PDA المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

عرض كامل الموضوع : a L i t t l e Piece of ME ]|

25-03-2009, 12:58
It’s weird ..

I never thought of having a new thread especially in this section ..

But sometimes thoughts can be so uncertain wavering everywhere , hard to maintain , hard to

grasp and hard to understand !

That’s why I felt like writing, writing and writing endlessly ..

These uncertain thoughts I want to grasp, catch and organize in order for it to be REAL and CLEAR ..

One weird habit I have is that I selfishly want to have everything clear from the very beginning,

though I think it’s due to lack of patience, I’m widely known of being a patient person.

I really don’t understand myself sometimes, but I do know that I want to keep on writing in order to

find what I’m really looking for ..

So,since it's my first time in this section

Yuroshiku onegai shimasu

همس العذاب
25-03-2009, 14:32
hey honey....
how r u?
Ihope u r good
I really admired what u'd wrote
Ithink my pen will share with your's...
but now my brain is empty
nxt time in shallaah
my pleasure with sauce
الترجمة=تحياتي الشطية:أوو:

26-03-2009, 06:49
hey honey....
how r u?
Ihope u r good
I really admired what u'd wrote
Ithink my pen will share with your's...
but now my brain is empty
nxt time in shallaah
my pleasure with sauce
الترجمة=تحياتي الشطية:أوو:

Hi dear

i'm fine n you ?!

Thanx for replying i really appreciate it


hope to see you soon

26-03-2009, 06:52
Close your eyes ,

Now .. forget what you see

What do you feel ?!


These words where once mentioned in a movie I watched along ago ..

when I heard them for the first time, they never slipped my mind ..

we – people – all have the same pounding heart !

it’s said that once you concentrate in what’s similar you’ll be able to live peacefully

but what we easily can see is the difference

we forget that we are all human who live in the same earth

Breath the same air

Walk under the same sky

Watch the same moon every night ..

Want to live peacefully ..

SO ..

Why is it that people like to concentrate on what’s different rather than what’ similar ?!
GOD knows ..

تم سماع الجملة في فيلم ديزني [ طرزان ] :D

26-03-2009, 09:52
sometime i have a strong eager to know

something that pulls me strongly to open that door

but once i feel scared i hold myself from doing so

is it wrong to feel that way?

i don't want to lose even a LITTLE thing of trust nor love

just cuz i asked for something i want to know

is being clear that bad ؟

26-03-2009, 10:30
You Just Have to Believe with all your heart

on what you want

you have to


belive in what you like to achieve

believe me .. one day it will become TRUE

just like casting a magical spell

it will HAPPEN .. you don't have to know how it will

but it will SURELY happen

28-03-2009, 13:46

a Moment to Seal your Voice in Silence

a Moment to Express your words with a Smile

a Moment to See with your Heart

04-04-2009, 08:50
تمنيت لو أنني عرفتُ الأمر من البداية ..

لو أنكِ صارحتني و أخبرتيني بما تشعرين ..

لكنتِ أكثر راحة و لشعرت بأنني فعلاً الصديقة الوفية التي تستحقين

لكن لا ..

لم اشعر بالعجز في حياتي كلها كما اشعر الآن ..

كم اكره كلمة لو التي تدفعني للتفكير بأنني كنت أقدر على ايقاف مشاعرك تلك ..

الآن لا مجال للتراجع فالأمر عائد لكِ وحدكِ

وفقك الله و سدد خطاك صديقتي الغالية ~

b4 i die
04-04-2009, 17:26
first of all
i like what you wrote, for me it is like a magic

but i want to ask you something ( may i write something else with you?? )
i just meant that share this paper

my best wishes and regards for you......


05-04-2009, 08:37
first of all
i like what you wrote, for me it is like a magic

but i want to ask you something ( may i write something else with you?? )
i just meant that share this paper

my best wishes and regards for you......


Hi Dear

Thanx for yer complement

and ofcourse you can write what you want

this thread welcome's everyone

hope to see your posts

^_^ TC

Dance of Love
05-04-2009, 09:12

I like what you wrote and the way you thought

I have empty lines to show, but hopefully can maintain a presence here

till then, My Best Wishes


06-04-2009, 13:56

I like what you wrote and the way you thought

I have empty lines to show, but hopefully can maintain a presence here

till then, My Best Wishes


Hi ..

