PDA المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

عرض كامل الموضوع : Oppressed Muslim Girl?

-sealed pearl-
22-01-2008, 19:53
I appear to be a
Low-life girl
To the eyes of the ignorant.
You look down upon me,
Judging my way of life.
I pray for you,
Hoping you look past the stereotypes.
You think of me as weak
For having to hide my hair, face, and body.
But the strength needed to dress accordingly
Is much beyond your reach.
This veil about my head,
This lengthy blouse,
This flowing garment
Is a symbol of my belief;
Pride in my faith.
You point to me
Saying I am imprisoned,
When in reality
I am free;
Free of all evils and impurities.
You slander my book,
Labeling it unfair.
I hold the golden pages close to my heart,
Inhaling the beauty you do not understand.
You make crude jokes
Calling me names.
I show patience and
Hold my head up high.
Your words, your actions,
Will never bring me down
For my
And patience
Is of a higher Power;
A power Who protects me.
He is Allah…

كلمات أعجبتني فأحببت بنقلها إليكم...

أتمنى بأن تعجبكم و أن تقولو رأيكم فيها...


Dance of Love
23-01-2008, 00:29
كلمات رائعة ودسمة جدا .. كل الشكر لك غالية لوضعها لذائقتنا

ولي رد بسيط ...

for them , those who stand in the mud

you are the peak of the highest tower

if they look at you, they can't see you>> my lady

because the sun will hurt them defending your point of Hejab

and they can't elevate their heads up >> as their bodies are filled with dirty mud

their eyes are in-slaved in their dirty insticnts

and they lack the dignity of freedom


-sealed pearl-
26-01-2008, 01:04
كلمات رائعة ودسمة جدا .. كل الشكر لك غالية لوضعها لذائقتنا

ولي رد بسيط ...

for them , those who stand in the mud

you are the peak of the highest tower

if they look at you, they can't see you>> my lady

because the sun will hurt them defending your point of Hejab

and they can't elevate their heads up >> as their bodies are filled with dirty mud

their eyes are in-slaved in their dirty insticnts

and they lack the dignity of freedom


العفو اختي العزيزة... يسعدني كثيراً بأنه أعجبكِ...

و أشكركِ على مداخلتكِ الرائعة...كلمات قوية و تحمل الكثير من المعاني...

28-01-2008, 09:27

-sealed pearl-
29-01-2008, 19:37

29-01-2008, 19:42

This is so damn cool...

Thanks for sahring sista

29-01-2008, 22:38
i liked what you share here
and i realy dunno why those girls
( who hate الفتاه الملتزمه )
do that and say that to her

thanx friend :)

-sealed pearl-
03-02-2008, 20:08

This is so damn cool...

Thanks for sahring sista

That was my first reaction when I first read the words too...

he he he it blew me away...

You're welcome sis. I'm glad that you like it...

03-02-2008, 21:16
Thanks ^^

-sealed pearl-
04-02-2008, 19:38
i liked what you share here
and i realy dunno why those girls
( who hate الفتاه الملتزمه )
do that and say that to her

thanx friend :)

I'm really happy that you liked it..

It could be that the non-muslims think of the muslim girls like that too..

Some of them don't like to see the muslim girl covered..

You're welcome..

Thank you for passing by..

04-02-2008, 20:42
Sooo true
luvvv it ::سعادة::
and this is the best part

You point to me
Saying I am imprisoned,
When in reality
I am free;

Thanx -sealed pearl-


-sealed pearl-
07-02-2008, 16:31
Thanks ^^

You're welcome..

08-02-2008, 14:27
جميـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ـــــــــــــــــــــــــل
بل اكتر من رائع

-sealed pearl-
08-02-2008, 20:11
Sooo true
luvvv it ::سعادة::
and this is the best part

Thanx -sealed pearl-


I'm really happy that you love it..


You're welcome bro..

-sealed pearl-
11-02-2008, 00:51
جميـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ـــــــــــــــــــــــــل
بل اكتر من رائع

يسعدني كثيراُ بأنه أعجبك...


أشكركم على المرور و الرد...

جزاكم الله كل خير...

-sealed pearl-
23-02-2008, 20:19

-sealed pearl-
17-03-2008, 14:09

18-03-2008, 20:24
Icannot say any It IS SO GREAT
and also Nice

Thanks alot

-sealed pearl-
22-03-2008, 17:23
Icannot say any It IS SO GREAT
and also Nice

Thanks alot

I'm glad that you liked it..

You are very welcome..

Thank you for reading..