تسجيل الدخول

عرض كامل الموضوع : أجمـــــــــــل الاقــــــــــــوال

21-05-2008, 14:59
الســـــــلامــ عليكـــــــــــم

كيفكم اخواني واخواتي اتمنى انكم كلكم بخيــــــــر

قريت هذا الكتاب وعجبني فحبيت اعطيكم بعض من اجمل اقوالــــــــه

::جيد:: ::جيد:: ::جيد:: ::جيد::

شتم رجل احد الحكمــــاء فلم يغضب فقيل له:
لم لا تغضب؟؟ فقــــــال: لايخلو هذا الذي شتمني اما ان يكـــون صادقــــا فلا ينبغي لي ان أغضب عليه من اجل الحــــــق, وان كان كاذبا فالاحــــــــرى اني ما أغضب اذ لم اكن على ما قال..

لا تقل: سوف اعارض وأرفع صوتي كلما واجهني احد برأي يخالف رأيي..

قل التفاهم والتعامل يحل المشاكل

لا تقل: لن استطيع التفاهم الا مع اشخاص يماثولنني في الصفات.

قل: الاختلاف عن الاخرين فرصة للتعاون المستمر الفعال..

لا تقل: اني اشعر بالراحة هكذا وليس لدي الاستعداد لتجربة اي شيء جديد.

قل: سوف اتعلم واتجدد في حياتي من اجل حياة اكثر اشراقا ونجاحا..

لا تضيــــــــــع ساعات العمــــــــر..

لا تأســــــف على مافات..

كن صابرا عند البلاء شاكرا عند الرخــــــــاء

لا تقلد غيرك تقليدا اعمى ولا تكن امعــــــة

معليش الوقت ضيق والا كان كتبت لكم اكثر

johnny cage
21-05-2008, 15:01
مشكورة اختي على الموضوع

وننتظر منك المزيد من كل جديد

the golden star
21-05-2008, 15:06
اقواااااااااااااال رووووووووووعة

وكلماااااااااات من ذهب

مشكووووووووووورة مينامي على الجميل

ولا تحرمينا من جديدك


somah fun
21-05-2008, 15:12
يعطيك العافية
على الموضوع
وتقبلي مروري
والى اللقاء

*بسمة ملاك*
21-05-2008, 15:19
مشكورهـ حبـيـبـتــي

على الموضوع الاكثـــر

مـــ رووووووعه ــن

ويعطيك الف عافيـــهـ

تحياتي .

21-05-2008, 15:23
مشكور اخوي جوني على مرورك

اخواتي قولدن ستار

بسمة ملاك

سومه فان

مشكوووووووووورين حبايبي على مروركم الرائع

21-05-2008, 15:27

كلمات توزن بماء الذهب حقا .. !

واود ان اعلق على هذه العبارة

لا تضيــــــــــع ساعات العمــــــــر..

إنما انت أيام ايها الإنسان إذا يومك ذهب بعضكـ ..

نحن بني البشر لا نعرف اهمية الوقت إلا بعد فواته ..

وحينها نندم نتحسر ....لماذا كل هذه المتاهات ....؟

إلى كل من لم يمس جسمه التراب ..ادرك وقتك قبل فواته ..

واعمل لليوم لكي تجني للغد ..!

الوقت كالسيف إن لم تقطعه قطعك ...!

لا تندم على شي قد فات وانحل ماضيه ..وابدأ يومك ولا تضيع دقيقتك فإنما انت محاسب على كل صغيرة وكبيرة .. !

امضي قدما ولا تنظر إلى الوراء ..فكلما نظرت إلى الوراء تأخرت ..!
امضي ولا تيأس فالطريق امامك ولا تلتفت إلى مكدرات الطريق ومشاقها ..كلما تسير سيرا صحيحا كلما حققت شي جديدا ينير لك الطريق ....واعلم ان الدنيا خلقت على كدر ..!

لكي خالص شكري وتقديري ..!
حقا إنها كلمات توزن بماء الذهب ..!
تقبلي مروري وتحياتي ..!
فتى الكيوبي ..!

