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عرض كامل الموضوع : ما هو مفهوم الحب رايكم؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

sara 297
12-09-2008, 17:26
هاى يا بنات كل سنه وانت طيبين
جبتلكم موضوع بيتكلم عن مفهوم الحب الحقيقى
عايزه اراكم انا بقالى كتير معملتش موضيع متكسفونيش يا عيال

ما هو مفهوم الحب؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

ومن منا لا يعرف الحب ...............

اقف عند هذه النقطه واقول انا الكثير منا لم يعرفه ابدا ......

ولم يجربه ابدا وبإعتقاده ان الذي يفعله هو الحب او بدافع الحب ....

الحب هي علاقه قويه تغلب عليها طابع الطهاره والقدسيه والعفه والصدق والوفاء والأخلاص ............

الكثير منا سمع قصص القدماء امثال قيس وليلى وعنتر وعبله............

اسماء خالده بذاكره التاريخ ولها من الكتب ما يشهد على هذا الحب العفيف ....

ولكن هنا نسأل هل مازال هذا الحب موجودا بهذا الزمن ....

ام غلبت عليها المصلحه والماديات والخيانه والنكران والجحود ..... ............

فالحب الحقيقي يأتي بمعاشره الشخص بالسراء والضراء وغالبا ما يأتي تدريجيا .... وهو شعور وأحاسيس

ترتبط بين أثنين وتجعلها قوة تقف بوجه كل عواقب الحياة سواء السعيده منها او الحزينه .....

والحب الحقيقي هو تفاهم بين العقول قبل القلوب ..... 00 ان وجد التواصل بين العقول 00فكل انواع التواصل ستتبعه تلقائيا00 ستتواصل القلوب والارواح 00

ام القلوب فانها خادعة 00 فكثير من قصص الحب تفشل رغم تدفق المشاعروصدقها0

ان لم نجد عقل يفهمنا 00 عقل يستوعبنا 00 عقل يدرك حاجاتنا النفسيه قبل حاجاتنا الجسديه 00عقل نتخاطب معه دون كلمات 00

فالحب سيموت ان لم يحتضنه عقل مدرك محب....

ويبقى السؤال ما هي نظره الفرد لكلمة الحب ؟؟ وهل انت /ي قادر على فهمها جيدا دون النظر الى حرفيها المتواضعين ؟؟؟

....الحب كلمه صغيره بأحرفها وكبيره بمعناها....

اطيب شريرة
13-09-2008, 00:59
دحــين الحب صار شي أخجل أقولهـ ,,بس تغير 180 درجة ..
صار عشق مو حب ..
تسلمي على الطرح ..

Ash Crimson
13-09-2008, 08:53
Today for the first time ever I'll write my love story here in MEXAT as a public post

I am Ash Crimson from Jordan, I am 20 years old, my story begain when I came back from Saudi Arabia in 1994 I was a little stupid kid in that time, I couldn't undestand whats going on around me, I was always alone I felt boared I hated my self even I hated all the people around me suddenly a girl came to visit us will she is one of our realtives, Yeah it was the first time we see each other, you know kids will never know what they are doing or what they are thiking of, sorry but I can't say her name :D because I truly love her, will she was sitting beside me, I asked her whats your name and like this stupid kids questions, do you like cartoon and how old are you and like this, guys my story begin before 16 years I swear by GOD, let me countiue my story, that girl started to come every day to play with me and we were enjoying our time by playing and running and doing good things like destroying what my mom was doing, she was everything for me in that time but not love but she was everything because she was the only friend for me.

Years have passed and I've joined the school and finished the first class, she is younger than me with only 1 year, after I finish my first class she joined the school, for really I don't remember anything happend in that time just only we were playing and going to the market to buy choclates and Chips and like this sweets.

