PDA المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

عرض كامل الموضوع : *•~-.¸¸,.-~* English Magazine*•~-.¸¸,.-~*

18-08-2006, 06:13

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
قال الله تعالى

(قل هل يستوي الذين يعلمون و الذين لا يعلمون(

(Say ; Are those equal ,those Who know and those who Do not know?)


قال صلى الله عليه وسلم :
(طلب العلم فريضة على كل مسلم و مسلمه)

Prophet peace be upon him said:
( Seeking knowledge is an obligatory matter upon each Muslim : both male and female)


"I'm so tired"

"Tired of what?"

"Of all these people judging me."

"Who judged you?"

"Like that woman, every time I sit with her, she tells me to wear hijab."

"Oh, hijab and music! The mother of all topics!"

"Yeah! I listen to music without hijab. haha!"

"Maybe she was just giving you advice."

"Maybe she was just giving you advice."

"Maybe you misunderstood. She was just being nice."

"Keeping out of my business, that would be nice..."

"But it's her duty to encourage you do to good."

"Trust me. That was no encouragement. And what do you mean 'good' ?"

"Well, wearing hijab, that would be a good thing to do."

"Says who?"

"It's in the Qur'an, isn't it?"

"Yes. She did quote me something."

"She said Surah Nur, and other places of the Qur'an."

"Yes, but it's not a big sin anyway. H elping people and praying is more important."

"True. But big things start with small things."

"That's a good point, but what you wear is not important. What's important is to have a good healthy heart."

"What you wear is not important?"

"That's what I said."

"Then why do you spend an hour every morning fixing up?"

"What do you mean?"

"You spend money on cosmetics, not to mention all the time you spend on fixing your hair and low-carb dieting."


"So, your appearance is important."

"No. I said wearing hijab is not an important thing in religion."

"If it's not an important thing in religion, why is it mentioned in the Holy Qur'an?"

"You know I can't follow all that's in Qur'an."

"You mean God tells you something to do, you disobey and then it's OK?"

"Yes. God is forgiving."

"God is forgiving to those who repent and do not repeat their mistakes."

"Says who?"

"Says the same book that tells you to cover."

"But I don't like hijab, it limits my freedom."

"But the lotions, lipsticks, mascara and other cosmetics set you free?!

What's your definition of freedom anyway?"

"Freedom is in doing whatever you like to do."

"No. Freedom is in doing the right thing, not in doing whatever we wish to do."

"Look! I've seen so many people who don't wear hijab and are nice people, and so many who wear hijab and are bad people."

"So what? There are people who are nice to you but are alcoholic. Should we all be alcoholics? You made a stupid point."

"I don't want to be an extremist or a fanatic. I'm OK the way I am without hijab."

"Then you are a secular fanatic. An extremist in disobeying God."

"You don't get it, if I wear hijab, who would marry me?!"

"So all these people with hijab never get married?!"

"Okay! What if I get married and my husband doesn't like it? And wants me to remove it?"

"What if your husband wants you to go out with him on a bank robbery?!"

"That's irrelevant, bank robbery is a crime."

"Disobeying your Creator is not a crime?"

"But then who would hire me?"

"A company that respects people for who they are."

"Not after 9-11"

"Yes. After 9-11. Don't you know about Hanan who just got into med school? And the other one, what was her name, the girl who always wore a white hijab.ummm."


"Yes. Yasmeen. She just finished her MBA and is now interning for GE."

"Why do you reduce religion to a piece of cloth anyway?"

"Why do you reduce womanhood to high heals and lipstick colors?"

"You didn't answer my question."

"In fact, I did. Hijab is not just a piece of cloth. It is obeying God in a difficult environment. It is courage, faith in action, and true womanhood. But your short sleeves, tight pants."

"That's called 'fashion', you live in a cave or something? First of all, hijab was founded by men who wanted to control women."

"Really? I did not know men could control women by hijab."

"Yes. That's what it is."

"What about the women who fight their husbands to wear hijab? And women in France who are forced to remove their hijab by men? What do you say about that?"

"Well, that's different."

"What difference? The woman who asked you to wear hijab. She was a woman, right?"

"Right, but."

"But fashions that are designed and promoted by male-dominated corporations, set you free? Men have no control on exposing women and using them as a commodity?! Give me a break!"

"Wait, let me finish, I was saying."

"Saying what? You think that men control women by hijab?"


"Specifically how?"

"By telling women how and what to wear, dummy!"

"Doesn't TV, magazines and movies tell you what to wear, and how to be 'attractive'?"

"Of course, it's fashion."

"Isn't that control? Pressuring you to wear what they want you to wear?"


"Not just controlling you, but also controlling the market."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you are told to look skinny and anorexic like that woman on the cover of the magazine, by men who design those magazines and sell those products."

"I don't get it. What does hijab have to do with products."

"It has everything to do with that. Don't you see? Hijab is a threat to consumerism, women who spend billions of dollars to look skinny and live by standards of fashion designed by men and then here is Islam, saying trash all that nonsense and focus on your soul, not on your looks, and do not worry what men think of your looks."