21-05-2008, 19:01
THIS WEEK IN ADVENTUREQUEST! Log in this weekend to join your fellow Adventurers and Guardians on a visit to Zorbak's Hideout for a new quest! PLUS: --Talk to Valencia in town and get the rare Amethyst Claymore from her Z-Token shop. This weapon will only be availabe until May 25th, and will then go rare forever! --Use the Event button to play the shocking boss battle and cutscene and get theawesome rewards of the next-to-last chapter of the Devouer Saga: Manifestation! --Find the brand new Martial Artist class on the Travel map and train to unlock more than 20 skills!! --Go south on the Travel map for the MogBusters quest! Log in at http://www.BattleOn.com now and read on for more! NOTE:You are receiving this newsletter because you registered your email address after creating your AQ game account. If you no longer wish to receive the newsletter, follow the instructions at the end of this email message. ::: YOUR INFO :::Login Name: amine.1317Last Accessed: 2008-05-01 04:59:00Game Website: http://www.BattleOn.com Lost your password? Recover it easily by going to the homepage and clicking on "Lost your password" to have your account info emailed to you. ::: THIS WEEK'S NEWS ::: ZORBAK'S EBIL MISTAKE!Go to Zorbak's Hideout on the Travel map for a brand new quest! Zorbak has messed around with many weird experiments in the past, leading to undead Zards and Moglin freaks, but nothing can prepare you for his latest abomination! http://www.BattleOn.com AMETHYST CLAYMORE IN THE Z-TOKEN SHOP!Visit Valencia in town to look through her Z-Token items shop, full of elite and rare items! NEW: The rare Amethyst Claymore has come to Battleon! The intricate craftmanship that has gone into this large blade hides the engineering behind its awesome 4-hit special attack-- one of the strongest specials of any weapon! Only a few of these exquisite weapons remain, so the AMethyst Claymore will ONLY be available through MAY 25th! http://www.battleon.com/aq-tokens-list.asp DEVOURER SAGA FINALE PART 2 of 3: THE MANIFESTATION!!Use the Event button in town to take part in the final few chapters of the Devourer Saga! For nearly a year and a half, the Devourer Saga has taken us through many stages of a vast war to save Lore from a force that wants nothing less than to divide all life on the planet in every way possible and feed on the resulting chaos. The Devourer The'Galin had a plan-- and we have fought him every step of the way! The FINAL CHAPTERS in the saga continue this weekend with The Manifestation. If you missed any part of the Saga, just Sail East on the Travel map to the Devourer area on Deren to replay it.http://www.BattleOn.com MARTIAL ARTIST CLASS!Go to the Martial Artist area on the Travel map to see if you can overcome the challenges needed to train as a Martial Artist!! First, learn the moves of the Crouching Frogzard school of martial arts, includign the awesome Chi Blast, and then move on to specialize in one or more of 4 OTHER schools, which include powerful abilities like Coiled Sneak, Hundred-Claw Strike, Fist of Fury, Chi Shockwave, Poison Fang and many more! Train fully in all 5 schools of martial arts to unlock a HUGE total of 25 abilities-- the biggest class yet! Note: Martial Artist training requires Level 30. Remember, Level 30 can be reached in just a short time, so even if you are Level 10 now you will be able to start training in Martial Artist class very soon. Don't miss this fun new class! http://www.BattleOn.com NEW HOUSE: THE DARKOVIA STONE MANSION!Talk to Valencia in town to learn about houses! The newest model is the large Darkovia Stone Mansion. The Mansion offers potion refill, guard house, battle log parchment and painting viewer frame, PLUS: 5 extra storage slots for every equipment type, temporary Bone Smasher Mace darkness weapons, a Stables with a new Dark Steed mount armor, and a new aerial view of your mansion and some surrounding houses! http://www.BattleOn.com ARTIX ENTERTAINMENT PARTNER PROGRAMIf you have an active website that gets a lot of visitors, you should check out our new affiliate program. Artix Entertainment offers constantly updated and fun online gaming that your visitors might enjoy! http://www.battleon.com/aq-partner.asp GUARDIAN UPGRADE!Here are 2 links for you, and some of the most important things a Guardian upgrade will get your character: http://www.battleon.com/aq-guardian.asp http://www.battleon.com/aq-guardian-FAQ.asp * The elite Guardian Armor and Guardian Blade! The Guardian armor has solid defenses and a 3-hit attack (the second and third hits unlock at levels 40 and up). The Guardian Blade can summon the powerful Guardian Dragon to blast your enemies with Element X damage! * Full access to ALL towns and quests: places like Lolosia, Granemor, and all the quests to the East and South, PLUS special minigames and quests within Isle d'Oriens. You'll find awesome stories, the most powerful monsters, reward items, and new characters! * The Guardian Tower! Inside the tower you will find a special shop full of awesome items, an armory, stables where you can take out a mounted armor (unicorn, nightmare, winged horse), a teleporter room that can send you to different quests, and the Guardian Arena, where you can fight through 10 big levels to get the title of Champion! WHAT ARE Z-TOKENS?Valencia in town and she has brought with her a hoard of new special items, that can only be bought using Z-Tokens! Take a look at what Z-Tokens can get you: http://www.battleon.com/aq-tokens-list.asp You now have a chance to get Z-Tokens by using the Battle Monsters button in town, or you can buy them in bundles here: Http://www.BattleOn.com/aq-tokens.asp ADVENTURE ONComing soon: 4-Leaf Clover Field -- Devourer Saga Final Battle -- Paxia Under Fire -- and more! AQ gets bigger and more exciting all the time, as new events, questsand items are added each week. Battle on!Galanoth & the AQ Team ::: Notice :::You have received this email because you are a registered user of the AdventureQuest online role playing game.Your game account was created on 2008-05-01 04:57:00 and the last time you played was on 2008-05-01 04:59:00.Your email is for AdventureQuest use only and will NEVER be sold to anyone else!If you have received this email in error or no longer wish to get news and events use the following link:http://www.battleon.com/nix.asp?email=ali.61@live.fr