3 Years passed and I was in the 5th class and she was in the 4th class, one day she came, she came to say for me congratulations because I was the 3rd best drawing artist in Jordan, the subject I've drawed was about the women Right, never mind I'll contiue, after she came she asked if I have a memories note book and I said yeah of course they gave me one because I was one of the best artist in Jordan, in that time she asked me I don't know I've looked to her with the eye of love I don't she wasn't the girl I was playing with I saw her as a queen my queen, I don't what happend but my heart start loving her, will I brought to her the memories note book she asked for, she started to write on it, but she didn't allowed me to take a look what she is writing, after a while she finished writing her memory for me and she said to me don't open it until we leave, I said ok of course I'll not open it now if it is your wish, after alittle they left, when she said to me bye it was a real bye from a love girl, I waitied out side tell they left not only I wait tell they left no I wait her until my eyes couldn't see her then I've entered my house, I was running to my note book, I've opened it and found a great words from her such as I love you as the moon loves the night, and I've asked the SUN who is the best one in this world and it answered my name :D I was really happy very happy, I opened the seconde page and I've found a HEART draw by her hand and wrote on it my name and her name, in that day I couldn't Imagin what my eye saw, I was very happy until I've cryed because it finally happend she loves me as I love her.

I can't remember the exact events but I can write the most important things ^^

years have passed I was in the 8th grade hahaha and I've bought a mobile in that time, on 2002 her father died because of cancer ALLAH ERHAMO, I was really sad and I was sad because of her because she was the youngest one in her family, I was really sad because her, but what we should do? everyone is going to die, days passed after her father died, once I was going to my sister house to help her with cleaning and I found her there in my sister house,I was really happy and she was happy to see me I couldn't beilve my eyes we were talking and laughting without anyone who can disturb us, suddenly she showed me her father mobile and she said Look Ash Crimson I took my father mobile, I've said wow nice thing you've done, she said yeah sure is.

It is night now and we want to leave, she asked me would you like to take my number? I said of course give me your number and I took it, she said to me I am going to call your house today as a fake call to ask you about some School projects that you may find for me, and she did she called my house at night and I've called her on her mobile for hours and we were enjoying and I made her go out of the saddness of her Fathers death, for the first time I told her listen I LOVE YOU and she said the same I LOVE YOU, I was the most happy human in the world.

Will I am not going to hide yeah I LOVE HER AND WE WERE TALKING EVERY DAY IN SECRET yeah for hours and even she were waking me up in the school days, imagin that guys from the 8th grade until I became in the 11th grad and we were talking togather as 2 lovers :D suddenly my house phone rang and it was a bad news that my Greek uncle which is my mother father died and we must go to visit him in Greece, I went without telling her, and the desaster came out when I came back, how you go without telling me and like stuffs, after that she sent to me a msg if you don't want me I dont want you also and go away go to hell, I was really SAD, I've tried to fix the problem I let my friend Eman talk with her to fix the problem and for a moment she did, she said let him wait me out side the school on sunday and I did I was waiting her until she came out, I took her to her house and then she said to me I don't want you anymore go away and it was the shock I was going to die I WAS SAD.

Note after her father died I've changed my school and she changed her school my school and her school were in the same way, everyday I waked up at 6am and go out from my house and wait her until she pass infront of my eyes and I was happy, this was happining before I left to Greece because of my Grand Father died.

and we left each other, I havent seen her I havent talked to her for all that time for years, until the last year in Ramadan her brother invet us to FATOOR, I said to my sister if she will be there I am not going and she said don't worry she is not coming he didn't invet them, but suddenly when I entered his house she was there I hated that moment for years we haven't seen each other and I never talked to her, will after the FATOOR she came and sit beside me and asked to take a look to my mobile and I did I gave her my mobile, when she took it she started to look into the names to search for a girls number or msgs and she found a msg from Eman the girl I let her talk with my love, after she read the msg she became gelus and she started to ask what she want from you and why she is sending to you and what do you want from her, haha girls questions, I said nothing I was asking her about something about the university LOLz, she said ok and gave me back my mobile, she was happy and I was happy because I knew that everything will back to the usual we will back togather.