"Like I don't have to buy hijab? Isn't hijab a product?"

"Yes, it is. It is a product that sets you free from male-dominated consumerism ."

"Stop lecturing me! I WILL NOT WEAR HIJAB! It is awkward, outdated, and totally not suitable for this society ... Moreover, I am only 20 and too young to wear hijab!"

"Fine. Say that to your Lord, when you face Him on Judgment Day."




"Shut up and I don't want to hear more about hijab niqab!"


She stared at the mirror, tired of arguing with herself all this time. Successful enough, she managed to shut the voices in her head, with her own opinions triumphant in victory on the matter, and a final modern decision accepted by the society, rejected by the Faith:

Yes to curls or blowed dried hair, no to hijab


A good Friend is like a computer
he ENTERS in your life SAVE himself
in your heart, FORMATS all your troubles
and never DELETES you from his heart

Meaning of Friendship


Love is Pure
Love is Sure
Love is sweet poison
that Doctors can't cure


smile makes the life beautiful,
expand your lips,
it expand your happiness;
life is a puzzle,
solve it by smiling;
smile makes the
unknown an known,
smile can penetrate the
china walls also..
language can separate us,
but never smile..
make a smile,
make the life beautiful..
a man without smile,
like the bud,
without blooming,
smile can open the
iron doors,
smile can make the
hell an heaven..
smile please.

18-08-2006, 06:30

I wrote your name on sand, it got washed
I wrote your name in air, it was blown away,
then, I wrote your name on my heart and I got heart attack


Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
You should know what you are
And once you know what you are
Mental hospital is not so far:rolleyes:

The rain makes all things beautiful
The grass and flowers too
If rain makes all things beautiful
Why doesn't it rain on you?

Roses are red, violets are blue
Monkeys like you should be kept in zoo
don’t feel so angry you will find me there too
Not in cage but laughing at you.:D


TEACHER: George, go to the map and find North America
GEORGE: Here it is!!
TEACHER: Correct. Now, class, who discovered America?
CLASS: George

TEACHER: Willy, name one important thing we have today that we didn't
have ten years ago


TEACHER: Tommy, why do you always get so dirty
TOMMY: Well, I'm a lot closer to the ground then you are


HAROLD:Teacher, would you punish me for something I didn't do
TEACHER: Of course not
HAROLD: Good, because I didn't do my homework


TEACHER: Why are you late
WEBSTER: Because of the sign
TEACHER: What sign
WEBSTER: The one that says, "School Ahead, Go Slow


To handle yourself, use your head; To handle others, use your heart.


He who loses money, loses much; He who loses a friend, loses more; He who loses faith, loses all.


The tongue weighs practically nothing, but so few people can hold it.


Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds

discuss people


A friend is someone we turn to, when our spirits need a lift. A friend is someone we treasure, for our friendship is a gift. A friend is someone who fills our lives, with beauty, joy, and grace. And makes the world we live in, a better and happier place.


A lways be honest, would you want THEM to lie to you?
B e there when they need you, or you may wind up alone.
C heer them on, we all need encouragement now and then.
D on't look for their faults, even if you have none.
E ncourage their dreams, what would we be without them?
F orgive them, you just MAY do something wrong sometime.
G et together often, misery loves company, so does glee.
H ave faith in them, the human animal is remarkable.
I nclude them, you may need to be included sometime.
J ust be there when they need you.
K now when they need a hug, and couldn't you use one?
L ove them unconditionally, that is the ONLY condition.
M ake them feel special, because aren't we ALL special?
N ever forget them, who wants to feel forgotten?
O ffer to help, and know when "No thanks" is just politeness.
P raise them honestly and openly.
Q uietly disagree, noisy NO's make enemies.
R eally listen, a friendly ear is a soothing balm.
S ay you're sorry, don't let them assume it.
T alk frequently, communication is important.
U se good judgment.
V erbalize your feelings!
W ish them luck, hopefully good!
X amine your motives before you "help" out.
Y our words count, use them wisely.
Z ip your lips when told a secret


Feel it so deep
Hear it so clear
Aloud laugh
A blue scream
What a cold strange voice
Looking at me
What a cold blooded girl
a heart of stone
within her strange soul
so what ,who cares
everyone says that
all people feels it
this is me
threw out by all
without regard
lonely at night
sailing in a deep blue ocean
my words are meaningless
like it or not
this is me
in a deep blue ocean

by yaqoot


going with the wind
travelling by a star.
day by day
. searching
..looking at the sun
what is this?
Is it you my angel
At least we met
Waiting so long
Come on
Let's travel…to nowhere. anew land
To wonder land
Just you and me
It is the time
The meeting time
Bad with Angel
I wonder what all this about
What is the meaning of it
I still wonder



Yami No YuGi
18-08-2006, 07:29
السلام عليكم <<-- ماتصير انجلش ^_×

how r u yaqoot ? i hope u fine


nice magazine :تعجب:

but i hate this one

Roses are red, violets are blue
Monkeys like you should be kept in zoo
don’t feel so angry you will find me there too
Not in cage but laughing at you:D

what do mean by ( you ) ha:D

I wrote your name on sand, it got washed
I wrote your name in air, it was blown away,
then, I wrote your name on my heart and I got heart attack

:D i like this .. cool
:لقافة: especially third line

this is wat i have from the morning ..