Mystic Rukia
21-05-2008, 19:16

كيفك ؟

ان شاء الله تمام

ما شاء الله عبارات حلوه مررره

يا ريت لو تقليللنا من الكتاب اكثر

يسلمو على الموضوع::جيد::


سيدة الوهم
21-05-2008, 19:41
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته ^_^

كيف حالك اختي .. عساك على قوه ::سعادة::

شتم رجل احد الحكمــــاء فلم يغضب فقيل له:

لم لا تغضب؟؟ فقــــــال: لايخلو هذا الذي شتمني اما ان يكـــون صادقــــا فلا ينبغي لي ان أغضب عليه من اجل الحــــــق, وان كان كاذبا فالاحــــــــرى اني ما أغضب اذ لم اكن على ما قال..

اعجبتني ردة فعله , فيها حكمه عجيبه ^_^

موضوع جميل نال على استحساني ::سعادة::

عوافي قلبو ^_^

بالنسبه لهذا الرد ادناه ,, فلا يلحس مخك تراها دعايه للعبه ترفيهيه ليس إلا !!
اسحبي على الرد بهدوء ^_^

THIS WEEK IN ADVENTUREQUEST! Log in this weekend to join your fellow Adventurers and Guardians on a visit to Zorbak's Hideout for a new quest! PLUS: --Talk to Valencia in town and get the rare Amethyst Claymore from her Z-Token shop. This weapon will only be availabe until May 25th, and will then go rare forever! --Use the Event button to play the shocking boss battle and cutscene and get theawesome rewards of the next-to-last chapter of the Devouer Saga: Manifestation! --Find the brand new Martial Artist class on the Travel map and train to unlock more than 20 skills!! --Go south on the Travel map for the MogBusters quest! Log in at http://www.BattleOn.com now and read on for more! NOTE:You are receiving this newsletter because you registered your email address after creating your AQ game account. If you no longer wish to receive the newsletter, follow the instructions at the end of this email message. ::: YOUR INFO :::Login Name: amine.1317Last Accessed: 2008-05-01 04:59:00Game Website: http://www.BattleOn.com Lost your password? Recover it easily by going to the homepage and clicking on "Lost your password" to have your account info emailed to you. ::: THIS WEEK'S NEWS ::: ZORBAK'S EBIL MISTAKE!Go to Zorbak's Hideout on the Travel map for a brand new quest! Zorbak has messed around with many weird experiments in the past, leading to undead Zards and Moglin freaks, but nothing can prepare you for his latest abomination! http://www.BattleOn.com AMETHYST CLAYMORE IN THE Z-TOKEN SHOP!Visit Valencia in town to look through her Z-Token items shop, full of elite and rare items! NEW: The rare Amethyst Claymore has come to Battleon! The intricate craftmanship that has gone into this large blade hides the engineering behind its awesome 4-hit special attack-- one of the strongest specials of any weapon! Only a few of these exquisite weapons remain, so the AMethyst Claymore will ONLY be available through MAY 25th! http://www.battleon.com/aq-tokens-list.asp DEVOURER SAGA FINALE PART 2 of 3: THE MANIFESTATION!!Use the Event button in town to take part in the final few chapters of the Devourer Saga! For nearly a year and a half, the Devourer Saga has taken us through many stages of a vast war to save Lore from a force that wants nothing less than to divide all life on the planet in every way possible and feed on the resulting chaos. The Devourer The'Galin had a plan-- and we have fought him every step of the way! The FINAL CHAPTERS in the saga continue this weekend with The Manifestation. If you missed any part of the Saga, just Sail East on the Travel map to the Devourer area on Deren to replay it.http://www.BattleOn.com MARTIAL ARTIST CLASS!Go to the Martial Artist area on the Travel map to see if you can overcome the challenges needed to train as a Martial Artist!! First, learn the moves of the Crouching Frogzard school of martial arts, includign the awesome Chi Blast, and