After 2 days of the event I told my sister that she took my mobile and like this and my sister told me hey dude she loves you, I said to my sister I most give her a letter to be sure that everything is alright and I did on 2/10/2007 and she never replyed me I was really sad, but someday she came with her mom to visit us and she didn't gave me any letter, when they wanted to leave my father said go and take them to their home, while we are in the CAR she told me give me your mobile and I did, she started to write I still love you and nothing will make me leave you and like this things and I was the most happy stupid person in the world.

We back togather on 10\10\2007 and we went on a tripe on 15\10\2007.

also on 29/2/2008 we went on a tripe.

She was TAWJIHI and I've been teaching her Computer because I loved her.

I keept teaching her for 6 months until she became prof on PC and programming and like this stuffs.

My birthday came ahuahuahauhau it was on 23\4\2008 and she brought to me a gift :D



Her brithday came hahaha on 12/5/2008 and I did the same I brought to her a huge gift.

We were togather all the time talking about our future ^^ what we are going to do and like this stuffs.

Ash Crimson
13-09-2008, 08:53
Hah days have passed and it was like hunny, but in the last month her nephew was in my sister house, the girl is one of our close realtives, will that boy was playing with my nephew also, my sister called to come and I was close to her house so I disconnected the line, she said ok I'll try to call his LOVE (sorry I am not going to say her name) and she found her busy and waiting, my sister said YA ALLAH with who she is busy? her nephew jumped and said Aunt she is busy with UNCLE ASH CRIMSON, she always that she is talking with me, I mean she says that to her family and her family beilves that she is talking with me, guys look to the shock I LOVED HER FROM THE BUTTOM OF MY HEART and she talks with guys while she says that she is talking to me, what a shame what the hell she was talking about, she made a joke to her family, imagine that something happend to her, her family will kill me because I WAS THE FAKE ONE WHO TALKED TO HER and I never talked to her on the mobile, I was sad and feels bad and I didn't want to see her again in my life, also she came her and I ignored her when she felt that I ignored her she went out to talk with her guys, also when she sees me any where she thinks that I care for her and she want me to pes me off by talking with the guys infront of my eyes, but guys my heart is dead after this I even can't cry I tryed to but I COULDN'T I HAVE A HEART OF STONE, guys could anyone beilve this is going to happen? I love her truly and I can't hate her but she is not the type of girls that you can trust or marry thats why I left her I ingnored her and I''ll never back to her or talk to her, guys tomorrow my dad invete them and only because it is RAMADAN she will see me for the last time in her life.

Girls what should I do? do I have to sit and keep watching or should I kill her? or try to find another honest girl to love or what?


I thought love is a true thing that came out from heart to heart but unforcuntly it is a big lie for me, I don't trust any love from here on, the only love comes after a couple get married thats it only.


Sorry for disturbing you and have a nice day girls


سلام وان شاء الله تقراءو قصتي وتشوفو انا شو عانيت ^^ بس الحمدلله على كل شي

مع السلامه في امان الله :D

13-09-2008, 09:08
الحب هو قصة حب طوووووووووووووووووويله تكون بين فردين

وتكون صادقه
واما الحين على قولةاطيب شريره الحب صار عشق(تماما مثل قصة نور و مهند)

sara 297
13-09-2008, 15:34
دحــين الحب صار شي أخجل أقولهـ ,,بس تغير 180 درجة ..
صار عشق مو حب ..
تسلمي على الطرح ..

العفو يا حببتى
وميرسى لمروريك:)

sara 297
13-09-2008, 15:36
الحب هو قصة حب طوووووووووووووووووويله تكون بين فردين

وتكون صادقه
واما الحين على قولةاطيب شريره الحب صار عشق(تماما مثل قصة نور و مهند)

ميرسى يا جميل على مروريك
والحب بجميع حالته عشق ده رايى

Sweet Angell
13-09-2008, 15:50
الحب كلمة طاهره مهو بس بين ناس مايعرفون بعض بين اب وابنه وبنت وابيها وبين اخت واخوها....

