightenning hair makes the hair flexibility become smaller.At the same time, straightenning hair further makes the surface of the hair squamous pressed which lead to the loss of flexibility and innervation.2.Corresponding excellent methodYou need to fully acquaint yourself with the hair quality . You may make an elastic perm to your fringe based on your natural straight hair. Perming the dynamic hair line is more suitable than the pure hydronium straight har perm. The hair once being straightened several times must absolutely avoid straightenning again, they should be given six months or a year to restore the flexibility.Only in this way can it obtain the desired effect .In addition, you must pay special attention to antistatic in hair care after perm. You can use antistatic toiletries and chi hair products. In that case, you can make your hair smooth down rather than scatter .You might as well choose chi hair straightener to straighten your beautiful hair.pink straighteners (http://www.chihairstraightener.us/) are very popular now.They are not only have good quality but also of good price in this season.Besides,the farouk chi 1 hair straightener is the most popular.You must pay special attention to choose hair straighteners.It is very crucial to create your ideal hairstyle .

23-04-2009, 18:07
السلامـ عليكمـ و رحمة اللهـ و بركاتهـ

هلا فيكـ خيووو

شحالكـ و شخباركـ ؟؟

تو ما نور المنتدى

آسفرتـ و انورتـ

وأستهلتـ و أمطرتـ

إنـ شاءاللهـ تفيد و تستفيد

فيـ أمانـ اللهـ

24-04-2009, 11:27
عانقت جدران منتدانا
عطر قدومك ... وتزيّنت
مساحاته بأعذب عبارات الود والترحيب
ومشاعر الأخوة والإخلاص ... كفوفنا ممدودة
لكفوفـك لنخضبها جميعاً بالتكاتف في سبيـل زرع بذور
الأخلاقيـات الراقيـة ولا نلبـث أن نجني منهـا
إن شاء الله ثمراً صالحاً.. ونتشـارك
كالأسرة الواحدة لتثقيف بعضنا
البعض في كل المجالات
أتمنى لك قضاء
وقت ممتع