PDA المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

عرض كامل الموضوع : خربشات بالإنجليزية

19-08-2015, 19:37

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

مجرد خربشات أحببت أن أشاركها معكم

No one can live without difficulties
So face them to increase your efficiencies,

Killing your time is the worst crime

Dream, but try not to become a daydreamer
Make mistakes, but don't be a failure
Relax, but try to struggle like a warrior

A person without a goal
Like the body without a soul

RAINBOW of success
R: Read and read and read
A: Aim to exceed
I: Increase your speed
N: Neglect your greed
B: Be sure not to mislead
O: Obtain what you need
W: Water desire's seed

Unleash your power and go against the flow
Whatever happens, remember that the sky someday will snow
This theater is really big and only you are the only one who are responsible for your show

I have asked a star
?What should I do to become like you
??very beautiful, looks radiant and extremely far
The star has answered
!!You will become an unforgettable star if you realize who you are

الصوت الحالم
19-08-2015, 21:21

و عليكم السلام و رحمة الله و بركاته

I have asked a star
?What should I do to become like you
??very beautiful, looks radiant and extremely far
The star has answered
!!You will become an unforgettable star if you realize who you are

No matter how simple it may look
:) it really has a deep meaning, I like it

Killing your time is the worst crime
:I'd love to add
As you are still in your prime
take action and never mistime

No one can live without difficulties
So face them to increase your efficiencies

and try to create your own mythologies

No one can live without difficulties *

hmm I guess no need for "can" here
.for example we say no one can live without water
.because it's a necessity we need, but difficulties are not
.they are just a part of life that we all go through
.so I'd rather say "no one lives without difficulties" it's a fact
Hope that I explained correctly


Your words show how motivated you are
.May Allah make you always so
Reading such words is so inspiring
so thank you

19-08-2015, 22:40
من جديد hesokaakira أهلاً بك أخي

And with no doubt we all have missed you a lot !

hope you be alright thorough out all of that period (:

And so back to our point here >> You are beyond the word talented not only in English

but in putting the right words to bring the right feeling of course

I saw something different over here

it touched me a lot

no wounder it touched the others too

so your wordings are strong and truthful

it has done what it meant to do

thanx for your encouraging

hope our dreams become true as well

pika pika
21-08-2015, 09:16
words of wisdom .. full of hope
loved it :e417:

22-08-2015, 22:34
I liked very much your words .. seems very logical ..

Thank you ~

Јeaη Valjean
22-08-2015, 23:42
مشاركة متميزة منك ولا غريب ماشاء الله
محاولة الخروج بنص إنجليزي متميز انتهت بالنجاح وتكللت بالتثبيت :d
سعدت لمحافتك على إبداعك المعهود في خلق سطور لها ذات النغم والطرب
والمعاني التي رسمتها كانت لطيفة والأجمل أنها تحمل ومضات من الأمل

وفقك الله ~