PDA المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

عرض كامل الموضوع : true friend

* Maxy Girl *
20-06-2006, 18:10

True friends will always stay with you,
Through good times and through bad.
They'll take the time to listen,
When something's made you sad. When you're feeling lonely,
They'll let you know they care.
They may be very busy but,
They'll find the time to share. True friends are happy for you,
When good things come your way.
They'll celebrate your triumphs,
And encourage you each day .If you have a friend that's true,
Count your blessings for this gift.
For that will stay with you forever,
When the rest have gone adrift

The ones who understand us and share our joy and pain. True Friends will never let you do something know you will be sorry for it when you wake up the next morning
True Friends don't laugh at you when you get new glasses...
True Friends help you up when you're down...
True friend is like stares sometimes you can not see them but there are
Always there true friends stay to gather and never say goodbye

جميع الحقوق محفوظة ل: maxy girl

لا تنسوا الردود فأنا بانتظار على أحر من النار ::جيد::

غدير المملوحة
20-06-2006, 18:15
مشكورة على الموضوع
بس لو كان بالعربي احلى ههههههههههههههههههههه

funcky girl
20-06-2006, 18:44
thanx maxy girl. and the words is so nice and it is a fantastic idea is to write something in the forum in english .
thanx maxy

your sister
funcky girl

20-06-2006, 19:13
شكرا على الموضوع والكلمات الحلوة عن الصداقة ::جيد::

* Maxy Girl *
21-06-2006, 06:20
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
أهلا وسهلا تعو ديما وشكرا الكون على هالمرور الحلو والكلمات الأحلا

وتحياتي للجميع

21-06-2006, 10:06
مشكوووورة اختي على الكلمات الروعة واعجبني هذا المقطع
((((True friend is like stares sometimes you can not see them but there are
Always there true friends stay to gather and never say goodbye))))))

شكرا لك مرة اخرى

زعيم العناكب23
21-06-2006, 18:06
مشكورة على الموضوع

ياغالي بس انا معرف عربي وايد

Domo3 Elsa7ab
21-06-2006, 22:22
thx thx sooooooooooooo much your words r full of omoshens

and all what u have eritten its sooooooo trou so thx agin

iRaQi BoY
21-06-2006, 22:33
مشكوووووووووووووووور اختي على الكلمات الحلوهتحياتي iRaQi BoY

21-06-2006, 23:19
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

tanxs dude 4 the spetial topic

its so nice

but look there is something i have 2 tell u

you are the best person ihad ever seen

thanxs alo00000oooooooot


04-07-2006, 18:48

its sooooooooo cool i like pomes a lote and spachilly when its a bout friends...


سارقة القلوب
05-07-2006, 04:03
شكرا على الموضوع الحلو

بس الصورة مش ظاهرة