& thnx ..

C ya ^_^:cool:

18-08-2006, 07:40
First : sorry for my bad english

second ; thank you so so so much for this nice topic

final :your style in writing is very good and interesting .

Thank you and go ahead

Queen of billiards
18-08-2006, 21:53
..this is me
threw out by all
without regard
lonely at night
sailing in a deep blue ocean
my words are meaningless
like it or not
this is me
in a deep blue ocean

You'r a gifted

POET ياقوت

and the Magazine is So0oo00o nicehttp://www.c5c6.com/File/1155937927.gif

Thank you Soo00oo much Sweetie
keep up the good workhttp://www.c5c6.com/File/1155937927.gif &

قطة نت
19-08-2006, 03:48
Forewarned is forearmed

Give the devil his due

Don't wash your dirty linen in public

There's no contenting some people

Birds of a feather flock together

Talk of the devil and he'll appear

Actions speak louder than words

Charity begins at home

If wishes were horses, beggars might ride

Union is strength

The rotten apple in jures its neighbors

Beauty is skin deep

A hungry man is an man

Love is blind

Patience is a remedy for every grief

A friend in need is a friend indeed

Make a virtue of necessity

: :A cat may look at a king

A life for a life

the Magazine is sweet

:ضحكة: :سعادة2: :)

أمير السايان
19-08-2006, 10:18
WoW sis yaqoot i loved your topic..

your great in english ..

lol where were this thread we i need it lol

because 2 weeks ago i were trying to make

two american's to enter islam so i decided to give them

some word Prophet muhammad said..

lol but i didnt find any + they kicked me out of there site

hehehehe..lol its ok atleast i tried..

and thanks again for this cool magazine>>best wishes

yours :: saiyan prince ..

Rama Primavera
19-08-2006, 19:19
Al salam Alaykom ....

Hello Yagoot .:o ... How are you ? I hope Fine ...

First i would Thank you for The Perfect Subject.;) .I so enjoy of this ...
The SMS very Fun realy...

Thanks alot Yagoot ::سعادة:: ..

الأمير جو
20-08-2006, 15:18
Thanks very much Yagoot ^_^

Domo3 Elsa7ab
20-08-2006, 20:23
Thx alot 4 the nice topic

Its soooooooo nice and very very good

thx agin bye bye

The Quiet
21-08-2006, 01:16


I thing it is not good


by english

even me,actuality
I don`t read al of them


thank you

for this Magazine

قطة نت
22-08-2006, 07:26
I'm sorry Yaqoot ^ ^..

Islam : The Colour of Life

A long time ago I asked to a lovely star
a question whose answer was for me too far
The rainbow has got six colours which I adore
but what are these colours of the rainbow for

The star smiled and a shell she gave me
with six beautifull pearls in it that formed the key
red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet
and each colour has its own story, she said:

"The smell of the red roses that covers your lifes way
will lead you to the right and forbid you to go ashtray
so follow this smell and taste the fruits of your good deeds
then you'll know how important it is to plant some more seeds

And on your way you will see more and more light
light that's able to blind you even of the darkest night
but always remember to give this plant of light water of faith
before that time will pass your sense and it'll be too late

And do not scare if waves will embrace this normal routine
cause that's a test that controls if your heart really isn't unclean
Just find the golden tree and pluck the blossoms at any price
only then you will be able to reach the door of Paradise"

After these words the star dissapeared
I started to think about everything I had heard
but one thing I still didn't understand
cause what is the basis of this dreamland

I opened the shell again and became very calm
when I saw the pearls forming the word Islam
so that's the aim for which i have to strive
open my heart for Islam, The colour of life

:cool: :) ::جيد:: ;)

24-08-2006, 18:27
السلام عليكم

how are you my sister

i hope you are fine

what a wonderful subject you made

it is a very nice Magazine

but i want to ask you a question if you don't mind

did you write all of this on your own

because of you did that i will

أقتل حالي لأنه أنا عايش بكندا و ما أستطيع أن أكتب مثل الذي أنت كتبتيه هههههههههه

على العموم شكراً لك على هذه المجلة الحلوة

و سلمت يداك


سيد البوكيمونات
24-08-2006, 20:37
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

how are you doing all

i just passed by to tell u all i am thrilled of getting time to chat and talk in english
even when i was in Australia
i wrote in english

but no one understand

anyway it seems i talked a lot

catch you all later

:مرتبك: :مرتبك: :مرتبك: :مرتبك:

V@mPirE GiRL!
24-08-2006, 21:06
i reaaaly loved uur topic

your great in english ..

the magazine is sooo nice

the funny sms

and specially the conversation on hijab


28-08-2006, 03:27
nice story..
thanks alot yagoot

The X Detective
30-08-2006, 16:43
Good working

nice go yaqoot
Than you 4 it
see ya :)

مشعوذة الظلام
02-09-2006, 09:55




::جيد:: ::جيد:: ::جيد:: ::جيد::