Welcome Back Dance

it's been a whole year have you noticed ?!

wish to see you here


Dance of Love
06-04-2009, 20:46
Unable to sleep

this is the present case for the past 5 months

oh, i 'm back to blab :D < but I kinda find relif in doing so in this page

I said I like the thread and the writer

dear KannaSwan

نتمنى أحيانا أننا نعرف الحقيقة منذ البداية ،، وقد تمر بكل وضوح امامنا


من خبراتي المثمرة وبعضها العقيم ،، احيانا نحن من يغمض عينيه امام الحقيقة ونحن من نتعامى بشدة عنها

كما ذكرت في فكرة أولى

انا معك وأنضم إلى محاكمة ضد الـ ) نحن (

Till Then

Regards from


10-04-2009, 16:10
Unable to sleep

this is the present case for the past 5 months

oh, i 'm back to blab :D < but I kinda find relif in doing so in this page

I said I like the thread and the writer

dear KannaSwan

نتمنى أحيانا أننا نعرف الحقيقة منذ البداية ،، وقد تمر بكل وضوح امامنا


من خبراتي المثمرة وبعضها العقيم ،، احيانا نحن من يغمض عينيه امام الحقيقة ونحن من نتعامى بشدة عنها

كما ذكرت في فكرة أولى

انا معك وأنضم إلى محاكمة ضد الـ ) نحن (

Till Then

Regards from


Welcome my Dear


I've been reading what you said for many times

and when i thought about it deeply i found

that it's true

do you think it's okay to overlook the truth to wait for

what we exactly want


sometimes truth can be so clear that it hurts

but our heart just can't accept such loss

so in order not to give up

i can overcome the unwanted truth to make it

REALITY in the way i want and wish

11-04-2009, 15:55
I don't want to lose that feeling

the urge of wanting it to happen so badly

that makes my heart shakes as if it's crying silently

in a quite frozen night i'll still wish

and pray for it to happen

b4 i die
11-04-2009, 16:13
am back

such alone person in da dark room talkin 2 maself nd da silence answers me, tellin me am dat dark ur afraid of ...am dat dark u said u didnt want anymore ...tellin me stories abt alot of things , alont of ppl around me ,,,da ppl dat i tot they r ma frns

we had a talk den everything jus disappeared ,,am alone again no1 around jus me nd da silence dat i got used 2 talk 2 it

welcome ma close frnd : DARK SILENCE

Ms. Fucken Miserable

13-04-2009, 15:01
how should i say this , i'd like to join u guys
i dunno y , its just like sometimes i like to type english , << its fun tho

and il come here from time to time
to say how i feel

nvm , cya later

13-04-2009, 20:24
Well, that's cool, but I am really tired and sleepy
I have to sleep because you know ......

it is a Fadfada thread

i was tired of myself when i wrote

i don't have regrets, but i don't feel like to do it again

it is hard

and i know that you will not understand anything from my wierd words


physical tiredness ONLY

and maybe I have an emptional little piece of me

16-04-2009, 13:53
I must Confess

I still Believe

17-04-2009, 11:46
how should i say this , i'd like to join u guys
i dunno y , its just like sometimes i like to type english , << its fun tho

and il come here from time to time
to say how i feel

nvm , cya later

you'r welcome here anytime

it sure is fun to write your thoughts in english

easier i believe :موسوس:

am back

such alone person in da dark room talkin 2 maself nd da silence answers me, tellin me am dat dark ur afraid of ...am dat dark u said u didnt want anymore ...tellin me stories abt alot of things , alont of ppl around me ,,,da ppl dat i tot they r ma frns

we had a talk den everything jus disappeared ,,am alone again no1 around jus me nd da silence dat i got used 2 talk 2 it

welcome ma close frnd : DARK SILENCE

Ms. Fucken Miserable


sometimes .. though darkness feels like a heavy burden in the heart

it feels so nice when you know that you're alone

cuz that way you'll be able to call out and pray for Allah

you'll easly feel the spiritual attachment

and then pray sincerly .. cry in silence

and after that you'll feel like the whole world's burden is removed

from your heart

17-04-2009, 11:55
Well, that's cool, but I am really tired and sleepy
I have to sleep because you know ......