وايضاً بين اثنين يكون نهاية الحب الجواز بس حب طاهر مهو حب اخرج وتخرجين وياي ولا .....

sara 297
13-09-2008, 18:29
Hah days have passed and it was like hunny, but in the last month her nephew was in my sister house, the girl is one of our close realtives, will that boy was playing with my nephew also, my sister called to come and I was close to her house so I disconnected the line, she said ok I'll try to call his LOVE (sorry I am not going to say her name) and she found her busy and waiting, my sister said YA ALLAH with who she is busy? her nephew jumped and said Aunt she is busy with UNCLE ASH CRIMSON, she always that she is talking with me, I mean she says that to her family and her family beilves that she is talking with me, guys look to the shock I LOVED HER FROM THE BUTTOM OF MY HEART and she talks with guys while she says that she is talking to me, what a shame what the hell she was talking about, she made a joke to her family, imagine that something happend to her, her family will kill me because I WAS THE FAKE ONE WHO TALKED TO HER and I never talked to her on the mobile, I was sad and feels bad and I didn't want to see her again in my life, also she came her and I ignored her when she felt that I ignored her she went out to talk with her guys, also when she sees me any where she thinks that I care for her and she want me to pes me off by talking with the guys infront of my eyes, but guys my heart is dead after this I even can't cry I tryed to but I COULDN'T I HAVE A HEART OF STONE, guys could anyone beilve this is going to happen? I love her truly and I can't hate her but she is not the type of girls that you can trust or marry thats why I left her I ingnored her and I''ll never back to her or talk to her, guys tomorrow my dad invete them and only because it is RAMADAN she will see me for the last time in her life.

Girls what should I do? do I have to sit and keep watching or should I kill her? or try to find another honest girl to love or what?


I thought love is a true thing that came out from heart to heart but unforcuntly it is a big lie for me, I don't trust any love from here on, the only love comes after a couple get married thats it only.


Sorry for disturbing you and have a nice day girls


سلام وان شاء الله تقراءو قصتي وتشوفو انا شو عانيت ^^ بس الحمدلله على كل شي

مع السلامه في امان الله :D

قصه حبك جميله اوى
ميرسى على مرورك يا جميل

sara 297
13-09-2008, 18:32
الحب كلمة طاهره مهو بس بين ناس مايعرفون بعض بين اب وابنه وبنت وابيها وبين اخت واخوها....

وايضاً بين اثنين يكون نهاية الحب الجواز بس حب طاهر مهو حب اخرج وتخرجين وياي ولا .....

صح الحب كلمه طاهره وصغيره بس لها معانى كبير وقيمه كبيره
لان الحب يساوى الحياه

ميرسى ليكى يا قمر على تعليقك:)

13-09-2008, 22:44
الحب وما ادراك ما الحب الحب شي جميل احاسيس ومشاعر جميلة يكنها كل من حبيبا لحبيبة وكل صديق لصديقةوكل ام لئبنها او بنتها يعني الحب موسوعا شامل مشكورررررررررره ساره على الموضوع ياريت الكل بيشارك


I Love .....
13-09-2008, 22:45
موضوع حلو منك

ما اقدر اقول غير ان

الحب احساس من الاستحاله وصفه

تقبلي مروري

sara 297
13-09-2008, 22:54
الحب وما ادراك ما الحب الحب شي جميل احاسيس ومشاعر جميلة يكنها كل من حبيبا لحبيبة وكل صديق لصديقةوكل ام لئبنها او بنتها يعني الحب موسوعا شامل مشكورررررررررره ساره على الموضوع ياريت الكل بيشارك


اجمل شىء الحب ميرسى ليكى يا اجمل عضوه على مروريك ورايك:)

20-09-2008, 16:48
والله مدري ايش اقولك عن الحب....

الحب يصعب وصفه...

بس هذا اللي اقدر اقوله..

يسلموووووووو على الموضوع الرائع...

تقبلي مروري:

**الــدمعه الــحزينه**

24-09-2008, 07:57
هذا هو الحب !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!