PDA المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

عرض كامل الموضوع : هل واجهت مشكلة يالمنتدى ضعها هنا وسوف اساعدك

27-10-2008, 21:39
السلام وعليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

الموضوع واضح جدا

اذا كنت تملك منتدى وقد واجهت مشكلة معينه

فلا تتردد في طرحها هنا

لاننا سوف نساعدك على حلها

30-10-2008, 08:45
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

انا ابغى اسوي منتدى vb على استصافة zaghost
وسويت كل شي في الكونفق ورفعته على النت

ولمن ادخل على التنصيب اللي هو كالتالي

وللعلمxxx=اسم منتداي

تجيني الرسالة التالية
Not Found
The requested URL was not found on this server.

When you encounter a 404 - File Not Found error it means that the page or resource that you are trying to load doesn't exist or cannot be found.

Now usually this means that you've followed a broken link but there can be other reasons why the page or resource isn't loading...

Things to check if you're the webmaster...

Does it really exist?
Of course we want to make darn sure that file exists so log into your favorite FTP client or File Manager and navigate to where the file exists in your website directory and make sure it's there and complete.

If it doesn't exist, upload it, if it does, try re-uploading it again in case the uploaded copy is corrupt or bad.

Is the filename correct?
Check that the file name is correct, remember that pages/THIS.html and PAGES/this.html are treated as separate documents so any references or links to the file use the same case as used in your directory and file structure. Note our servers are CasESeNSiTiVe.

Is the path information correct?
If you're referencing or linking a file that includes a path, check that it is correct, remember that only in special cases do you ever need the /HTDOCS/ bit in your path.

اتمنى اني القى الحل عندكم

30-10-2008, 22:47
اخوي انت متاكد من كل شيء

اي رفعت الملفات في المكان الصحيح

لان الرساله تخبر

بانه لم يتم العثور على الملف

31-10-2008, 10:45
انا رفعت الملفات ببرنامج

flash fxp

وسويت على اكثر من استضافة مجانية ويقولي نفس الكلام

31-10-2008, 16:54
ارفع مجلد vb/install