it is a Fadfada thread

i was tired of myself when i wrote

i don't have regrets, but i don't feel like to do it again

it is hard

and i know that you will not understand anything from my wierd words


physical tiredness ONLY

and maybe I have an emptional little piece of me

Welcome ^__^

Fadfadha here = find youself

by expressing all your thoughts in your mind

into words in a page

that way i'm sure you'll be able to find your self

that is because instead of having scattered thoughts in yer mind

you can scatter them in a paper or a thread

to transfer them into a world of reality rather than a world of thoughts and


then read them ..

and grasp them one by one

it's like stepping on a ladder

step by step till you reach your goal

17-04-2009, 14:06

نعم .. أحسنتِ وأحسن الشاعر ::جيد::

أو ..

أحياناً قد تحب فيفشل هذا الحب ...

كن محباً على أية حال ..

ففي النهاية القلب قلبك ولم يكن للناس على أية حال .. !

12-05-2009, 15:48
T a d a i m a

I do not know where I'll arrive at

I believe I'll reach there, I'll let my thoughts run for now

The time when I get over my mistakes and pain

My wish would be embraced by light, calling out to the future

Lyrics of Realize
Loved it

22-05-2009, 17:26
you'r welcome here anytime

it sure is fun to write your thoughts in english

easier i believe

Yup thats right
by the way , in my real life i think in english
its maybe coz iv lived far away wen i was little

U know how , it feel great thinking in englsih
makes u alive ^_^
il come here from time to time if i see ya guys here with me
nice to meet ya

22-05-2009, 18:00
I like the thought of writing in English...especially at my house
because they aren’t really into English
so I feel free to write what I feel with no fear of punishment
Thank you for making this new thread in this section
I really appreciate it

Is it wrong to live in the world of imagination ....there I can be all alone
I can be everything I ever wanted to be
and I can have it all
but they keep on blaming me for going there too much
they don’t know the reason I go there
It is because of them ...I run away from them
I’ll never rise to their expectation
so I keep on running

27-05-2009, 18:14
Nice Meetin u here
these days are the hardest days of my live ><
hard to think , keep up studying all time , i only got 1 hour resting

Just Wish Me Luck , And I Hope U Guys Do Well In Ur Life To
See ya :)

27-05-2009, 18:34
I guess it can’t be helped,if I’m pulling myself togethe but the world is already shattered around me...and they crash me with them

Dance of Love
02-06-2009, 01:04
Unable to sleep

this is the present case for the past 5 months

07-04-2009, 00:46

Since then,,, about two monthes have passed


I'm still unable to sleep , but what have really changed is the way I perceive the need to sleep

I used to think I have to sleep at night,, my current situation taught me not to expect what I really think ,, hence, I feel more relieved with the less sleep I got


04-06-2009, 06:48
I'm still unable to sleep
Wow , 2 months is alot
well if u get 6 hours of sleeping at night that will be ok , usually i get 7 hours.

I feel more relieved with the less sleep I got
well thats nice , maybe coz uv got more time doing stuff

nice to meet ya ^^
brb later

Dance of Love
04-06-2009, 07:37
Wow , 2 months is alot
well if u get 6 hours of sleeping at night that will be ok , usually i get 7 hours.

well thats nice , maybe coz uv got more time doing stuff

nice to meet ya ^^
brb later

I wish them to be 6 hours , now they are three hours, hardly to sleep

i guess i have to consult the doctor again :(

thanx for sharing your sympathy

regards :)

14-08-2009, 22:33
Wow , i havnt came here since , hmmm , long ago ><

Nice to meet ya All

15-08-2009, 19:14
Im Gonna Build My Future From Now
Get Me A Board , Lets Start It


تشاو موهيوك
15-08-2009, 20:15
sometime i have a strong eager to know

something that pulls me strongly to open that door

but once i feel scared i hold myself from doing so

is it wrong to feel that way?

i don't want to lose even a LITTLE thing of trust nor love

just cuz i asked for something i want to know

is being clear that bad ؟
is it curiousity or relly eagerness
believe me
some times it is better not to know
sometimes not knowing means going on
you made right decision by holding your self from doing this
nice thoughts
i am impressed
thanks so much for sharing your thoughts with us

17-08-2009, 13:29
Well i hope to find someone whos gonna join me
say what you want to say
even if you want to type on your keybpard as its a piano
try it , its fun :)