then move on to specialize in one or more of 4 OTHER schools, which include powerful abilities like Coiled Sneak, Hundred-Claw Strike, Fist of Fury, Chi Shockwave, Poison Fang and many more! Train fully in all 5 schools of martial arts to unlock a HUGE total of 25 abilities-- the biggest class yet! Note: Martial Artist training requires Level 30. Remember, Level 30 can be reached in just a short time, so even if you are Level 10 now you will be able to start training in Martial Artist class very soon. Don't miss this fun new class! http://www.BattleOn.com NEW HOUSE: THE DARKOVIA STONE MANSION!Talk to Valencia in town to learn about houses! The newest model is the large Darkovia Stone Mansion. The Mansion offers potion refill, guard house, battle log parchment and painting viewer frame, PLUS: 5 extra storage slots for every equipment type, temporary Bone Smasher Mace darkness weapons, a Stables with a new Dark Steed mount armor, and a new aerial view of your mansion and some surrounding houses! http://www.BattleOn.com ARTIX ENTERTAINMENT PARTNER PROGRAMIf you have an active website that gets a lot of visitors, you should check out our new affiliate program. Artix Entertainment offers constantly updated and fun online gaming that your visitors might enjoy! http://www.battleon.com/aq-partner.asp GUARDIAN UPGRADE!Here are 2 links for you, and some of the most important things a Guardian upgrade will get your character: http://www.battleon.com/aq-guardian.asp http://www.battleon.com/aq-guardian-FAQ.asp * The elite Guardian Armor and Guardian Blade! The Guardian armor has solid defenses and a 3-hit attack (the second and third hits unlock at levels 40 and up). The Guardian Blade can summon the powerful Guardian Dragon to blast your enemies with Element X damage! * Full access to ALL towns and quests: places like Lolosia, Granemor, and all the quests to the East and South, PLUS special minigames and quests within Isle d'Oriens. You'll find awesome stories, the most powerful monsters, reward items, and new characters! * The Guardian Tower! Inside the tower you will find a special shop full of awesome items, an armory, stables where you can take out a mounted armor (unicorn, nightmare, winged horse), a teleporter room that can send you to different quests, and the Guardian Arena, where you can fight through 10 big levels to get the title of Champion! WHAT ARE Z-TOKENS?Valencia in town and she has brought with her a hoard of new special items, that can only be bought using Z-Tokens! Take a look at what Z-Tokens can get you: http://www.battleon.com/aq-tokens-list.asp You now have a chance to get Z-Tokens by using the Battle Monsters button in town, or you can buy them in bundles here: Http://www.BattleOn.com/aq-tokens.asp ADVENTURE ONComing soon: 4-Leaf Clover Field -- Devourer Saga Final Battle -- Paxia Under Fire -- and more! AQ gets bigger and more exciting all the time, as new events, questsand items are added each week. Battle on!Galanoth & the AQ Team ::: Notice :::You have received this email because you are a registered user of the AdventureQuest online role playing game.Your game account was created on 2008-05-01 04:57:00 and the last time you played was on 2008-05-01 04:59:00.Your email is for AdventureQuest use only and will NEVER be sold to anyone else!If you have received this email in error or no longer wish to get news and events use the following link:http://www.battleon.com/nix.asp?email=ali.61@live.fr

21-05-2008, 20:59
شكرا على تعليقك الرائع فتى الكيوبي

وشكرا على تفاعلك مع الموضوع

اخواتي مايستك روكيا

سيدة الوهم تسلووووووو حبيباتي على ردكم الحلووووووو